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Thread: New DA? |
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207 |
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408,386 |
whoooooooo, boy...............
I think Britney Spears has a room to share with you.......
you could do lavoris shots with her!
u b so crazeeeeeee!!!!
where's the Funkybunch when you need them?
Thread: New DA? |
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207 |
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408,386 |
how's your other brother, burger?
Thread: New DA? |
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207 |
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408,386 |
I pop in after being gone for WEEKS, and what do I find?
BERGER's on a lavoris binge..............trying to learn Al Gore's Internet Language 101...........................
Thread: Upcoming Lost Dogs Projects |
Replies: |
18 |
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38,353 |
JUST what do you think you're doing, talking about me behind my back???
I might be SLIGHTLY older than you, but I'm definitely cuter.
Thread: It's All About YOU.... |
Replies: |
195 |
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1,015,759 |
Probably it's cuz I haven't been around these parts in a long while? gets in the way, and I've had lots of other things going on.....INCLUDING becoming a Gramma on July 15th!
tried to attach a pic, but it wouldn't work.....will try another time.
Name: Polly John
Birthday: Dec 6, 1954 (damb, I'm old
Birthplace: Duluth MN
Current Location: same
Current Occupation: Grants Finance
Dream Occupation: Hostess at a fine dining establishment
Eye Color: greenish
Hair Color: whatever color Clairol has on sale
Brunette-ish red
Height: 5' 3" or so
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: Same as JimIny
Your Biggest Weakness: I tend to procrastinate
Your Fears: Fear of new endeavors
The Perfect Pizza: any pizza that doesn't have the dreaded ONION on it
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: I don't set goals - hate to be disappointed
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: can't use it here
my bad!!
Morning person or Night Owl: Night owl who is forced to be a morning person
Your Best Physical Feature: my eyes (or so i've been told)
Your Most Missed Memory: this doesn't make sense to me. If it's a memory, you still have it.........if it's not a memory, you never experienced it.
Pepsi or Coke: COKE. just say NO to the P-word!!!
Favorite Fast Food: don't really have one......once in a while, I enjoy a bacon/egg/cheese biscuit from McD's.
Can You Cook: yes, quite well. But I don't do it much anymore.
Chocolate or Vanille: If it's ice cream, Vanilla. If it's swiss vanilla booboo, CHOCOLATE
Cappuccino or Coffee: EITHER
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: none of the above
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: 24. JUST KIDDING...............a couple.
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): either drama or comedy
Letterman or Leno: Leno, lately. Letterman, previously.
Do you Smoke: yes
Do you Sing: yes
Do you Dance: OF COURSE.
Most unusual talent: I have sung the Beatle's "Ob la di" as a Polka.
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: seeing how long I can put up with people at work without slapping them silly.............
Do you get Motion Sickness: have on occasion.
Are you a Health Freak: NOT.
Do/did you get along with your Parents: Dad died when I was little. Mom & I got along, but not always the best. We like each other now.
Do you like Thunderstorms: LOVE 'em
Do you play an Instrument: nope......well, the maracas and the tambourine, do they count?
Have you ever Stolen Anything: yes. I once got caught shoplifting at a local K-mart-type store.........was a good lesson to me, as the store cop let me and my friend go after a lengthy scare and lecture.
Have You Ever been Beaten up: no - there was a mean girl in grade school who scratched me once.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I don't intend to grow up
What country would you most like to Visit: Finland
Number of CDs I own: not that many - less than 50
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of Message Board Alliases: on ALL boards? a few....
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: no answer
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was:[/quote] James Taylor's "Mudslide Slim"
Thread: My new jobggk! |
Replies: |
82 |
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122,456 |
u really r good at poemage.
i think we shood pay hoemage.
so bring on the fromage
and i'll get the crakkers.
Thread: Stone Away |
Replies: |
50 |
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67,733 |
admit were all stoned.
Thread: Dfbb |
Replies: |
65 |
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265,401 |
.....don't be sad, Joey.
it'll show up on my computer at home, I'm sure!
Thread: Dfbb |
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265,401 |
No, methinks not.
it has nothing to do with my EYES, but everything to do with a new firewall at work ...........
it blocks things like rolling eyeballs and such.
SO very convenient!
Thread: Dfbb |
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65 |
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265,401 |
too bad the ROLLING EYES didn't work, Joey!
JUST A RED 'X'...........
Thread: Dfbb |
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65 |
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265,401 |
.....laughing like idiots...........
YEAH, I can picture that
heh heh
Thread: Dfbb |
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65 |
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what's a VOL?
must be a local thing.......................
Thread: Dfbb |
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65 |
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265,401 |
quote: |
Originally posted by tchandler
hi Woggy! David Lynch would go to a Bob's Big Boy and order the exact same lunch every day for years. maybe i had the same problem? |
Hmmm, that could be ONE of your problems
heh heh........................
HEY, Tim, we're getting SNOW here in the North Country today! What do you think of that????
Thread: Dfbb |
Replies: |
65 |
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265,401 |
ooooooo, COOOL............double post !
and i wasn't even trying
Thread: Dfbb |
Replies: |
65 |
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........prolly cheap, and easy to throw together, and you must've liked it?
Either that, or you're just weird
Thread: Dfbb |
Replies: |
65 |
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265,401 |
........prolly cheap, and easy to throw together, and you must've liked it?
Either that, or you're just weird
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