Phoenix DA Show |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
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neat shot - that's a keeper
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Psalm 119:83
08-14-2011 15:23 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-02-2008
Posts: 2,162
Location: Arizona
I'll have a bunch of photos to share in a couple of days after I've had a chance to go through them. I took something like 400 pictures of the show.....
Audiori, would you have any use for pictures of the band if they are of good quality?
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08-14-2011 23:05 |
Audiori J

Registration Date: 11-27-2004
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Location: "Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I AM stuck in the middle with you." - Stealers Wheel
We possibly could use them in the video if we get enough videos from people to put together the tour DVD. Or in the artwork?
__________________ “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
08-14-2011 23:10 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-02-2008
Posts: 2,162
Location: Arizona
Seems like there were 10 different video cameras at the Phoenix show (that's why I chose to take photographs instead).
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08-15-2011 00:11 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-02-2008
Posts: 2,162
Location: Arizona
I certainly can't wait for the DVD.
Novalux rocked, too. About halfway through their show I saw what I thought was a fog machine. On second look it was a speaker smokin'. Glad the fire alarm didn't go off....
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08-15-2011 00:47 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-02-2008
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Location: Arizona
The first of many photographs from the concert:
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08-16-2011 01:29 |
Unsullied Affiche
Registration Date: 02-21-2007
Posts: 27
How did the videotaping of the weekend shows go? I thought one was going to be filmed and recorded?
08-16-2011 10:41 |

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
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A few technical glitches we hear, but generally everything went ok. We're still waiting for all of the footage to be sorted and checked out.
__________________ "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi
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08-16-2011 12:18 |
Audiori J

Registration Date: 11-27-2004
Posts: 7,730
Location: "Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I AM stuck in the middle with you." - Stealers Wheel
We're really hoping if we get every bit of footage from all the shows we can that something can be edited together that will be enjoyable to watch. We're kind of thinking along the lines of just using one of the multitrack audio sets from one of the shows we have and then overlaying video over that cutting back and forth between various locations with something in the corner to let you know what location is what. Try and get as many tour locations represented as possible. Probably use the best video available as a 'skeleton' to hang the other clips on.
This might be a good project for the band to sell in order to help raise money for a new DA album. They can always do kickstarter too, but every little bit can help.
Plus.. everyone that filmed or recorded would be credited in this DVD.
__________________ “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
08-16-2011 15:22 |

Registration Date: 01-08-2003
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Location: the biggest fans are often the biggest critics ... sometimes taken as complaining ... get used to it. :P - mountain fan
i just want to see carl credited as big dork in the credits...
just to show that everything is cool between all now...
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08-18-2011 18:40 |
Disjasked Lerna

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
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Thread Starter
08-18-2011 19:09 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-02-2008
Posts: 2,162
Location: Arizona
I have 51 photographs (hopefully I can share them with everyone tomorrow), how should I send them? And where?
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08-18-2011 19:23 |

Registration Date: 01-08-2003
Posts: 7,231
Location: the biggest fans are often the biggest critics ... sometimes taken as complaining ... get used to it. :P - mountain fan
quote: |
Originally posted by BigDork
quote: |
Originally posted by joey
just to show that everything is cool between all now...
I wouldn't go that far... we pretty much ignored each other.
but that's not what this tour was about so leave it alone joey.
I mean it.
change my title at the other place and you got a deal!
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08-18-2011 22:11 |