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Thread: For U2/DA Fans..
Jerry Davison

Replies: 71
Views: 144,169
07-27-2010 08:29 Forum: General Discussion

Button?! We don't need no stinkin' button!
Thread: For U2/DA Fans..
Jerry Davison

Replies: 71
Views: 144,169
weighing in on this U2/DA thing... 07-26-2010 11:15 Forum: General Discussion

I remember sitting around discussing U2 with Mark Heard when he was producing us. I made some joke about Bono not being able to play guitar (at that time he never played it in performance). Mark got very serious and said,"No, no -- Bono is an excellent guitar player!" He then proceeded to regale us with story after story about U2, speaking from apparently first hand knowledge. So apparently the U2 guys and at least some of the more progressive CCM artists have hung out together.
Thread: purpose driven life
Jerry Davison

Replies: 8
Views: 19,028
06-22-2009 14:15 Forum: General Discussion

Wow! Very cool shout out. Are those written by Rick Warren or does he have one of his minions do those? Either way, it's nice to see TST getting some much deserved recognition.
Thread: Mike Roe "Hard Times Come Again No More" tour 2009.
Jerry Davison

Replies: 1
Views: 13,253
03-20-2009 16:26 Forum: General Discussion

Lovin'that masterclass idea. Genius. Of course I would expect no less from Mike Roe.
Thread: Favorite DFBB song?
Jerry Davison

Replies: 26
Views: 96,141
12-05-2008 18:14 Forum: General Discussion

"Strange Animals"
Thread: Which album...
Jerry Davison

Replies: 35
Views: 61,203
08-01-2008 11:52 Forum: General Discussion

Songs of the Heart. Even though it's friggin' brilliant on so many levels (and has one of my all-time favorite DA songs, "When Everyone Wore Hats") I still can't listen to it all the way through. Terry uses this kind of low mumble to sing in and the songs are just plain weird for the most part. It's very Zappa-esque to me. But like I said, it's still brilliant.
Thread: What was the first...
Jerry Davison

Replies: 27
Views: 51,038
07-30-2008 11:40 Forum: General Discussion

I Love You # 19. 'Nuff said!
Thread: Top 5 Daniel Amos Albums
Jerry Davison

Replies: 62
Views: 119,465
07-21-2008 11:28 Forum: General Discussion

Ok, in no particular order...

1. Horrendous Disc - because it was my first exposure to DA and the record that showed me Christians could actually make good music. It is so Beatlesque it won me over right away. To my mind it is a pinnacle in CCM.

2. Vox Humana - song for song my favorite. Yes, the production is dated but that only adds to it. Like a future retro thing. Or is it retro future?

3. Shotgun Angel - Again, very Beatlesque, especially with the Side 2 rock opera ala Abbey Road.

4. Darn Floor Big Bite - for its sheer lyrical and musical brilliance. Nothing short of genius.

5. Doppelganger - it's just dang cool, ya know?

Looking back over the list it's easy to see I have an affinity for the 80s DA stuff. I guess because it was the soundtrack to some very spiritually formative years for me. Thanks, Terry and co. for helping me through those years!
Thread: The name "Daniel Amos"
Jerry Davison

Replies: 20
Views: 39,148
05-14-2008 11:47 Forum: General Discussion

I asked Terry this same question when he was producing JT's second CD. He said, quite succinctly, "Book of Daniel. Book of Amos." And that was that. Smile
Thread: What if I told you, I found a copy of...
Jerry Davison

Replies: 33
Views: 83,600
04-26-2008 11:56 Forum: General Discussion

Wow. I'm usually right with you guys on most things but it's weird for me to see so many nay-sayers on WEW. While I do think CTK is their best, I always thought of WEW as a high point for the Choir. I never really cared for anything after that. huh. Go figure.
Thread: iAlarma!
Jerry Davison

Replies: 163
Views: 261,087
04-14-2008 16:08 Forum: General Discussion

When I was three the Beatles' White Album came out. I was poppin' zits and just getting my drivers' license when Alarma came out. Pleased
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame
Jerry Davison

Replies: 92
Views: 122,259
04-11-2008 17:29 Forum: General Discussion

Interesting stuff. I think he makes a good point that Napster tapped into something that record labels could have found a way to make work for them if they had not been so greedy. It will be fun to watch the YouTube phenomenon and see if TV and movie studios learn anything from history.
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame
Jerry Davison

Replies: 92
Views: 122,259
04-11-2008 11:29 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jyroflux
Someone is selling CD-R's made from BTGATF.

Yes, they claim to be complying to copyright laws by selling you a cassette or vinyl version along with it. If they were so keen to comply with the law, they would not charge for it. Or not do it at all. There are plenty of easily accessible ways to convert vinyl to digital yourself.

Still, I have to say I would be tempted if they had a copy of Fireworks' "Sightseeing at Night." I would gladly pay for a copy of that if it were available legitimately. I wouldn't buy a pirate copy but if I ever found it on Limewire I would be sorely tempted.
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame
Jerry Davison

Replies: 92
Views: 122,259
04-11-2008 11:21 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Dr Rich
Originally posted by Jerry Davison
I asked this person who told me all this if it would be possible for us to just buy our (Jacob's Trouble) stuff but they seemed to believe they would not parcel it out like tat. They want to sell the whole package together.

I would love a "Door into Summer" vinyl re-issue.

I actually have a copy of that on vinyl! It's cool! I got it from a friend in the Netherlands where the European Christian distributors had vinyl pressings made. Legend has it that Knock Breathe Shine is also available on vinyl but I've never seen a copy.

It's funny, I remember thinking when I got it, "Now we've hit the big time!" Pleased Forget CDs and radio airplay. It was all about the vinyl, baby!
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame
Jerry Davison

Replies: 92
Views: 122,259
04-10-2008 19:26 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by RoxxRegime
Actually, the KMG records website seems to have disappeared.......

How cool would it be if Terry was able to get the rights back? That would be awesome!

About those fan letters -- that's just so weird to me. I always consider being a fan a two way street... it's a relationship with the artist. They give me music, I compensate them. I wonder how those fans who wrote in to you would feel about working a few days with no pay at their jobs...it's the same thing.

I asked this person who told me all this if it would be possible for us to just buy our (Jacob's Trouble) stuff but they seemed to believe they would not parcel it out like tat. They want to sell the whole package together.
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame
Jerry Davison

Replies: 92
Views: 122,259
04-10-2008 19:25 Forum: General Discussion

I think it's an excellent point that the reissues offer something illegal downloads don't: the package. Knowing that a reissue is in essence in competition with itself makes it all the more important that it adds some value for the purchaser. It's almost as if you are only shelling out the money for the packaging and a clean conscience (which are big deals, don't get me wrong). Ironically, the music itself is technically free, since the purchaser could theoretically get that somewhere else. This is a weird time to be a musician. But a fun time to be a music fan. Pleased
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame
Jerry Davison

Replies: 92
Views: 122,259
04-10-2008 17:38 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by MarkyMark77

So, Jerry...
Is there any chance of any Jacob's Trouble reissues?

Not likely. I recently heard that KMG is in the process of being sold off (I assume that would include all the Frontline TST/Eddies/DA stuff as well) to anyone interested. Hopefully someone who appreciates the value of what they would be buying will snatch it up and re-release everything, including making it all available for digital downloads via iTunes, etc.
Obviously, if there were immediate plans for a reissue, I would hope there wouldn't be a lot of illegal downloading of our stuff. But the fact of the matter is you can't even find JT stuff on Limewire for free.

So in the meantime it behooves me as an artist with no other means available to me to keep my music in the public eye (or ear, as it were) to make my music readily available to anyone and everyone even if it's free. Otherwise, JT will soon be long forgotten and there would be no point in reissuing anything anyway because we would have no one left who would even know who we were to buy it. In other words, it would actually make more money for me in the long run to give my stuff away now in the hopes of attracting new fans or hanging on to the old ones while I wait patiently for someone to give a DAmb.

One important factor that differentiates me from the other artists being discussed: I no longer depend on my music as a source of income. However it could be argued that Randy no longer depends on much of his earlier music for income either since neither he nor anyone else barely acknowledges its existence, much less plans on making it available for others to hear. I know I'm in the minority here but I honestly think that in the case of BTGATF if the hardcore fans don't continue to circulate it it may disappear altogether one day. What better way to gauge if something deserves a reissue than the demand for it among fans?
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame
Jerry Davison

Replies: 92
Views: 122,259
04-04-2008 17:39 Forum: General Discussion

Speaking as someone who would have something to lose if someone passed around my music for free -- if it's out of print and you have paid for a copy at anytime in the past, the artist has already made his money off that sale. Copyright law allows for you to make a copy for yourself if you have purchased it legally. Personally, at this point, if anybody gave a rat's patoot enough to want my music for their personal enjoyment, I would give it to them. But that's me.

I think it's obvious that we would all buy it if it were in print. Having said that, if anyone wants a copy PM me.
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame
Jerry Davison

Replies: 92
Views: 122,259
Re: :) 04-04-2008 11:08 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by RoxxRegime
I met someone on YouTube.com who shares my love for old Christian music and he sent me via email the entire "Glory and the Flame" and "Equator" albums on mp3. They sound as if they were dubbed from vinyl but at least I have them. I can put them in my public folder if anyone is interested. Since they are otherwise unavailable and I'm confident you have all paid for these albums at one time or another, my conscience is clear.

I would really appreciate it if we could do this! How does it work?

I have a publicly accessible storage space. I'll upload the stuff and post a link here.
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame
Jerry Davison

Replies: 92
Views: 122,259
04-02-2008 12:03 Forum: General Discussion

I love this record, too. "Die Young" is one of my favorite songs of all time -- Christian or otherwise. Just great power pop.

I met someone on YouTube.com who shares my love for old Christian music and he sent me via email the entire "Glory and the Flame" and "Equator" albums on mp3. They sound as if they were dubbed from vinyl but at least I have them. I can put them in my public folder if anyone is interested. Since they are otherwise unavailable and I'm confident you have all paid for these albums at one time or another, my conscience is clear. Pleased
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