WoaaahJelly! unregistered
That awesome tour was about EIGHT years ago.
06-05-2019 03:19 |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
Almost TEN years. Can you believe that, fellas? Wouldn't it be cool if the guys surprised us with yet another one?
03-21-2021 17:13 |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
06-16-2021 07:40 |

Registration Date: 01-08-2003
Posts: 7,231
Location: the biggest fans are often the biggest critics ... sometimes taken as complaining ... get used to it. :P - mountain fan
almost flew back to l.a. for this ten years ago. wish i had of now..
__________________ facebook
06-17-2021 14:34 |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
I wish I could lie and assuage your regret but I cannot. It was wonderful.
06-17-2021 17:42 |
Jimmy Brown
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 06-26-2007
Posts: 1,425
It's okay, WJ. I don't mind you having nice things.
06-18-2021 11:40 |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
Did you get to one of the dates, Jimmy? I don't remember.
06-18-2021 17:52 |
Jimmy Brown
Ceremonial Kernel
Registration Date: 06-26-2007
Posts: 1,425
No, I've never seen the band live. With Tim gone now, I'm pretty sure I never will.
06-19-2021 17:16 |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
I realize now I was amazingly fortunate. I got to see not one but *2* dates, all in my state. I think they stopped up north also.* This was when my DA love and fandom really got baked in. It's one thing to hear a band for years, and another to see them. Now that I think about it, had TCM toured, or the Gaither Local Anesthesia Band, I would be a rabid band of an entirely different stripe.
*North Ohio is like another planet, really.
06-19-2021 17:30 |
WoaaahJelly! unregistered
quote: |
Originally posted by Jimmy Brown
No, I've never seen the band live. With Tim gone now, I'm pretty sure I never will. |
I think Tim made one of the Nashville dates, correct? Some got to see that. So DA fandom is truly a sort of Matroska doll of experience.
06-19-2021 17:32 |