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Thread: Roll Call Nashville DA show

Replies: 13
Views: 153,737
06-12-2011 14:37 Forum: General Discussion

good change i'll be there, since it's only 10 minutes from the house....
Thread: Terry Scott Taylor - Swine Before Pearl, vol 1

Replies: 96
Views: 453,984
11-16-2010 10:23 Forum: Upcoming Releases

is this being done instead of the kickstart idea? i thought that was a really cool way to do it...
Thread: Relatively new on iTunes

Replies: 37
Views: 134,073
09-27-2010 12:01 Forum: Upcoming Releases

i don't use itunes.
Thread: did berger kidnap chandler?

Replies: 15
Views: 50,561
did berger kidnap chandler? 09-27-2010 12:00 Forum: General Discussion

neither of them have been seen around these parts lately.

are they touring the upper mid-west together in a 1963 VW beetle?

visiting a flugelhorm master in the swiss alps, in preparation for that duet album berger has been wanting to do for the last 37 years?

inquiring minds want to know!!
Thread: Relatively new on iTunes

Replies: 37
Views: 134,073
09-22-2010 13:57 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by dennis
Oh.... I show up here from time to time!
Just don't always post like I used to.
But it seems no one does, what with Facebook and all.

not to argue with you.....

dennis said he doesn't post "like he used to", and others don't either.

most of the top posters in the members list don't post in the qty they used to. i THINK that's all he was saying. that's how i took it anyway.
Thread: Relatively new on iTunes

Replies: 37
Views: 134,073
09-22-2010 10:13 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by Audiori J
Actually a lot of good people post here all the time.

i think he meant not in the quantity they used to.
Thread: Some SE questions???

Replies: 12
Views: 32,251
08-20-2010 16:53 Forum: General Discussion

medley of our hit will always be my favorite on there.

Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-23-2010 10:34 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by audiori
Originally posted by larryl

One was removed from every leadership position she held in the church, which were several;

So, she rose to several leadership positions within a church without knowing that churches position on gays in leadership positions?

the church had never really had stated position. she didn't make a big deal about her orientation, and no one ever asked. she started going there, they asked her to help in several areas, and she accepted. when she started dating someone, they began attending with her, and that's when all hell broke loose.
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-23-2010 09:45 Forum: General Discussion

additionally, there being told to leave a church, directly, and there's becoming aware that you are unwelcome, which is a less direct, but far more hurtful way of telling someone to leave...
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-23-2010 08:36 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Audiori J
I have never been to a church that told gay people to leave, not once.

Never been to one either. Know of several.

Have a number of gay friends, some of the stores are horrendous. It's amazing some of them even want to be in church, after what they went through.

One was removed from every leadership position she held in the church, which were several; while others with issues like those above were counseled and prayed for.
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-20-2010 15:31 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by joey
Originally posted by larryl
The attitude seems to be, all too often;

"You cheated on your wife with hookers? We'll get you counseling"

"You've been snorting cocaine? We'll get you into our substance abuse program"

"You're shacked up with your girlfriend? We'll pray you guys get married"

"You're gay? Get out of our church, sinner!!"

true, very true...
however, the attitude of the 3 musicians in the down the line article seemed to be "this is who and how God made me, gay...", not one of repentance...

agreed. how much of that is because of the way the church has treated the issue up to this point, i wonder?
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-20-2010 15:10 Forum: General Discussion

The attitude seems to be, all too often;

"You cheated on your wife with hookers? We'll get you counseling"

"You've been snorting cocaine? We'll get you into our substance abuse program"

"You're shacked up with your girlfriend? We'll pray you guys get married"

"You're gay? Get out of our church, sinner!!"
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-20-2010 15:03 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Audiori J
The problem is sin, the Gospel message is about turning from sin and turning to Christ. When the wages of sin is death, it can be the most loving thing to tell them to turn from it and turn to Christ who can cleanse it all away. Judgmentalism is condemnation without giving people the answer.

for a change, i think i totally agree with you here, jason.

i guess i wouldn't have such an issue with it, if the church was more consistent. homosexuality is hardly the only sin rampant in our country, but it's the one of very few that will get the church out in the streets protesting.
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-20-2010 11:39 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by peawinkel
Originally posted by pegotico
Originally posted by iota
Jesus and Paul used cusswords, so I'll give Terry a hall pass if he ever does.

Paul counts everything skubala that he might gain Christ.

If you think "skubala" is properly translated "poop," you might be homeschooled.

And if you think "brood of vipers" or "raca" were terms of endearment...well...maybe their aimed at you.

Case in point - don't be holier than Jesus and the rightly placed cussword sometimes drives the point home better than a sanitized facsimile.

Just ask Derek Webb...

NO, Jesus NEVER used cusswords!! In cases like this it is good to give proof of this!!!

Funny you brought Derek Webb as an example!! A guy that sings in one of his songs referring to homosexuality and I quote him

"When did Christianity become all about being straight?,"

In the end homosexuality is sinful!!


Right on, Pegotico (even though you're a mind peach)
I've got no use for Webb, as well as that Down The Line magazine homo-issue.

Attitudes like that are the problem.

Good grief.
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-20-2010 11:38 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by pegotico
Originally posted by iota
Jesus and Paul used cusswords, so I'll give Terry a hall pass if he ever does.

Paul counts everything skubala that he might gain Christ.

If you think "skubala" is properly translated "poop," you might be homeschooled.

And if you think "brood of vipers" or "raca" were terms of endearment...well...maybe their aimed at you.

Case in point - don't be holier than Jesus and the rightly placed cussword sometimes drives the point home better than a sanitized facsimile.

Just ask Derek Webb...

NO, Jesus NEVER used cusswords!! In cases like this it is good to give proof of this!!!

Funny you brought Derek Webb as an example!! A guy that sings in one of his songs referring to homosexuality and I quote him

"When did Christianity become all about being straight?,"

In the end homosexuality is sinful!!


The article you posted clears that issue up pretty well, don't you think?

Interviewer: Many young Christians especially are comfortable saying, "We've got to stop from harping on homosexuality." But that's different from saying you don't consider homosexuality to be sinful. When you ask in that song, essentially,, "When did Christianity become all about being straight?," do you want to say that homosexuality doesn't alienate you from God?

Webb: That's a big question, and I'm not backing off. But I have not on this record addressed the particular morality of a lot of these issues. That has been so well covered by the church, unfortunately with no other connection--people have heard a lot of the church's theology and not seen a lot of the church's ethics. There's a real disconnect there, and that bothers me. But I don't think it's a conversation that is had well in this medium. This isn't an ideal medium to speak about such a personal and nuanced issue. There's a huge discussion to be had, and I want to have that conversation. I hope to have it a lot on the road with people, but not if it's a roomful of people with a camera on me. Because so much can happen between that intimate moment and the moment where anyone could hear that. What I can say is, I'm not trying to create some kind of a moral loophole for anybody. It's not that anybody is less wrong as much as we're all more wrong. Your question was, Do I think that homosexuality alienates you from God. Thankfully, not anymore than habitual heterosexual sin does.

People can and do disagree about that particular issue. The thing we can agree on is how poorly we are loving the people around us who live or believe differently than we do. Those are the people we are called to engage with and love and care for. Before you even try to love your enemies, how about knowing your enemies? How about knowing the people you consider to be your enemy? Because you might find that they're not really your enemies. You're your enemy, and you are just like your enemies. There is no difference. We all need exactly the same thing. So, that's more where, you know, I hope some of this lands.

Read more: http://blog.beliefnet.com/idolchatter/20...l#ixzz0uF1mZivQ
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-20-2010 11:35 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by pegotico
Originally posted by iota
Jesus and Paul used cusswords, so I'll give Terry a hall pass if he ever does.

Paul counts everything skubala that he might gain Christ.

If you think "skubala" is properly translated "poop," you might be homeschooled.

And if you think "brood of vipers" or "raca" were terms of endearment...well...maybe their aimed at you.

Case in point - don't be holier than Jesus and the rightly placed cussword sometimes drives the point home better than a sanitized facsimile.

Just ask Derek Webb...

NO, Jesus NEVER used cusswords!! In cases like this it is good to give proof of this!!!

Funny you brought Derek Webb as an example!! A guy that sings in one of his songs referring to homosexuality and I quote him

"When did Christianity become all about being straight?,"

In the end homosexuality is sinful!!


Webb never said it was right. He was just pointing out the glaring idea that suddenly that's what it's ALL about.

Seems too many christians worry too much about things like that, and not enough about say.... evangelism.
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 256,139
07-13-2010 21:23 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by sondance

for a Christian performer or teacher, like it or not, point of view should not be muddled, i don’t think.

to me... especially with performers, this brings up the question "is the performer a 'christian performer' (wow, typing that, i think no one should be), or are they a 'performer who is a christian'?"

this is an important distinction i believe.

right by damm.
Thread: Terry concert photos?

Replies: 7
Views: 29,331
06-21-2010 11:12 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by joey
Originally posted by audiori
C'mon... somebody's gotta have some potos.. we know you're out there. Evil

i've seen a whole bunch on facebook...every time somebody tags terry it shows up on my page...
surely we at least have a mutual friend in terry? Wink

whaaaat a friend we have in terrrrrrrry.......

is that sacrilege? blasphemy? i hope not....
Thread: Ringtones

Replies: 11
Views: 56,725
06-15-2010 14:41 Forum: General Discussion

there are numerous free websites that will create a ringtone from any song you want. you pick which part of the song you want to use, usually up to about 20 sec's. then you either save it and send it to your phone, or the site will sometimes text it directly. i generally save them, so i don't have to give them my number.
Thread: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________________

Replies: 15
Views: 51,655
06-04-2010 14:08 Forum: General Discussion

i rest my case.
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