
Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-08-2004
Posts: 11,824
Location: "I still love Jesus, I'm just afraid of His followers." DwDunphy
yeah, I still tend to watch Letterman at the beginning and switch back and forth. I've just been getting lackadaisical of the fluff they've been putting on Letterman

Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
09-05-2006 23:29 |
Mountain Fan
Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 10-09-2003
Posts: 14,224
Location: NC, Alive and Kicking, BOBD
none of them guys are good enough to keep me awake very long

Got a few miles left ...
Make sure you have heard a Kind Word!
09-12-2006 13:53 |
Mountain Fan
Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 10-09-2003
Posts: 14,224
Location: NC, Alive and Kicking, BOBD
there's a church I drive by most days with a sign out front that says something like that church is the place where YOU are important.
I find that sorta disgusting, the idea that a church should "market" themselves to you with statements like that. Oops bet this might get moved.

Got a few miles left ...
Make sure you have heard a Kind Word!
09-12-2006 13:55 |

Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-08-2004
Posts: 11,824
Location: "I still love Jesus, I'm just afraid of His followers." DwDunphy
09-12-2006 13:56 |
Ron E

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 5,612
Location: Central Ontario Canada
quote: |
Originally posted by Mountain Fan
there's a church I drive by most days with a sign out front that says something like that church is the place where YOU are important.
I find that sorta disgusting, the idea that a church should "market" themselves to you with statements like that. Oops bet this might get moved.
duh, duh, duh, dut-duh, I'm lovin' it.
__________________ The opinion expressed is that of the participant and does not necessarily reflect that of Mr Dan Amos. But if it doesn't, he would be wrong.
09-12-2006 21:08 |
Shemp unregistered
Name: William (Bill) Reid Peterson
Birthday: 04/03/1961
Birthplace: Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Current Location: Oxford, MI
Current Occupation: Web Developer
Dream Occupation: Philanthropist
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Graying dishwater blonde
Height: 6’
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right, bat left
Your Heritage: mutt… mostly Swedish, some English, Irish and some Cherokee
Your Biggest Weakness: TV and “Two-Fruity popsicles” sold locally at Kroger grocery.
Your Fears: Something falling on me… like an overpass
The Perfect Pizza: Pepperoni & extra cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To talk to my boys without distractions
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: Doh!
Morning person or Night Owl: Yes, both ends
Your Best Physical Feature: My weenis (from TV Friends) - Elbow skin
Your Most Missed Memory: Jumping on bed with my brother while listening to “Supercalfrajalisticexpealidocious” in the record player (age 5).
Pepsi or Coke: Coke (there is no such thing as the p-word in my house)
Favorite Fast Food: Arby’s, beef & cheddar
Can You Cook: Yes – Mexican is my favorite
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee, black
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: Duh.. what do you think…
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: 3-4
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): SciFi/Fantasy
Letterman or Leno: Leno (Headlines on Monday nights)
Do you Smoke: No, only when on fire
Do you Sing: If you call fingernails on a chalkboard and cats making whoopee singing, then yes.
Do you Dance: May I cut in?
Most unusual talent: Ventriloquist whistling
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: Taking on more than I should
Do you get Motion Sickness: Never
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do/did you get along with your Parents: Yes, love them both
Do you like Thunderstorms: Absolutely, any weather abnormality is always cool...
Do you play an Instrument: The computer.
Have you ever Stolen Anything: Who hasn’t
Have You Ever been Beaten up: Yes, last time was in 9th grade during a backyard football game.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Content
What country would you most like to Visit: England, Antarctica
Number of CDs I own: 100’s
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of Message Board Alliases: 0, Shemp is who Shemp is
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: Daniel Amos, Beatles
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: The Beatles, White Album when younger, DA’s Alarma when young adult.
This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Shemp: 09-19-2006 11:56.
09-19-2006 11:37 |
Sublime Brain Puppet
Registration Date: 11-03-2004
Posts: 86
Location: Mission, B.C. Canada
RE: It's All About YOU.... |
Name: Myron Berg
Birthday: 6/15/62
Birthplace: Vancouver, B.C.
Current Location: Mission, B.C.
Current Occupation: Accountant (Controller)
Dream Occupation: Strength & conditioning coach for the Canucks
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Sandy
Height: 5'10
Right Handed or Left Handed: Write left, throw right
Your Heritage: Norwegian
Your Biggest Weakness: chocolate
Your Fears: going bald
The Perfect Pizza: has lots of cheese, sauce and onions plus chicken and feta
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Record some of my songs
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: ya know
Morning person or Night Owl: both
Your Best Physical Feature: firm legs??
Your Most Missed Memory: Having no responsibilities
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Favorite Fast Food: Hamburgers
Can You Cook: Omelets, stir frys and spagehti
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: don't touch the stuff
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: A & C I guess
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: .75
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): Anything iwth a sports theme (i.e. Field of Dreams, Hoosiers etc.)
Letterman or Leno: Letterman
Do you Smoke: not a chance
Do you Sing: Yup
Do you Dance: My wife would say no
Most unusual talent: I can burp pretty loud
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: Running up long steep hills
Do you get Motion Sickness: No
Are you a Health Freak: Somewhat
Do/did you get along with your Parents: For sure
Do you like Thunderstorms: They's OK
Do you play an Instrument: Guitar and bass, but I'm a hack
Have you ever Stolen Anything: Unfortunately, most recently some of my kids halloween swiss vanilla booboo
Have You Ever been Beaten up: Not really
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Rock star
What country would you most like to Visit: Norway
Number of CDs I own: 200?
Number of Piercings: zero
Number of Tattoos: my lil' El negativo
Number of Message Board Alliases: 1
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: Ressurection Band
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: Larry Norman-In Another Land
11-16-2006 15:37 |
The Trouble With X
Esculent Eskimo
Registration Date: 02-23-2007
Posts: 42
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Name: Robert Gibbs
Birthday: 7/23/84
Birthplace: Newport, RI
Current Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Current Occupation: Substitute Teacher and Army Reserve
Dream Occupation: High School History Teacher
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right! I'm no son of the Devil!
Your Heritage: I'm a very diverse European mutt.
Your Biggest Weakness: Food
Your Fears: Old, cold, and all alone
The Perfect Pizza: lotsa meatsa
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get into grad school
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: okay?
Morning person or Night Owl: both
Your Best Physical Feature: smile
Your Most Missed Memory: senior year with all my nerd friends
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Favorite Fast Food: Arby's wrap?
Can You Cook: Yes
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: Marx
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: 1-2?
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): action
Letterman or Leno: Letterman
Do you Smoke: No
Do you Sing: Often, but not well
Do you Dance: If you can call it dancing...
Most unusual talent: Kind of hard to describe, but it involves elbows...
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: I don' main flaw...
Do you get Motion Sickness: No
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do/did you get along with your Parents: Pretty much
Do you like Thunderstorms: Sometimes
Do you play an Instrument: guitar, bass
Have you ever Stolen Anything: No
Have You Ever been Beaten up: Not really
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: They keep telling me I am grown up....
What country would you most like to Visit: Deutschland
Number of CDs I own: 120+
Number of Piercings: None
Number of Tattoos: None
Number of Message Board Alliases: 3?
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: Five Iron Frenzy (if you can count them as rock)
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: dc Talk --> Nu Thang, Free at Last, and Jesus Freak
02-28-2007 16:10 |
Luteous Llama

Registration Date: 11-29-2006
Posts: 282
Location: fading into bolivian
Name: Josh Galiley
Birthday: 12/17/88
Birthplace: Glendale, Ca
Current Location: Lewisburg, Pa
Current Occupation: College Student
Dream Occupation: Critic
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'9ish
Right Handed or Left Handed: Lefty
Your Heritage: mostly Jewish
Your Biggest Weakness: Procrastination
Your Fears: Mostly irrational
The Perfect Pizza: Is nowhere close to Pennsylvania
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: ?
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: I
Morning person or Night Owl: Night Owl
Your Best Physical Feature: Everything
Your Most Missed Memory: I haven't started losing my memory yet
Pepsi or Coke: Doesn't Matter
Favorite Fast Food: Chinese take out
Can You Cook: no
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla for ice cream, Chocolate for other foods
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: Marx Brothers
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: about one on average, although it varies wildly.
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): One set in a different reality
Letterman or Leno: don't watch either of them
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Sing: not well
Do you Dance: nope
Most unusual talent: My capacity to blither coherent nonsense
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: finding something new (to me) and interesting to read
Do you get Motion Sickness: No
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do/did you get along with your Parents: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes
Do you play an Instrument: I played the trumpet in high school
Have you ever Stolen Anything: I can't precisely recollect
Have You Ever been Beaten up: Not really
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Don't know. Maybe my dream job?
What country would you most like to Visit: Israel, with NZ a close second.
Number of CDs I own: Many
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of Message Board Alliases: 3
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: Daniel Amos (DFBB is their best recording)
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: How do you wear out a CD?
__________________ "I have seen the future and it's like the present, only longer" - Dan Quisenberry
02-28-2007 16:20 |
Mind Peach
Registration Date: 09-09-2003
Posts: 193
Location: Applying for a job at the Lavoris factory
Name: Jason (Jasooooon)
Birthday: March 1971
Birthplace: Scotsdale, AZ
Current Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Current Occupation: Database dabbler / freelance music review snob
Dream Occupation: A pirate but instead of a boat I'd like a hovercraft. And instead of stealing things from people I'd deliver swiss vanilla booboo and puppies and mouthwash.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: SALT and descreasing pepper
Height: 6'
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Oompa Loompa
Your Biggest Weakness: music gear catalogs
Your Fears: That I'm incompetent, annoying, or dull
The Perfect Pizza: Deep crust piled high with fillings... I'm not picky
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Finish my first novel
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: gravy
Morning person or Night Owl: Night until college, now I'm neither
Your Best Physical Feature: My brillo-like hair
Your Most Missed Memory: I forgot
Pepsi or Coke: Mtn. Dew or Dr. Pepper from the original Texas bottler
Favorite Fast Food: Long John Silvers
Can You Cook: Yep
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla but only with an ever-changing assortment of toppings
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: Marx Boys
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: .25
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): A docu-action-dramedy. Or horror. Pretty much anything that doesn't suck, which excludes 99% of the movies made per year.
Letterman or Leno: Letterman in his first five years. Or Conan in his first six.
Do you Smoke: No, I grill.
Do you Sing: Only because lead singers are a pain to deal with.
Do you Dance: Square only. The Mrs. and I would love to ballroom dance but never try it.
Most unusual talent: The ability to annoy people so much that my only friend is my wife.
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: Setting deadlines and trying new things like not being a lump on a log when around people
Do you get Motion Sickness: Nope
Are you a Health Freak: Nope, but I play one on TV
Do/did you get along with your Parents: I don't NOT get along but I'm not around them often
Do you like Thunderstorms: Sure
Do you play an Instrument: Bass, accordion, guitar, keyboards, baritone ukulele, studio
Have you ever Stolen Anything: some swiss vanilla booboo and a toy when I was a kid, my employers time when I was an adult
Have You Ever been Beaten up: only by a sibling
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a cannibal
What country would you most like to Visit: England
Number of CDs I own: only 1200 or so
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of Message Board Alliases: 0
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: Aside from The Beatles... Adam Again, King's X, Alice Cooper Band, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum... oh yeah, and DA and The Choir
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: Anything by The Beatles or Inna Gadda Da Vida (Pre-12) or Alice Cooper (12 to 18 )
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by uvulapie: 04-27-2007 12:02.
04-27-2007 10:57 |
Lur King
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 04-10-2003
Posts: 1,512
Location: on a throne of course
quote: |
Originally posted by Josh&etc
Name: Josh Galiley
Birthday: 12/17/88
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: How do you wear out a CD?
To us HeRe on the DAmb over 40
...that may go down in History as the sweetest BuRN the DAmb has ever SeeN
__________________ I'm back in the sea... Dodo/Lurker ~ My MySpace

04-27-2007 13:18 |
Woolly Eggwhisk

Registration Date: 02-23-2007
Posts: 631
Location: Southern California
Name: David Neal
Birthday: The eighteenth day of the twelfth month of the year that Elvis went into the army.
Birthplace: Texas.
Current Location: San Diego, Ca
Current Occupation: Government drone.
Dream Occupation: To have no occupation.
Eye Color: Brown.
Hair Color: Brown.
Height: 6'
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right. I could be wrong.
Your Heritage: Too mixed to 'splain right now.
Your Biggest Weakness: So many... Um, dark chocolate.
Your Fears: Not being able to hear.
The Perfect Pizza: No sausage. Lots of veggies. Especially artichokes and sun dried tomatoes.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get my iTunes library in order.
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: Yes.
Morning person or Night Owl: Morning.
Your Best Physical Feature: What? You looking for a date or something???
Your Most Missed Memory: Can't remember.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke. But I usually drink Canada Dry ginger ale, which is not often.
Favorite Fast Food: Quizno's
Can You Cook: Since I was a young lad.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Only Dark Chocolate.
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino.
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: A & C
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: 1 or 2
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): Sci-fi
Letterman or Leno: Letterman.
Do you Smoke: Never.
Do you Sing: If no one is listening.
Do you Dance: Nope.
Most unusual talent: My ability to spend hours in PeakPro.
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: Actually going to work each day.
Do you get Motion Sickness: Ugh. Er, yes.
Are you a Health Freak: Wanna be.
Do/did you get along with your Parents: Yes.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love 'em. One of the only things I miss about Texas.
Do you play an Instrument: I can drum my fingers.
Have you ever Stolen Anything: Who hasn't?
Have You Ever been Beaten up: Nope.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I'm never growing up.
What country would you most like to Visit: New Zealand.
Number of CDs I own: Not sure. More than 600. Could be more.
Number of Piercings: Zero.
Number of Tattoos: Zero.
Number of Message Board Alliases: None.
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: The Beatles.
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: In Another Land.
__________________ da
04-27-2007 15:36 |
Mind Peach

Registration Date: 04-23-2003
Posts: 139
Location: Motown
darn, i have to think now |
Name: Jeff Parker
Birthday: 1/20/72
Birthplace: The wilds of Michigan
Current Location: Detroit
Current Occupation: Finance
Dream Occupation: paid to sleep
Eye Color: Hazel/Green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Euro-mutt
Your Biggest Weakness: CDs
Your Fears: Heights... with Widths a close 2nd
The Perfect Pizza: a free one (Chicago style with pepperoni and pineapple)
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Get out of debt. (yeah, right)
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: wait... what?
Morning person or Night Owl: depends on if it's a workday
Your Best Physical Feature: This is a family message-board
Your Most Missed Memory: That thing I forgot the other day
Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
Favorite Fast Food: White Castle
Can You Cook: Only if I stick real close to the book, and even then it's shaky at best
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee. Black.
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: Marx Brothers by FAR
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: 1
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): All kinds
Letterman or Leno: Letterman
Do you Smoke: The occasional Clove, but that was years ago
Do you Sing: Not really, no.
Do you Dance: I do, quite well.
Most unusual talent: The patience to do these things
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: Waking up late and still getting to work on time
Do you get Motion Sickness: Only if I read in the car.
Are you a Health Freak: Periodically
Do/did you get along with your Parents: Periodically
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yep.
Do you play an Instrument: Trombone and piano
Have you ever Stolen Anything: Yep.
Have You Ever been Beaten up: Nope.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: older
What country would you most like to Visit: Russia (again)
Number of CDs I own: approximately 2100
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of Message Board Alliases: 0
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: the Rolling Stones
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: Four way tie... 'Til Tuesday - Voices Carry, Cyndi Lauper - She's So Unusual, Culture Club - Colour By Numbers, and Thompson Twins - Into the Gap (I WASN'T A CHRISTIAN YET, I WAS A NEW WAVE 80'S KID)
This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by jparker: 07-01-2007 22:37.
07-01-2007 22:32 |

Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-08-2004
Posts: 11,824
Location: "I still love Jesus, I'm just afraid of His followers." DwDunphy
RE: darn, i have to think now |
quote: |
Originally posted by jparker
Name: Jeff Parker
Birthday: 1/20/72
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: Four way tie... 'Til Tuesday - Voices Carry, Cyndi Lauper - She's So Unusual, Culture Club - Colour By Numbers, and Thompson Twins - Into the Gap (I WASN'T A CHRISTIAN YET, I WAS A NEW WAVE 80'S KID) |
hehe, i read this quote with your list of albums and thought, he must be about my age..........then i glanced up at your birthday and realized you are.

Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
07-10-2007 02:02 |
Lur King
Ceremonial Kernel

Registration Date: 04-10-2003
Posts: 1,512
Location: on a throne of course
RE: darn, i have to think now |
quote: |
Originally posted by bereal
quote: |
Originally posted by jparker
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: Four way tie...
'Til Tuesday - Voices Carry, Cyndi Lauper - She's So Unusual, Culture Club - Colour By Numbers, and Thompson Twins - Into the Gap |
hehe, i read this quote with your list of albums and thought, he must be about my age..........
then i glanced up at your birthday and realized you are.
I read the quote too, but thats not what I thought
__________________ I'm back in the sea... Dodo/Lurker ~ My MySpace

07-10-2007 07:43 |
Tallowy Tamale
Registration Date: 11-16-2002
Posts: 9,494
kids these days................
__________________ jiMinY

theres nothing to EVER put here that will please everyone-let alone anyone.
07-10-2007 10:00 |
Mountain Fan
Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 10-09-2003
Posts: 14,224
Location: NC, Alive and Kicking, BOBD
RE: darn, i have to think now |
quote: |
Originally posted by bereal
quote: |
Originally posted by jparker
Name: Jeff Parker
Birthday: 1/20/72
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: Four way tie... 'Til Tuesday - Voices Carry, Cyndi Lauper - She's So Unusual, Culture Club - Colour By Numbers, and Thompson Twins - Into the Gap (I WASN'T A CHRISTIAN YET, I WAS A NEW WAVE 80'S KID) |
hehe, i read this quote with your list of albums and thought, he must be about my age..........then i glanced up at your birthday and realized you are.
I wasn't saved either and am a little younger born in '72), but I was more into hard rock than new wave. Of those I really liked 'Til Tuesday and still like Aimee Mann today, even though she doesn't really have much hope in her lyrics. I liked the hits of the others OK.
One of the first things I remember listening to on the radio and liking (after I got my own radio) was Blondie's The Tide Is High.
My first cassette I bought was Def Leppard's Pyromania (had a number of 45 singles before then, though).

Got a few miles left ...
Make sure you have heard a Kind Word!
07-10-2007 11:59 |

Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-08-2004
Posts: 11,824
Location: "I still love Jesus, I'm just afraid of His followers." DwDunphy
RE: darn, i have to think now |
quote: |
Originally posted by Mountain Fan
quote: |
Originally posted by bereal
quote: |
Originally posted by jparker
Name: Jeff Parker
Birthday: 1/20/72
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: Four way tie... 'Til Tuesday - Voices Carry, Cyndi Lauper - She's So Unusual, Culture Club - Colour By Numbers, and Thompson Twins - Into the Gap (I WASN'T A CHRISTIAN YET, I WAS A NEW WAVE 80'S KID) |
hehe, i read this quote with your list of albums and thought, he must be about my age..........then i glanced up at your birthday and realized you are.
I wasn't saved either and am a little younger born in '72), but I was more into hard rock than new wave. Of those I really liked 'Til Tuesday and still like Aimee Mann today, even though she doesn't really have much hope in her lyrics. I liked the hits of the others OK.
One of the first things I remember listening to on the radio and liking (after I got my own radio) was Blondie's The Tide Is High.
My first cassette I bought was Def Leppard's Pyromania (had a number of 45 singles before then, though). |
i never said i was into any of that music, just that i remember that in my youth......there were a lot of people in my class who did listen to those albums.

Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
07-12-2007 01:12 |
Mind Peach

Registration Date: 04-23-2003
Posts: 139
Location: Motown
That's not what you thought? lol. No one likes a smart a$$.
Funny thing is my taste in music got much more extreme after becoming a Christian. I was listening to the Lead, the Crucified, Vengeance and all the hard punk/thrash stuff after getting saved, whereas I've never listened to anything secular along those lines. Probably just as well.
My "secular" tastes always ran toward electro-pop, new-wave and such. Basically anyone with an unusual hairstyle and eccentric outfits and I was there. Had to be a good singer though... as I think all four of those were/are. Still a soft spot for Annie Lennox and Grace Jones too, though I saw Grace play at a nightclub here in Detroit a few years ago, and she was absolutely insane.
Around the 90's my tastes evolved from metal and new wave to techno and blues. It was all Moby, the Prodigy, BB King and Albert Collins by then. Odd how my favorites always seem to be wildly contrasting.
Ah, well...
07-16-2007 21:24 |