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Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,498,117
12-01-2008 17:22 Forum: Upcoming Releases

The way I see it, Christian bands like DA are performing a kind of labor of love. If anyone is under the illusion that cd sales are making them rich then they are very mistaken. I would guess that Terry and the guys could in no way even make a living from just cd sales. In fact from a business perspective making cds is probably not only marginally profitable, but may indeed be unprofitable. I wouldn't be surprised if the guys barely broke even. Many bands MUST tour in order to make money. DA for the most part does not tour. And even if they did outlets would be small. So that goes to my original point: for Terry, DA and other Christian artists, making music is a labor of love. As for me, I am tremendously thankful that Terry marches on! I hope any blessing (financial or otherwise) he and the band realizes far outshines pettiness on the part of "fans." Because I believe Terry and DA do what they do out of a love for their craft, a loyalty to us fans, a love for our Savior and out of a heart of servant hood, I will support them in any way I can. That means I will try to maximize their ability to make money by buying from this website and by pre ordering when applicable. Sure, I could have purchased from Arena and saved some cash but it was more important to me to make sure Terry made more of what he deserves. And sure I got just as antsy as the rest waiting for the SE cd but again I knew Terry and Co. do what they do not to make a fortune but to provide a product that a small group of people love. And I was willing to cut them some slack because if they were like most Christian bands they would have stopped making music a long long time ago because it's not a very practical way to make money. So I say thank you thank you Terry and gang! You and your music are a treasure and we are blessed for you and your efforts! Thank you also, Audioris, for the time you put into making sure we are informed, for promoting the band, and for putting up with a whole lot of nonsense!
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,498,117
11-24-2008 12:25 Forum: Upcoming Releases

yaaaay! Got it on Saturday and it's terrific. It's so great to finally be able to listen to this album on cd (i have the cassette). Great packaging and bonuses too! I also ordered Miracle Faith Telethon when I ordered DFBB but I only received DFBB. Will Miracle Faith ship separately?

Thanks guys!!

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it but because by it I see everything else." C.S. Lewis
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,498,117
release date! yay!!! 09-08-2008 06:24 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Straight from Arena Rock's site, finally an update w/ a target date!

DA's Darn Floor, Big Bite FINALLY gets re-issued on November 25th. The release comes with a bonus/enhanced CD with extra tracks, live footage, and other material. Check back here in coming weeks for information on where/how to pre-order this classic that has been impossible to find since 1987!
Thread: Darn Floor Big Curiosity

Replies: 85
Views: 172,089
01-05-2007 18:46 Forum: General Discussion

Here is a line from that website makes me laugh:

"Let's listen to the "screaming-satanic-man-worship" in a few CCM concerts..."


I think that website might have a point though, I feel a little bad listening to "screaming-satanic-man-worship." Maybe if it was toned down a little to "wailing-demonic-man-accolades" I would feel more comfortable with it. Just a thought.
Thread: while were talkin "DA"

Replies: 38
Views: 56,240
08-01-2006 07:05 Forum: General Discussion

You all are missing the very obvious, the best DA related album is definitely Rapsures-Loud Proud and Born Again! C'mon, you know it's true
Thread: DA 30th Anniversary Edition

Replies: 99
Views: 402,919
07-08-2006 22:32 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Dude, I'm sitting here laughing at the thought of "Old Muffintop." It's just funny in and of itself. But then I see the photo of your dog! Man, it has a muffin top!! That rocks! Is that a Bichon by the way?
Thread: DA 30th Anniversary Edition

Replies: 99
Views: 402,919
07-07-2006 18:33 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

I'm getting 5!
Thread: DA 30th Anniversary Edition

Replies: 99
Views: 402,919
07-07-2006 15:22 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Hey, I've got a problem. I listened to all the cds and didn't once hear the long-rumored Terry and Amy Grant Baby Baby duet. I pretty much purchased the set for that! All in all, excellent package
Thread: 77's DVD news update

Replies: 20
Views: 41,979
07-07-2006 15:18 Forum: General Discussion

sure, I hear it all the time when the gas price goes down half a cent at the pump!
Thread: Go here now!

Replies: 48
Views: 52,782
06-28-2006 20:28 Forum: General Discussion

I'm so HAPPY for these Myspace profiles!!!! I've been looking for ones such as these. Thank you oh thank you
Thread: Still haven't received anything from the "fan club"

Replies: 21
Views: 30,799
The Club's been good to me 05-28-2005 06:11 Forum: General Discussion

I'm not sure where the difficulty lies with you and the fan club. As soon as they received my money all the benefits began to roll in: a free issue of Teen Beat magazine signed by Justin, a signed photo of Justin and Brittney, a pillow sham with an enclosed iron-on Lance and Justin patch and reminder to re-enroll for next year's fan club. Hmmm, it just dawned on me, I think I joined the wrong club!!! As soon as I get my new Swirling Eddies Cd you'll get my fan club money Terry....
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