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Thread: DA - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 141
Views: 798,301
02-09-2009 14:17 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

finally spinning this!!

15 seconds in - R of the Beat Menace-

you can INSTANTLY (divinely?) tell the remaster efforts-

now my original has plummeted in value...it sounds like cotton in a can.

Thread: DA - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 141
Views: 798,301
hey hey hey!!!!!! 02-07-2009 19:31 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

let me dust off this thread-

got my copy of DFBB this morn - (mail miscommunication had kept me waiting patient- so it was neat to see- WHoa - its here!) - and though I have to wait to rip it-
I HAD to open it up n glance at the overall appearance-

WOW_ very well done- love the color splash - wonderful booklet-(I'll savor the reading later)
you guys just seemed to pull out all stops- regretable this is one of many many overlooked wonder works.-but for those of us who recall:
You guys lift it right back up there- give it as big a presentation as we all remember from the day.
Thread: Cchhanddlleerr!!!!!!!

Replies: 15
Views: 77,676
02-03-2009 12:11 Forum: General Discussion


happy birthday to my favorite bass player less famous than Macca!
Thread: Cchhanddlleerr!!!!!!!

Replies: 15
Views: 77,676
02-03-2009 11:39 Forum: General Discussion

my youngest sister is older than you...

Thread: Cchhanddlleerr!!!!!!!

Replies: 15
Views: 77,676
Cchhanddlleerr!!!!!!! 02-02-2009 21:40 Forum: General Discussion

dude- they say its yer birthday!
Viva la Choir!
DA- til the last day!

hope it was blessed my man.

a fan Cool
Thread: A DA related poem - The Beautiful Lady In the Blackberry Hat

Replies: 13
Views: 79,623
01-29-2009 09:00 Forum: General Discussion

I thought you just liked good pot Shocked
Thread: A DA related poem - The Beautiful Lady In the Blackberry Hat

Replies: 13
Views: 79,623
01-28-2009 10:04 Forum: General Discussion

well - thats the art of art
there is no more perfect interpretation then what you got out of it personally

I agree thats the tone I felt also., and saw each stranza similarily.
Thread: A DA related poem - The Beautiful Lady In the Blackberry Hat

Replies: 13
Views: 79,623
01-28-2009 08:47 Forum: General Discussion

very nice- !

cadence is the key there- well "told"
and worth reading a number of times to absorb.

I dont write poetry , but music.
(well - which is poetry masked in distraction at times)

I put a lot of thought into my lyrical content( I know-for those who may have heard any-stop laughing!)- and feel that cadence can really define things-
look to Dr Love-who I find is a master at it.
and - agree! - post more oft Cool
Thread: Fight Satan with your cell phone!

Replies: 29
Views: 102,971
01-25-2009 00:15 Forum: General Discussion

my camera that went through the wash- )last SUnday)

I took the advice of here from someone else- batteries out-let er dry out good (it unfogged after day 2)

put the batteries back in today
...... works fine
Whoo WHoo!
Thread: Fight Satan with your cell phone!

Replies: 29
Views: 102,971
01-23-2009 13:21 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by joey
my cellphone was left in my jeans pocket in the wash last nigt... Crying
how can i fight satan? Confused Frown
i am praying over it that Jesus will raise it from the dead! Big Grin
or hopefully it just needs to dry out...........

my camera faced the same fate last weekend- (still in a denim tote)
Thread: Fight Satan with your cell phone!

Replies: 29
Views: 102,971
01-23-2009 08:44 Forum: General Discussion

this is an actual congregational hymn I endured hearing while in M.S.R. (Maximun Security Religion)
After the first hearing- I refused to sing it aloud.
We all have our place where the wall DOES come up..

so - this idea aint new- this was written in 1919

the Royal Telephone

Central’s never “busy,” always on the line;
You may hear from heaven almost any time;
’Tis a royal service, free for one and all;
When you get in trouble, give this royal line a call.

Telephone to glory, oh, what joy divine!
I can feel the current moving on the line,
Built by God the Father for His loved and own,
We may talk to Jesus through this royal telephone.

There will be no charges, telephone is free,
It was built for service, just for you and me;
There will be no waiting on this royal line,
Telephone to glory always answers just in time.

Fail to get the answer, Satan’s crossed your wire,
By some strong delusion, or some base desire;
Take away obstructions, God is on the throne,
And you’ll get your answer through this royal telephone.

If your line is “grounded,” and connection true
Has been lost with Jesus, tell you what to do:
Prayer and faith and promise mend the broken wire,
Till your soul is burning with the Pentecostal fire.

Carnal combinations cannot get control
Of this line to glory, anchored in the soul;
Storm and trial cannot disconnect the line,
Held in constant keeping by the Father’s hand divine.
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66

Replies: 230
Views: 508,441
01-09-2009 15:26 Forum: General Discussion

....but I think its the chorus.

do you have the tabs printed too?


is it available in MP3? -
320 kps?

can I get it on I tunes?
Thread: What's next?

Replies: 46
Views: 214,965
01-02-2009 13:43 Forum: Upcoming Releases

whatup? - taiont heard a word in too long.

lets see a bit more of things in 09 eh?
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66

Replies: 230
Views: 508,441
01-01-2009 22:08 Forum: General Discussion

they make it look so easy..
well- because maybe it is.

Big Grin
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,573,064
12-16-2008 12:18 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Still Waiting- though I have my ol 87 to fall back on.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,573,064
12-09-2008 20:47 Forum: Upcoming Releases

hey-i will listen to David Meece even now..
He was the Alien!..

still waiting on the fresh version of DFBB
Thread: Have a nice day

Replies: 135
Views: 292,385
12-09-2008 07:47 Forum: General Discussion

I have three grandchildren.
The youngest is only a bit over one year - but the other two (7 n 3) I "trained" to call me Gaffer-
I AM the Gaffer.
make no mistake about it- in this next year - Lauren will call me...

theres only one after all.
Thread: Have a nice day

Replies: 135
Views: 292,385
12-05-2008 15:36 Forum: General Discussion

sorry- you'll have to be offended.
after all- this ENTIRE thread is blowin smoke.
Thread: Have a nice day

Replies: 135
Views: 292,385
12-05-2008 14:55 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by servantsteve
I determine the kind of day you have and I have told you to have a nice one when in fact, I am assembling a confederation of minins to actually spoil your day so stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

you've never smoked a thing in your life.

of that I AM assured.
Thread: Have a nice day

Replies: 135
Views: 292,385
12-05-2008 12:27 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by servantsteve
I'm so sorry that you are an idiot.

I never had a real good example of
"the pot calling the kettle black"
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