
Registration Date: 07-09-2003
Posts: 11,774
Location: The DAmb Home for Wayward Sons and Fragile Daughters
RE: It's All About YOU.... |
Name: Dave Woodard
Birthday: 5/27/69
Birthplace: Cincinnati
Current Location: Bucyrus
Current Occupation: IT
Dream Occupation: IT
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: European
Your Biggest Weakness: lack of willpower
Your Fears: That God is telling me something and I'm not listening.
The Perfect Pizza: BBQ sauce, venison, mozarella, provolone, thick crust
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To come up with a goal
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: Huh?
Morning person or Night Owl: Both!
Your Best Physical Feature: My wife.
Your Most Missed Memory: If I remembered, it wouldn't be missing.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
Favorite Fast Food: Free.
Can You Cook: Yep!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both
Cappuccino or Coffee: Both! And the more the merrier!
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: Tie for first between the Marx Bros. and A&C. Stooges are a distant third.
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: 1
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): All kinds
Letterman or Leno: Letterman
Do you Smoke: One cigar in my life. I spent the entire time waiting to enjoy it.
Do you Sing: Yes. Do I Sing Well? No.
Do you Dance: I call it dancing. The paramedics called it a seizure.
Most unusual talent: None of my talents are unusual to me.
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: Listening to new music.
Do you get Motion Sickness: Not yet.
Are you a Health Freak: Heck no!
Do/did you get along with your Parents: Nope.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yep.
Do you play an Instrument: Used to play trombone in a past life.
Have you ever Stolen Anything: Yep.
Have You Ever been Beaten up: Nope.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: CIO
What country would you most like to Visit: Italy
Number of CDs I own: I'm too lazy to count.
Number of Piercings: 0
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of Message Board Alliases: Two
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: Oh no. You're not trapping me in one of those dang lists again!
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: The Game - Queen, Glass Houses - Billy Joel, and Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits, Vol. 1. I stacked the three on the turntable every afternoon after school.
__________________ "At times this board is a place of thought provoking discussions, but most often it resembles a not quite done Mexican taco." - Jevon the Tall
09-01-2006 21:29 |

Registration Date: 01-08-2003
Posts: 7,231
Location: the biggest fans are often the biggest critics ... sometimes taken as complaining ... get used to it. :P - mountain fan
quote: |
Originally posted by PuP
quote: |
Originally posted by audiori
Number of Message Board Alliases: Zero. |
Don't you have to have at least one? |
i guess audiori is his real name?
i, of course only post using my real name.....
__________________ facebook
09-01-2006 22:02 |
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 12-11-2003
Posts: 1,290
Location: Austin, TX
quote: |
Originally posted by Squidzit
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: [COLOR=coral] Abbey Road. I found secular music at the same time I found The Beatles, 1986. When I first got this album I listened to nothing else for about 8 months. It was 1986, I was 17 years old and I'd never heard anything like this. The very first Beatles song I heard was "Maxwell's Silver Hammer".
That sounds a little like me. I was raised in a family where Rock-n-Roll was of the Devil. Since I was the youngest of 5 kids, I was able to soften my parents up a little. So, I was allowed to listen to "Christian" rock. U2 was my gateway drug. they opened the door to all kinds of other things. I felt like I discovered the Beatles when I was 18. Got everything I could from the local library. My dad still has a hard time with the fact that I was listening to that "freak" John Lennon.
__________________ I had another dream about lions at the door
They weren't half as frightening as they were before
But I'm thinking about eternity
And I'm wondering where the lions are...
I'm wondering where the lions are...
09-01-2006 22:16 |

Registration Date: 05-14-2003
Posts: 6,235
Location: Be the change you wish to see in the world
09-01-2006 22:38 |

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 11,145
Location: Missouri
Thread Starter
quote: |
Originally posted by PuP
quote: |
Originally posted by audiori
Number of Message Board Alliases: Zero. |
Don't you have to have at least one? |
Nope. Aside from the "audiori" account, which is the master account we both use... then we each have one with our first initial at the end... "audiori e" and "audiori j"
We may have at one time... like when we first started the board or something. But we just don't have time.
Edit: Actually, I do remember one that we both used a long time ago... probably just a couple of posts. I doubt anyone even remembers it.
__________________ "Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall enjoy everything" -St. Francis of Assisi
"A strange fanaticism fills our time: the fanatical hatred of morality, especially of Christian morality." - GK Chesterton
09-01-2006 22:41 |
Audiori J

Registration Date: 11-27-2004
Posts: 7,730
Location: "Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I AM stuck in the middle with you." - Stealers Wheel
I dont even remember it.
__________________ “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” Matthew 5:11
09-02-2006 05:02 |
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 12-11-2003
Posts: 1,290
Location: Austin, TX
quote: |
Originally posted by Squidzit
Sounds like we got a lot in common there sprinkler....well, except I hate Portillos!
We can't all be perfect. Good thing there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
__________________ I had another dream about lions at the door
They weren't half as frightening as they were before
But I'm thinking about eternity
And I'm wondering where the lions are...
I'm wondering where the lions are...
09-02-2006 09:49 |

Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-08-2004
Posts: 11,824
Location: "I still love Jesus, I'm just afraid of His followers." DwDunphy
quote: |
Originally posted by Mark
quote: |
Originally posted by sondance
Who can fail to hold in high regard any mom who considers herself a Senior Research Executive in the field of Child Development? One may wonder what experiments are lurking there? Really?
Yes, Bereal's answer was one of my favorites too. |
I have to fess up. I read an email once where this stay-at-home mom wrote this down for her occupation on one of those forms that asks for it. I quickly stored it in the recesses of my mind hoping to one day have the opportunity to use it. I almost didn't remember and suddenly the lightbulb came on. There are plenty of experiments lurking here, maybe even some I'm unaware of..........

Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
09-02-2006 21:44 |

Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-08-2004
Posts: 11,824
Location: "I still love Jesus, I'm just afraid of His followers." DwDunphy
I remembered something I meant to elaborate on but forgot to in my original post. I said my heritage is mutt. Well, my heritage is really dysfunctional mutt. Here are the 3 deadly combinations in my past, (along with a couple of minor influences from way back that I'm not aware of): Cherokee Indian (my Papa Chickie was 1/2 Cherokee), Italian and German.
Now you all know why I'm so messed up.............
Papa Chickie was my Mom's Dad. He looked like Colonel Sanders. One day when I was about 15 months old, we walked into the local KFC, which was called Kentucky Fried Chicken back then, and they had a Colonel Sanders' statue standing just to the left of the door in the corner. I ran to it, looked up and said, "Papa Chickie". Of course everyone laughed and the name stuck. He died 2 months later.......

Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
09-02-2006 21:50 |
Grand Encephalon

Registration Date: 03-24-2002
Posts: 28,142
Location: Everybody needs a persicom
quote: |
Originally posted by Audiori J
I dont even remember it. |
Big Gay Al
__________________ http://www.google.com
09-03-2006 17:51 |

Registration Date: 05-14-2003
Posts: 6,235
Location: Be the change you wish to see in the world
I had an alias that I used in real life when I was in collections. It was "David Payne". I'm sure the deadbeats I had to collect from thought I was a real "PAIN"!
We used aliases so that our debtors wouldn't come to our house and kick our butts. One of the other collectors had the alias William Burns, or BILL Burns!
__________________ "Why a four year old child could understand this...
run out and get me a four year old child, I can't make heads or tails of it."

09-03-2006 20:54 |
Grand Encephalon

Registration Date: 03-24-2002
Posts: 28,142
Location: Everybody needs a persicom
Damb! I would hate that job.
__________________ http://www.google.com
09-03-2006 20:58 |
Grand Encephalon

Registration Date: 03-24-2002
Posts: 28,142
Location: Everybody needs a persicom
quote: |
Originally posted by Squidzit
The 'worst part was people thinking they didn't have to repay just because it was a big corporation they owed money to. Pastors were the 'worst people to collect from.
__________________ http://www.google.com
09-05-2006 14:55 |

Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-08-2004
Posts: 11,824
Location: "I still love Jesus, I'm just afraid of His followers." DwDunphy
quote: |
Originally posted by Squidzit
I had an alias that I used in real life when I was in collections. It was "David Payne". I'm sure the deadbeats I had to collect from thought I was a real "PAIN"!
We used aliases so that our debtors wouldn't come to our house and kick our butts. One of the other collectors had the alias William Burns, or BILL Burns!
That's funny. I actually rode the bus in 10th grade with a guy named Bill Burns and I never thought of that........

Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
09-05-2006 21:26 |

Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-08-2004
Posts: 11,824
Location: "I still love Jesus, I'm just afraid of His followers." DwDunphy
I modified my original post. I originally said Leno but changed to Letterman, but not because of anything any of you said. See my original post and my answer to Letterman or Leno: question for an explanation. I'm too lazy to repeat myself. I repeat myself all day long as it is.

Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
09-05-2006 22:43 |
Ron E

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 5,614
Location: Central Ontario Canada
should have been real the first time!!!
__________________ The opinion expressed is that of the participant and does not necessarily reflect that of Mr Dan Amos. But if it doesn't, he would be wrong.
09-05-2006 23:07 |

Ubique Epoque

Registration Date: 03-08-2004
Posts: 11,824
Location: "I still love Jesus, I'm just afraid of His followers." DwDunphy
Well, I was being real, but this past week, Letterman has taken a turn for the better. We still usually watch Letterman because that channel comes in clear and the channel Leno comes on is usually a little fuzzy. I had actually gotten to where I would rather watch Leno than Letterman, because of the stupid stuff on his show. Now he's been having at least 2 guests (ie less stupid stuff).

Holy God break me, Holy Lord take me
Lay your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
Your crushing hand, Your mighty hand, On me gently
09-05-2006 23:17 |
Ron E

Registration Date: 03-12-2002
Posts: 5,614
Location: Central Ontario Canada
I find Leno's jokes lame and lackadaisical, same old SUV gas jokes, same old Dick Chaney(SP?), same old, same old, even his cover ups for the bombs are lame. Letterman at least is zany. Conan is himself, and that makes it funny, I still pick him.
__________________ The opinion expressed is that of the participant and does not necessarily reflect that of Mr Dan Amos. But if it doesn't, he would be wrong.
09-05-2006 23:23 |