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Thread: Tim Chandler

Replies: 74
Views: 972,957
01-06-2019 01:52 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Audiori J
I remember feeling fairly devastated when Mark heard died. And when Rich Mullins died that hit us pretty hard mainly because we had just seen him at Cornerstone playing football with some kids. Both of them were part of that 'cornerstone-ish' community of people. We met Rich very briefly a couple of times, didn't really come close to 'knowing him.' We had hung out with Tom Howard briefly a time or two and when he died it still felt like a punch to the gut.

When it came to Larry Norman and Gene Eugene they were different for us, mainly because we knew it was coming with Larry and never got to know Gene really at all.

But I think a lot of it has to do with all of us being part of a weird little community or 'family,' these artists have/had special unique relationships with their fans. That and the fact that their music is personal and real as opposed to CCM fluff. We all empathize and relate to what they say through their songs and often most of us are square pegs or outsiders as well. The type of people cornerstone was made for.

It's like losing a brother, uncle or cousin.

Absolutely spot on.
Thread: Tim Chandler

Replies: 74
Views: 972,957
10-19-2018 22:32 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jyroflux
Dennis, I'm with ya buddy. I know how you feel.

Thanks man.
Thread: Tim Chandler

Replies: 74
Views: 972,957
10-19-2018 02:09 Forum: General Discussion

As somebody who was a fan of Tim, and who only knows Tim through the music and through the internet. As a Facebook friend and before that on the Daniel Amos message board, Tim's loss is something I can't wrap my head around still.
Tim's presence on the DA message board, when he would often stop by on Fridays to answer questions and be a avaible was something I enjoyed and would look forward to in the pre-Facebook days. His posts as Berger Roy Al were hilarious as he argued with himself and posted about over-indulging gallons of Windex made for times when I truly did laugh out loud before I posted LOL. I was truly grateful when he continued as both on Facebook. I start laughing just reading "that dirtbag Chadler".
Thinking about Tim's I vacillate between mostly between denial and anger. Not anger at God (although if I were it wouldn't be the first time). I just don't want to think about the world without him in it and it Mountain Dewes me off.
I know I'm not alone in my feelings.
I'm not really sure I have a point. Just stuff that's running through my head I need to get out.
I think about all the people Tim affected via music, the internet and in his personal life and it fills me with sadness.
This glows with warmth. I feel like I've lost a relative, a cousin maybe or crazy uncle.
I'm at a loss.
Thread: Daniel Amos 45's

Replies: 10
Views: 133,848
01-23-2016 06:44 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Audiori J
These are the ones I am aware of, there are more I am sure. Not sure which one was for HD.

1. Swirling Eddies: I've Got an Idea/Rodeo Drive
2. Terry Scott Taylor: Song of Innocense/ Dancing on Light
3. Terry Scott Taylor: Changeless/The Wood Between The Worlds
4. Daniel Amos: Happily Married Man/Happily Married Man
5. Daniel Amos: Losers and Winners/Don't Light Your Own Fire
6. Daniel Amos: Walls of Doubt/Walls of Doubt
7. Daniel Amos: When Worlds Collide/When Worlds Collide
8. Daniel Amos: Distance and Direction/Distance and Direction
9. Daniel Amos: Rocket Packs Radio single
10. Body and Soul (Rob Watson): Something's Going On Here/The Graylands (33rpm)

10" Horrendous Disc radio ep with Blue and White swirled vinyl.
Side one (33 1/3 rpm) features "I Believe In You," "Hound of Heaven" and "Horrendous Disc."
Side Two (78 rpm) has the flying saucer sounds, and "On The Line."

One 12" single of Swirling Eddies "Lets Spin" / Mike Stand "Do I Stand Alone"

I had no idea here were so many 7" (as the kids call them).

I have "Walls of doubt" and "I have an idea".

I saw a copy of the 12" of "Let's Spin" over in the Commander's Closet many years ago.
Thread: Terry Scott Taylor - John Wayne

Replies: 18
Views: 155,456
01-23-2016 06:36 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by Audiori J
A lot of his solo stuff, I sort of have this weird feeling when I listen to it like it was music written by Terry mainly for his family to hear, but we get to hear it too. Like musical letters.

I had never thought of it that way before, but that is spot on.
Thread: Terry Scott Taylor - John Wayne

Replies: 18
Views: 155,456
RE: Terry Scott Taylor - John Wayne 01-23-2016 06:34 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by colorblind
This album is essential Terry Scott Taylor listening. Musically, it would be hard to find a clear distinction between John Wayne and Daniel Amos records. That is to say that his solo album doesn't drown in singer/songwriter introspection, yet it's not afraid to go there.
There are more than an album's worth of Terry-isms here too...humorous, insightful, and dare I say convicting.
John Wayne ranks among the top of Taylor's best work, and it sounds as vital today (10 years later) as it did when it was first released!

It's true, Ed and Tim are on that one so it's DA's rhythm section, so it rocks and the lyrics are great plus it has oddball songs thrown "ten gallon hat" sort of like "Props" on"Alarma" for example.

When I bought the CD back in 1998 it played a huge part of me getting into DA's music.
Thread: Hello My People!!!!! BERGER IS CHANGING BERGER'S NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Replies: 20
Views: 123,623
11-18-2014 11:54 Forum: General Discussion

Wow... an oldie
Thread: Daniel Amos, Pop Culture & Academic Research

Replies: 5
Views: 98,176
03-19-2014 23:55 Forum: General Discussion

great article.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,695,623
07-08-2013 22:39 Forum: Upcoming Releases

great interview!
Thread: Top 5 Dig Here Songs

Replies: 41
Views: 257,725
07-06-2013 21:52 Forum: General Discussion

Jesus Wept
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,695,623
06-22-2013 20:48 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Yes I saved the Daniel Amos advance album to my phone, but it's not "for real" until I burn it onto a C.D. which I'm doing right now.
Thread: Vinyl Solutions

Replies: 2
Views: 46,171
06-22-2013 15:44 Forum: General Discussion

What you have sounds good! Keep it old school!
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,695,623
Got it!!! 06-22-2013 12:01 Forum: Upcoming Releases

It sounds fantastic.
It sounds like classic Daniel Amos.
I can't wait to hear it on vinyl!
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,695,623
06-22-2013 10:05 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Looking forward to getting my link!
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,695,623
06-22-2013 09:34 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Thread: Cornerstone - the end is near

Replies: 84
Views: 450,938
06-08-2012 05:27 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by wakachiwaka
Originally posted by dennis
Steve Hindalong was pretty chatty with me too. Great guy, very open and friendly. He gave me his setlists with his notes. My friend Jon ( Lucy) and I shared them.

As a friend of mine once remarked to me re. her first encounter with Indy Hindy: "God help the man if he ever drinks a Coke!"


Too funny!!!
Big Grin
Thread: Cornerstone - the end is near

Replies: 84
Views: 450,938
06-08-2012 05:26 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by DwDunphy
He must have had a major life-shift from when I saw him, much later, as part of Terry's home-concert run. Steve was much, much quieter -- not necessarily introverted but severely on-guard.

He seemed very friendly when I went to The Choir concert last month.
I was very chatty with Tim Chandler and Hindalong seemed quite amused by it.
Thread: Cornerstone - the end is near

Replies: 84
Views: 450,938
06-07-2012 19:07 Forum: General Discussion

Steve Hindalong was pretty chatty with me too. Great guy, very open and friendly. He gave me his setlists with his notes. My friend Jon ( Lucy) and I shared them.
Thread: Cornerstone - the end is near

Replies: 84
Views: 450,938
RE: Last face-to-face? 06-07-2012 17:17 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by John Foxe
Dennis, I don't know if you remember me, but I met you in 2002 at LifeFest, at the SwEds concert. That year was fun but weird - remember how crazy they were about time frames, holding those signs up? That was also the last time I saw Rick Altizer - he's a cool guy and a great musician.

Anyway, this c-stone will probably be the last time a lot of us will be in one spot, so if I make it there I will be saying hello (and goodbye) to everyone with a DA, SE, LD, TST, 77s, or related shirt on.

Yes I remember you, Lifest certainly was interesting, it was cool but it seemed to be very weird in many ways too.
I enjoyed meeting you, we had a very enjoyable visit, I thought.

The Swirling Eddies jam band was so much fun as was Mike and the Trophy wives.
Thread: Cornerstone - the end is near

Replies: 84
Views: 450,938
RE: Please give grace 06-07-2012 15:55 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by John Foxe
vapspwi, let me tell you as graciously as I can, from someone who started and has quietly followed this thread, that your choice of words is needlessly provocative ("demonstratively false assertions", "barely exist anymore", etc.). Please be considerate - tone it down and try not to flame, it is not helpful.

I will stand by my perspective as I started this thread, and it has been confirmed by others who know much more from the inside. If the Townsends are speculating on certain things, doesn't it follow that we speculate to a much greater degree? Give them some grace and benefit of the doubt... they are invested in the fest to a much greater degree than either of us, know the bands far better than we do, and are privy to details that we will never know.

We are on the same side, hopefully - we all want the best for the bands we love, and we are sincerely mourning the pending death of a beloved outlet for some great Christian music and camaraderie.

Very well put good sir.
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