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Thread: New DA?

Replies: 207
Views: 408,386
02-15-2008 16:20 Forum: General Discussion

whoooooooo, boy...............

I think Britney Spears has a room to share with you.......
you could do lavoris shots with her!

u b so crazeeeeeee!!!!

where's the Funkybunch when you need them?
Thread: New DA?

Replies: 207
Views: 408,386
02-15-2008 15:55 Forum: General Discussion

SPEAKING of strange...........rs...............

how's your other brother, burger?
Thread: New DA?

Replies: 207
Views: 408,386
02-15-2008 15:34 Forum: General Discussion


I pop in after being gone for WEEKS, and what do I find?

BERGER's on a lavoris binge..............trying to learn Al Gore's Internet Language 101...........................

Thread: Upcoming Lost Dogs Projects

Replies: 18
Views: 38,353
Hey! 11-06-2007 08:42 Forum: General Discussion

JUST what do you think you're doing, talking about me behind my back???

I might be SLIGHTLY older than you, but I'm definitely cuter.
Thread: It's All About YOU....

Replies: 195
Views: 1,015,759
How did I miss THIS ONE? 07-27-2007 15:24 Forum: General Discussion

Probably it's cuz I haven't been around these parts in a long while? Sorry.....life gets in the way, and I've had lots of other things going on.....INCLUDING becoming a Gramma on July 15th!

tried to attach a pic, but it wouldn't work.....will try another time.


Name: Polly John
Birthday: Dec 6, 1954 (damb, I'm old Wink )
Birthplace: Duluth MN
Current Location: same
Current Occupation: Grants Finance
Dream Occupation: Hostess at a fine dining establishment
Eye Color: greenish
Hair Color: whatever color Clairol has on sale Wink Brunette-ish red
Height: 5' 3" or so
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: Same as JimIny
Your Biggest Weakness: I tend to procrastinate
Your Fears: Fear of new endeavors
The Perfect Pizza: any pizza that doesn't have the dreaded ONION on it
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: I don't set goals - hate to be disappointed
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: can't use it here Wink my bad!!
Morning person or Night Owl: Night owl who is forced to be a morning person
Your Best Physical Feature: my eyes (or so i've been told)
Your Most Missed Memory: this doesn't make sense to me. If it's a memory, you still have it.........if it's not a memory, you never experienced it.
Pepsi or Coke: COKE. just say NO to the P-word!!!
Favorite Fast Food: don't really have one......once in a while, I enjoy a bacon/egg/cheese biscuit from McD's.
Can You Cook: yes, quite well. But I don't do it much anymore.
Chocolate or Vanille: If it's ice cream, Vanilla. If it's swiss vanilla booboo, CHOCOLATE
Cappuccino or Coffee: EITHER
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: none of the above
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: 24. JUST KIDDING...............a couple.
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): either drama or comedy
Letterman or Leno: Leno, lately. Letterman, previously.
Do you Smoke: yes
Do you Sing: yes
Do you Dance: OF COURSE.
Most unusual talent: I have sung the Beatle's "Ob la di" as a Polka.
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: seeing how long I can put up with people at work without slapping them silly.............
Do you get Motion Sickness: have on occasion.
Are you a Health Freak: NOT.
Do/did you get along with your Parents: Dad died when I was little. Mom & I got along, but not always the best. We like each other now.
Do you like Thunderstorms: LOVE 'em
Do you play an Instrument: nope......well, the maracas and the tambourine, do they count?
Have you ever Stolen Anything: yes. I once got caught shoplifting at a local K-mart-type store.........was a good lesson to me, as the store cop let me and my friend go after a lengthy scare and lecture.
Have You Ever been Beaten up: no - there was a mean girl in grade school who scratched me once.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I don't intend to grow up
What country would you most like to Visit: Finland
Number of CDs I own: not that many - less than 50
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: none
Number of Message Board Alliases: on ALL boards? a few....
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: no answer
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was:[/quote] James Taylor's "Mudslide Slim"
Thread: My new jobggk!

Replies: 82
Views: 122,456
01-26-2007 12:56 Forum: General Discussion


u really r good at poemage.

i think we shood pay hoemage.

so bring on the fromage

and i'll get the crakkers.
Thread: Merry Christmas Terry~

Replies: 21
Views: 71,221
12-22-2006 14:30 Forum: General Discussion

Nice sentiments, bro Smile

MERRY MERRY Christmas to all.
Thread: Darn Floor Big Curiosity

Replies: 85
Views: 181,370
12-19-2006 15:57 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jiminy

I found a real fun site for those who dig DFFB-
are you ready?????
(hang on to your collective hats here.....sheesh!)



scared the carp outta me.....

Thread: A Christmas Note from Terry

Replies: 37
Views: 83,098
12-08-2006 14:36 Forum: General Discussion

We need a POSTING session with those guys!

That would be fun Smile Cool Big Grin Pleased Wink Smile Happy
Thread: Stone Away

Replies: 50
Views: 67,733
12-08-2006 14:31 Forum: General Discussion

admit it.........you were all stoned.
Thread: Dfbb

Replies: 65
Views: 265,401
10-12-2006 15:04 Forum: General Discussion

.....don't be sad, Joey.

it'll show up on my computer at home, I'm sure!
Thread: Dfbb

Replies: 65
Views: 265,401
10-12-2006 14:29 Forum: General Discussion

No, methinks not.

it has nothing to do with my EYES, but everything to do with a new firewall at work ...........

it blocks things like rolling eyeballs and such.

SO very convenient!
Thread: Dfbb

Replies: 65
Views: 265,401
10-12-2006 14:11 Forum: General Discussion

too bad the ROLLING EYES didn't work, Joey!

JUST A RED 'X'...........

Thread: Dfbb

Replies: 65
Views: 265,401
10-12-2006 13:13 Forum: General Discussion

.....laughing like idiots...........

YEAH, I can picture that Wink

heh heh
Thread: Dfbb

Replies: 65
Views: 265,401
10-11-2006 14:22 Forum: General Discussion

what's a VOL?

must be a local thing.......................
Thread: Cool juxtaposition

Replies: 2
Views: 20,946
10-11-2006 12:59 Forum: General Discussion

yup, definitely cool.....................
Thread: Dfbb

Replies: 65
Views: 265,401
10-11-2006 12:57 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by tchandler
hi Woggy! David Lynch would go to a Bob's Big Boy and order the exact same lunch every day for years. maybe i had the same problem?

Hmmm, that could be ONE of your problems Wink

heh heh........................

HEY, Tim, we're getting SNOW here in the North Country today! What do you think of that????
Thread: Dfbb

Replies: 65
Views: 265,401
10-11-2006 12:35 Forum: General Discussion

ooooooo, COOOL............double post !

and i wasn't even trying Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
Thread: Dfbb

Replies: 65
Views: 265,401
10-11-2006 12:34 Forum: General Discussion

........prolly cheap, and easy to throw together, and you must've liked it?

Either that, or you're just weird Wink
Thread: Dfbb

Replies: 65
Views: 265,401
10-11-2006 12:34 Forum: General Discussion

........prolly cheap, and easy to throw together, and you must've liked it?

Either that, or you're just weird Wink
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