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Thread: I don't believe 'Tim Chandler' exists |
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Originally posted by Pfiagra
I attended the Broken Records Reunion concert this past Friday night in Orange County (which rocked, by the way). Anyway, I noticed that all the Choir members were there except for Tim (Matt Slocum played bass). When I saw them in 1983 or so as Youth Choir, Tim wasn't there either.
I then thought about it and realized that on DA's Live in Anaheim 1985 DVD, that it wasn't Tim Chandler playing bass either.
So, I wonder if both The Choir and DA are using 'Tim Chandler' as a pseudonym, much in the same way that directors use the name 'Alan Smithee' when they are embarrassed of their work.
Now, I haven't yet seen the Making of MBD DVD, but I sure that if a 'Tim Chandler' shows up in there, its sure to be some two-bit, B-grade actor that the guys hired to play the role. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they used the same afro-wearing, mustached guy from their old promo shots.
I'd've thought that the entire premise of him being the same bass player for both DA and The Choir was ample proof to begin with. Whoever thought that one would be convincing was just plain just STOOPIT.
Thread: Holy crap, look what I found at a pawn shop... |
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Originally posted by jiminy
The best I did in this year of our Lord (so far)
was the 3 packs of :
Resurrection Band-Light Years
LSU - Dogfish Jones
Choir-Speckled Bird
I saw that. But I chose to pay three dollars more and get Dogfish Jones by itself.
Thread: travelogue #2 |
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Originally posted by the Tuxedo Clad Megastar
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Originally posted by tchandler
car man! you're delusional. i wasn't there to try out for your band. i was there to kick your a$$!
oh, yeah... whatever....
and then you showed up 3 days later dressed up as that burger deluxe, or whatever his name is.... trying out again...
and then I really chased you out of my trailer!
I don't believe that you'd EVER chase a man out of yr trailer...
Thread: travelogue #2 |
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Boy, I hope MY flight tomorrow isn't like that.
(although the God Went Bowling t-shirt won't help right out of the gate....
Thread: DA - The Making of Buechners (DVD) |
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Quite often. There's the above "Dumbing Down the World" scenario, as well as tunes elsewhere like "Further Up, Further In," "Church Not Made with Hands" and their big hit "The Whole of the Moon" was supposedly partially for Lewis as well.... Here's a link that helps:
It's been interesting to watch his lyrics move from pagan/mystic to at least verbally Christian over the last 20 years, although interviews bear out that it's more in the Van Morrison-type "God is in all places, and my place just happens to be Christian" sort of way....
Thread: Has Everybody |
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Originally posted by baxter
It is with great sadness that i announce the death of Oliver W Holmes. |
But I loved his inventions! NOW who's gonna reclone Bill the Cat???
Thread: DA - The Making of Buechners (DVD) |
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Originally posted by baxter
Does this conversation having anything to do with me sending Mike Scott a copy of MBD? He was anxious to receive it, and then i never heard anything after i sent it... |
So, did the lawsuit take or what? Is that why Terry hasn't released a full-length (i.e., longer than Van Halenesque) album since then?
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Originally posted by the bass mammoth who plays for pay elsewhere
[quote]there's a song on the new choir album that has a multi layered distorto bass thing in the middle, and it was done absolutely because of the lyrical content of the song. but that one probably wouldn't interest you. |
No. It wouldn't.
Thread: Has Everybody |
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But I thought that was only because she'd seen the best minds of her generation destroyed by madness...
Thread: DA - The Making of Buechners (DVD) |
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Yeah, it could be pure force of emotion and what conveys that best. Have either of you heard the Waterboys' album in question, BTW? I'd swear there's a very conscious choice of production there -- ain't nobody distorts vocals THAT deliberately without SOME reason for it.
Again, also interesting that the two albums came out roughly the same time (October 2000 / July 2001).
Thread: Has Everybody |
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I don't know about fries, but there was a shake he couldn't ignore....
Thread: Has Everybody |
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Just watch out for hairs in the Coke can. That's all I ask.
Thread: DA - The Making of Buechners (DVD) |
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Originally posted by tchandler
hey carl -- are you talking specifically vocal distortion on MBD? explain a little more? (which songs in particular, etc.) |
Either way. Vocal or musical. Of which there's tons. The closing Buechner suite, "Who's Who Here," "Fingertips," "Thick Skin," yada yada.... although the initial responses certainly suggest my theory ain't gonna transfer over neatly to Buechner....
(it DEFINITELY works for the Waterboys album, though.... I was just hoping that maybe it'd help me finally get over the hump on Buechner....
Thread: DA - The Making of Buechners (DVD) |
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Yo Chandler,
Since the horse's mouth (or at least some other not-so-distant part) is here among us, let me share an epiphany I just had re: another album from the exact same time (hmmm....), and you tell me whether there's anything to it....
It's a combination of the whole distortion thing, as well as trying to find the prerequisite DA skeleton key to Buechner, which is a great collection of songs but for me has always lacked the gestalt of pretty much every other DA album (you know, where it sounds like "an ALBUM" instead of just a bunch of songs on the same CD). Anyway, without further ado....
Found The Waterboys' A Rock in the Weary Land recently. Anybody who's heard that puppy has probably initially wondered, "What the heck is with all the vocal distortion on this thing, anyway? Lemme just hear Mike Scott's VOICE already!" But now that the album's clicking for me, I'm also hearing the places where his voice is coming through clearly, and particularly, WHEN it's coming through clearly.
Think Out of the Silent Planet (not a big leap, since Scott's a HUGE Lewis fan, as is TST.... you can start to see where I'm going....) -- you know, the idea that everywhere in the universe the transmissions are coming through just fine. But then there's that pesky Earth....
Thus, where Scott's dealing with his own anger/confusion, it's distorted. On "My Lord, What a Morning," his voice is clear as day. On "My Love Is a Rock in the Weary Land," it alternates between the distorted story of betrayal by his mentor on the verses and the undistorted delivery of the triumphant chorus. "Crown" moves from distortion to clarity in much the same manner. In "Malediction," his voice comes through clearly while the distortion (again, the betrayal) swirls imminently in the background, leading into "Dumbing Down the World" ("recorded in hell" and performed by a cast of Screwtape characters, if you go by the credits) where the distortion is near-overwhelming. You get the idea.
Anyway, when I'm reunited with my copy of Buechner next week, I'm gonna test this theory out there. But is there any further light you can shed on this, past the only other rationale I've heard -- ergo, "Well, Terry was working with Starflyer so I guess he thought he'd try that here too"?
Thread: Terry Taylor should have his own fragrance. |
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79,360 |
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Originally posted by joey
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Originally posted by Dr Rich
Blood, frogs, and feces. |
sounds like the end of magnolia....
I thought Magnolia was feces all the way through...
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