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Thread: Grief

Replies: 12
Views: 24,173
About your loss 02-10-2005 12:50 Forum: General Discussion


I'm sorry to hear about your great loss. I recently had a relative succumb to the same drug, although I wasn't close to him. Just after he was released from prison, he od'd.

We just joined a small group at our church, and two of the four couples are recovering addicts. It just does my heart good to see how God has put them back on the right path.

Some of us choose to climb especially broken ladders on our way to glory but we still get there, nevertheless.

Thread: A Dog day in Cerritos

Replies: 9
Views: 17,583
Mapquest for time-killing 01-28-2005 15:00 Forum: General Discussion

Y'all missed the point about Mapquest. You don't get credit for potential flyer miles, ya know.
Thread: A Dog day in Cerritos

Replies: 9
Views: 17,583
A Dog day in Cerritos 01-24-2005 09:02 Forum: General Discussion

As I also posted on The Choir's board, I just wanted to share with you my Sunday morning church experience with the Lost Dogs yesterday. They played at Derri's dad's church, which -- according to Mapquest -- is only 9 minutes away from my house. It just would have been wrong not to go.

Anyhow, the church is a small building with a big wooden cross behind the pulpit. The crowd was an odd mix of Dogs fans and senior citizens The service began with the church's worship band, before the Dogs took the stage for an expected 45 minute set. But they actually ended up playing at least an hour. Lots of good songs, bad jokes and uplifting messages.

This show was special for me, since I was able to attend with my whole family. My son (11) is just now starting to appreciate his dad's CD collection, so it was so cool to introduce him to Derri, Terry and Mike. They were all friendly, as always -- even when my daughter (5) gave Mike a crayon stick figure Dogs picture she'd drawn during the show.

I've seen the Dogs, as well as their individual bands, many times. From large stages -- like Cornerstone -- to small clubs. But this was special, since it was on sacred Choir ground, if you will. Just across from the church is an apartment, which used to house The Choir's recording studio. Oh, if those walls could only talk! And to think that Derri grew up running around these grounds dreaming of one day becoming a rock star.

If anybody else on the board was there, please chime in. For those of you who are a little further away than 9 minutes, I am sincerely sorry you couldn't be there. Once again, this was special.

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