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Thread: A Super Swirling Christmas

Replies: 21
Views: 336,849
Sugarplums 12-17-2009 06:44 Forum: General Discussion

It was all some crazy dream...
Thread: A Super Swirling Christmas

Replies: 21
Views: 336,849
A Super Swirling Christmas 12-15-2009 14:44 Forum: General Discussion

I've been playing the heck out of the new Swirling Eddies Christmas album ever since it arrived in the mail yesterday. I think my favorite is "Have Your Old Bad Self a Merry Little Christmas" though I admit to being partial to Berger's INSANE bass line on "Away in a Manger" - bring a whole new meaning to the song, like a manger stocked with deformed, flatulating critters from another solar system. THANKS, EDDIES!
Thread: Daniel Amos Box Set and Rarities for collectors only!

Replies: 27
Views: 61,795
08-11-2009 11:50 Forum: General Discussion

And I'll vouch that Joel is one of the other two blokes who went in with me to purchase the MBD demo tapes.
Thread: Fort Wayne Terry Show

Replies: 4
Views: 19,960
06-25-2009 10:53 Forum: General Discussion

PA is just one state away...
Thread: Fort Wayne Terry Show

Replies: 4
Views: 19,960
Fort Wayne Terry Show 06-25-2009 09:47 Forum: General Discussion

I'd post this on the usual thread but I see that it's veered off into discussions of tips on proper poodle grooming.

Despite my better judgement I will be hosting Terry and Steve and Andrew at my house on July 7 - 7pm, in Fort Wayne Indiana. There will be no cost to attend but I would appreciate an RSVP to uvulapie@yahoo.com to let me know if you're attending and how many. If there are too many I may have to say no but right now I'm well under the 30 people mark. Wives and children are welcome. Pets and lawyers are not.

Also - they have July the 6th open, the last I heard, so if anyone between Fort Wayne and Kentucky wants to host...

Thread: The 2009 NRC

Replies: 58
Views: 105,120
05-01-2009 11:06 Forum: General Discussion

Say there, Berger... why aren't you on Facebook? None of the Eddies are on there yet but 3/5 of DA is there. There may even be a Windex Fan Group for you to join.
Thread: The 2009 NRC

Replies: 58
Views: 105,120
Zoom Berger 05-01-2009 09:52 Forum: General Discussion

It just so happens that I'm listening to Zoom Daddy! Great album. Too bad you weren't a part of it, Berger. Seems that Chandler can play in a number of different time signatures but all I hear you play is 4/4. What gives?
Thread: The 2009 NRC

Replies: 58
Views: 105,120
05-01-2009 09:50 Forum: General Discussion

Sounds like a typical night for you, Berger.
Thread: The 2009 NRC

Replies: 58
Views: 105,120
04-17-2009 11:28 Forum: General Discussion

Sounds like someone missed their high colonic.

Remember kids: Real men don't quote "The Notebook"
Thread: Tim Chandler Grammy Story

Replies: 8
Views: 70,892
02-10-2009 13:56 Forum: General Discussion

For a Windex huffer you have a great memory! Fairbanks and Rum hit their peak with an appearance on the Dinah Shore show. I wish someone would put that clip on YouTube.
Thread: MBD Demos - Finally!

Replies: 26
Views: 59,388
Studio Gear 01-23-2009 07:22 Forum: General Discussion

Depending on what you're going for $300 isn't going to get you much. E-mail me at uvulapie at yahoo if you want and I can share my experience in getting a studio up and running for cheap, as long as you already have a PC. I might also have some gently used gear.

Thread: MBD Demos - Finally!

Replies: 26
Views: 59,388
Confirmation 01-22-2009 07:00 Forum: General Discussion

Yes, only these three tracks will be released.

It should also be noted that these tracks are for scholarly research only, not for musical enjoyment.

Joel - what's your asking price?
Thread: MBD Demos - Finally!

Replies: 26
Views: 59,388
DADL Section 01-21-2009 14:06 Forum: General Discussion

The DADL is a YahooGroup, different from the DAMB but with many of the same folks. It's easy to join, is free, and requires no mustard.

Thread: MBD Demos - Finally!

Replies: 26
Views: 59,388
Guster 01-19-2009 14:26 Forum: General Discussion

No rating means either it's a promo disc sent to me to review that I listened to once or twice and didn't care for enough to review it (meaning it would probably rate really low) or I haven't had a chance to listen to it but plan to. The Guster is in the second category - got it from eMusic along with lots of other "free" albums and I just haven't had the chance to fully digest it yet. I like it, though. It reminds me of the more acoustic Moxy Fruvous. Somewhere I have a Guster (I think) Hannukah album that is pretty funny.

I take it you like Guster?
Thread: Tim Chandler Grammy Story

Replies: 8
Views: 70,892
01-18-2009 21:39 Forum: General Discussion

Tim has that amazing gift in being able to tell a great story! And I'm not just saying this because I'm imbibing Fairbanks and rum.
Thread: MBD Demos - Finally!

Replies: 26
Views: 59,388
MBD Demos - Finally! 01-18-2009 21:33 Forum: General Discussion

Over five years ago two other blokes and I won the auction for Terry's demo tapes for MBD. I had received permission from them to share a couple of the tracks with the world at large.

Then I got married, changed jobs, bought a house and had a baby (well, my wife did). This weekend while I was in the process of ripping my giant CD collection (available here - http://bpluschords.tripod.com/cd2.htm) to MP3s, a task my wife called, and I quote, "Retarded", I decided that maybe it was time to catalog what was on these tapes and finally share them with the world.

Of the many demos the winner was Easy For You. This was because it was on the tapes twice and included parts there did not make it into the final song. These songs are available on the DADL Files section under the folder TST Demos. If the Townsends want to host a copy of them on this site please feel free.

Thanks to the other two auction winners for allowing me to share this songwriting gem with DA fans and thanks especially to Terry for his amazing songs.

Thread: Song tabs and chords?

Replies: 39
Views: 82,251
Baby 06-25-2008 10:14 Forum: General Discussion

The baby (Tessa Olive) arrived on Father's Day and it's been diapers and crying and lack of sleep ever since. No time for Lost Dogs songs and I've only managed to grab the guitar for about ten minutes earlier in the week. A few more weeks and she'll surely calm down a bit and a few weeks after that I'll start her on guitar lessons.
Thread: Song tabs and chords?

Replies: 39
Views: 82,251
06-04-2008 09:54 Forum: General Discussion

William is on the B+ site now... even way back them Terry was tossing in seventh chords, the little rascal!
Thread: Song tabs and chords?

Replies: 39
Views: 82,251
06-02-2008 15:12 Forum: General Discussion

I must say (Grimley) that transcribing has gotten easier and quicker with experience, though I still have no clue on figuring out riffs.

I start with a printout of the lyrics, a CD player and a cheesy cheap keyboard (though I'm fairly sure it would work the same with an expensive synthesizer). For the most part I follow the bass parts to get the root of the chord, although Tim makes this more difficult than necessary. If I'm having trouble figuring out the chord I'll try playing other notes while listening to the trouble maker and see what fits. Sometimes I can only pin down two notes and give it my best guess. I've also been known to list every other "normal" chord that will fit in the given key (e.g. C major includes C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, and Bdim), which is almost always the first chord of the song. These days it takes about 15-20 minutes to figure out the chords to one of Terry's songs and about that long to format it for the site.

And I'm fairly sure about the D#dim. I have a suggested chord fingering after the lyrics. If something else sounds better let me know.

No baby yet, though we're trying!
Thread: Song tabs and chords?

Replies: 39
Views: 82,251
Done 05-27-2008 09:15 Forum: General Discussion

"Kind Word" is up and ready! I went a bit crazy and also transcribed two Choir songs and three other Faultline songs, though I haven't typed them up yet... probably later today.

Thanks for all our your "Kind Words" regarding my site. If anyone wants a ZIP file with all the HTM pages let me know- you can then print them without the annoying Tripod headers. Just drop me a note at uvulapie at yahoo . com
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