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Matt K
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06-09-2011 19:04 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-26-2007
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quote: |
Originally posted by sondance
On a romp through San Jose in the late 70s...The rest is history. |
06-12-2011 12:25 |
Dignified Lazar

Registration Date: 09-06-2003
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I heard Terry's next big project is doing an All Day Singing On the Gounds XXVII with the Gaithers.
And after that he's doing a tribute album to Evie with the Swirling Eddies. (Wait...I would actually buy that!)

upload photos to paste code
06-17-2011 02:04 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 07-02-2008
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rUmORs have it that Tim Chandler has quit Daniel Amos and he will eventually be replaced by Berger, who is currently in a Windex rehab facility outside Lancaster, California....
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06-17-2011 15:37 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
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Location: sittin' on the dock of the bay
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bombillas in the rye, dos |
[bumped to emphasize important edits, some idiot forgot to put Steve in the story]
On a romp through San Jose in the late 70s, the armpit of the world, the boys borrowed bikes and went up and down the one way numbered streets east of the university, until they came to the parking garage. Eventually making their way to the top level, they marked its unremarkable view of tree tops, TV antennae and an occasional roof top pot plant when Ed yelled "Race!" Suddenly they zoomed down the spiral exit ramp where Jerry was heard to exclaim, ”Whoa Nellie!!” and Terry kept repeating over and over, “It’s got a shimmy, it’s got a shimmy, it’s got a shimmy shimmy bang bang!” just before his ancient 10 speed disintegrated and threw him into the back of vegetable truck full of garlic up from Gilroy. All the guys except Steve jumped into the garlic to pull him out and suddenly the truck took off down South 10th St. weaving across all 3 lanes which as was said before all went the same way… in this case south. As it shimmied around the corner onto East William Street scattering its cargo of aromatic bombillas de ajo into the open door of a taqueria, a stoner held up his Daniel Amos LP and yelled, “I’m praying for you boys! Thanks for the bombillas de ajo. Where did you get all that hair?!” Meanwhile Steve peddeled over to South 11th St., where all the lanes went north, singing "ridin' along on a dyin' prairie..." By then Marty had climbed onto the roof of the ’47 Jimmy truck cab and was trying to get the driver to slow down. So he did, all at once. While cart-wheeling past a local sandwich shop on William St., Marty exclaimed, “I’ll have a pastrami on rye TO GO!” Yelling the last two words at the top of lungs as he disappeared down the corner culvert, a family of raccoons emerging and running for their lives, while the crowd at the shop all started shouting TO GO!, TO GO! And indeed this was the birthplace, the very first store of that now well known chain of the same name, TOGO’s. Shaking their hairy heads in amazement the other bandmates all ordered pastrami on onion rolls but were taken aback when they discovered the long-haired guys behind the counter had longer hair and looked like rejects from the local Hell Angels chapter, but what concerned them most was their hair was longer than their own... long hair. Then the Daniel Amos LP waving stoner came in and said, “Wow, man, they have longer hair than you guys. Can I get your autograph?”
Steve disappeared into an East SJ barrio and was never heard from again. Ed went out and pulled Marty from the culvert. The boys all sat down on the curb to eat. The truck sped off with the stoner in the back, throwing garlic to the college students hanging out on the apartment balconies yelling, “Bombillas de ajo! Vamanos a Corona Del Mar!” Marty said, “Hey I ordered pastrami on rye.” Terry thought he said “posse in the sky” and started scribbling on his sandwich wrapper. The rest is history.
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by sondance: 05-12-2012 12:53.
06-18-2011 09:44 |
Disjasked Lerna

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06-19-2011 14:32 |
Ubique Epoque
Registration Date: 09-19-2002
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Location: "Come, let us to our holy task again."
I'm assuming that he is still in Los Osos. But we drove through there today and did not see him.
06-19-2011 18:42 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
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san lorenzo - currently awaiting news of his acceptance into the RCMP, steve likes horses.
from wikipedia:
Government - San Lorenzo is an unincorporated community and thus is governed directly by the County of Alameda.
History - San Lorenzo is located on the Rancho San Lorenzo Mexican land grant given to Guillermo Castro in 1841. San Lorenzo was mostly farmland, a significant center of production of fruit and flowers, from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century.
Early residents during the San Francisco gold rush era lived here as squatters, and the informal name given to the area was Squattersville.
Many of the early inhabitants have been laid to rest in Pioneer Cemetery, including Moses Wicks, who brought oysters to San Leandro Bay (by boat around the cape) from Patchogue, Long Island.
Famous Residents - Steve Baxter, former vagabond, sheetrock and furnitureman, and founding member of Daniel Amos, RCMP applicant, likes to wear a red cape & sombrero while watching Shirley Temple in "Suzannah of the Mounties"
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
This post has been edited 5 time(s), it was last edited by sondance: 01-14-2012 14:07.
07-02-2011 14:18 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
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Location: sittin' on the dock of the bay
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in a string of unrelated events it became obvious the events were unrelated… that is when the boys took to wearing their headphones with the volume at zero, that is zero Kelvin not Celsius… which is why to this day they can be seen at concerts holding lighters up to their ears and setting their hair on fire… and you knew it wasn’t just an act… thus far the Inspiration of Pyro
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
07-06-2011 00:05 |
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 08-18-2003
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The real reason Chandler couldn't tour this summer, the super-secret reason nobody is talking about is because --
Hey, who let you in here? Unhand me, you blaggard! You ruffian! You bolshevik! Don't lock me out of my house! Don't --
07-23-2011 11:49 |
Ubique Epoque
Registration Date: 09-19-2002
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Location: "Come, let us to our holy task again."
07-23-2011 16:21 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
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it's happening before our very eyes... how long until the entire DAMB is overcome by consonanGCKXxxxxxxx!ts?
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
07-24-2011 11:55 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
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Rumor has it Uncle Terry, and an assorted gang of misfits from his grade school days currently residing deep in a Louisiana bayou selling ‘gator rides to US congress people on all-expenses paid trips to visit each others’ constituents, are working on a screen play with Devil’s Elbow as the working title. The basic plot follows a young man who drives a taxi in a small Missouri town and looks a lot like Spot with an eyepatch worn in the middle of his forehead. He says his third eye was lost in bar fight in third grade. The town is on the Big Piney River where there is a real bend called Devil’s Elbow. There has been a murder of a fisherman whose body was found, in the elbow’s permanent log jam, by an old timer named Never Did Like Me Ned. One night Spot picks up a strangely familiar fare from farther parts who wants to go to Dotty’s Diner cuz “he loves her Roquefort side-salad”. On the way this strangely familiar fare from farther parts pulls out of his coat a pair of red suspenders he says he got off a guy “up at the elbow” with long stringy hair and a pair of drumsticks in his back pocket. When they get to the diner, Dotty comes out to see her cousin Spot (yes, they were called Dotty and Spotty when they were kids which had something to do with the bar fight) and tells him there was a murder “up at the elbow”. Suddenly the strangely familiar fare from farther parts gives her a furtive under the low-brow sidelong glance as he approaches the diner’s door, the bright light from within glinting off the silver suspender buckles studded with genuine metal-flake fake flowers.
That’s what they have so far. It’s a murder mystery of course and Spot becomes the unwitting sleuth. There is an ending appropriate for a millennium of sequels. The song Devil’s Elbow is the theme song and Terry is playing most of the Imaginarium music backwards for the score.
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by sondance: 06-14-2012 21:22.
03-01-2012 23:02 |
Official Impasto

Registration Date: 10-21-2002
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quote: |
Originally posted by joey
terry has joined fleetwood mac...awesome!

03-29-2012 19:28 |
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 05-04-2006
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Location: sittin' on the dock of the bay
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The screech of tires on tarmac signaled the arrival of yet another conflagrational congregation of prospective prophets bent on leaving a legacy in polycarbonate near-infrared laser bumps. But on the way to the hotel their bus was hijacked by a bright winged messenger in a shiny white polyester lounge suit sporting a ten foot pompadour and pair of NASA approved genuine Apollo era Pilot Sunglasses from American Optical glazed in gold. He picked up the bus and took it out of Nashville to an abandoned chicken shack about fifty miles up the Cumberland out behind Dolly’s diner.
Seeing the boys were a might puzzled, he directed them to an adjacent furrowed fallow field full of fallen filberts. This presented a bit of excitement as they gathered up armfuls of filberts and exclaimed, “they didn’t have nuttin’like this on that there aeroplanie thingie, thanks mister… hey, who are you anyway?”
To which he replied, “Never you mind, dig here.”
To which they inquired, “Say what?”
To which he replied, “Dig here!”
To which they inquired, “Why, whatever for?”
“Never you mind, dig here,” said the angel.
So they asked the bus driver if he had a shovel handy and he pulled out his genuine Apollo era anodized Moon-trowel and they got to work. After about eight feet (2.4384 m) down they hit something hard and the angel said, “Hold on a minute.”
So they each grabbed a minute and waited as he reached down and pulled up a large wooden door right out of the earth there eight feet (2.4384 m) below the furrowed fallow field full of fallen filberts. Suddenly a bright light shown forth and they descended a set of pearly stairs into the biggest brightest pearliest recording studio anybody had ever seen. Uncle Terry went first and kept muttering under his breath, “mercy, mercy, mercy…”
__________________ Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your statutes.
Psalm 119:83
02-06-2013 21:10 |
Ubique Epoque
Registration Date: 09-19-2002
Posts: 15,689
Location: "Come, let us to our holy task again."
02-08-2013 00:06 |