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Thread: Question About Mr. B's Dream
eddie p

Replies: 7
Views: 28,427
08-01-2006 17:23 Forum: General Discussion

I think it's the same mood it's just that the 1st disc is the Buechner's concept thing and then on the second disc it's more of just a collection of songs that were in the same mood and written at the same time but for one reason or another fit the Buechner concept so they called it And So It Goes.
Kate Bush had a similar thig in 1985 with the release of Hounds Of Love.
It wasn't a double disc but when it first came out on vinyl the first sidr was Hounds of Love and the second side was dubbed the Seventh Wave or somehing, correct me if I'm wrong on that.
Thread: ???
eddie p

Replies: 30
Views: 63,003
07-30-2006 02:25 Forum: General Discussion

Found it
Darlin - Wild Honey - 1967
Thread: while were talkin "DA"
eddie p

Replies: 38
Views: 56,240
07-28-2006 23:18 Forum: General Discussion

Well obviously the answer is Buechner's Dream
It has every style they've ever done bar the country crap
Darn Floor doesn't quite cut it for this category anyway. Ilove the cd but I hate The Shape Of Air. A very sad end to a very great album. Buechner however has that strange stuff and it also has normal stuff going on.
Thread: ???
eddie p

Replies: 30
Views: 63,003
07-28-2006 19:05 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by tchandler
hey, eddie p! how ya doin'?

great responses from everyone. this is an interesting subject (to me, at least) and, evidently, something a lot of us (most of us?) have in common.
and for me it's not nostalgia and not even just the song. it's the sound of Carl Wilson's voice I can't stop listening to.

if you haven't listened to "Darlin'" for a while, fire that one up as well!

Hey Tim.
Well things are actually at an all time high.
Carl Wilson's voice was very beautiful.
I don't think I've ever heard Darlin. I'll have to look that one up.
Is it on Pet Sounds?
Thread: ???
eddie p

Replies: 30
Views: 63,003
07-28-2006 00:23 Forum: General Discussion

That's weird.
A couple of months ago I was watching 50 Firsat Dates with Adam Sandler.
The movie ended and I went to take a dump.
While I was in the bathroom the end credits were playing and God Only Knows came on.
I felt like I had just heard the song as well. It's a masterpice, and I don't like the Beach Dudes. That's probably the only one I like by them.
So I went out and printed the lyrics up and I've been in the process of trying to cover it. It goes so many different places. It's beautiful and I can think of a lot worse songs to be feeling like you heard for the first time.
How'd you like to all of a sudden be really into SWEET HOME ALABAMA>
I hate the ducking song with a passion. I want to destroy things when I'm offended with that piece of crapola.
I think that's probably what hell is like.
Forget about fire and brimstone, just put on copies of LENNERDSKINNNERD and have them playing for all of eternity. That is pure satanic horror.
Thread: ???
eddie p

Replies: 30
Views: 63,003
07-28-2006 00:23 Forum: General Discussion

Shocked Red Face
Thread: ???
eddie p

Replies: 30
Views: 63,003
07-28-2006 00:23 Forum: General Discussion

Cool Big Grin Tongue
Thread: Lost Dogs Fan Tribute
eddie p

Replies: 259
Views: 398,382
07-26-2006 08:02 Forum: General Discussion

I like it Jimbo
Thread: Links To Worldwide Film Clips
eddie p

Replies: 40
Views: 95,558
07-24-2006 09:49 Forum: General Discussion

When the Dogs went to Nashville the time Me and Mike interviewd them Riki Michelle opened up for them and she sounded pretty good. That's like the first time I heard her and that was back in 2002. She had a great bassman as well.
Thread: Lost Dogs New Orleans
eddie p

Replies: 47
Views: 81,193
07-04-2006 23:48 Forum: General Discussion

Theoleo my little friend..
Can't wait til you come back down here man.
Seems the only time I get drunk on rum I'm at Mike's house.
Anyway you're funny.
Sounds like you've been nipping at it already though.
Well there's13 minutes left in it so I'll tell you happy 4th.
Thread: Lost Dogs New Orleans
eddie p

Replies: 47
Views: 81,193
A Magical Night 07-02-2006 02:24 Forum: General Discussion

For over 20 years of my life I have dreamed of having these guys, who now call themselves The Lost Dogs, come to New Orleans.
Now, 20 years ago I never dreamed I'd be opening up for Terry Taylor, or Mike Roe. Even Derri. You know?
Never dreamed it.
Sometime around 7 we did a sound check.
The Dogs had already had theirs.
We only did one song.
Now by this time there's a bunch of people sitting around talking and someone asked why we only did one song because they'd apparently thought the thing was starting.
So I just went up and got the guitar and tried to get my friend Mark to come up and play a Beatles song with me. He wouldn't but I still sat there on the amp and played it. Indest wouldn't come up at this point. We weren't starting until 7:30 and that's that.
So, after some encouraging from a mister Mike Roe I got the sound guy to put the sound on and I did REM's The One I Love.
The people seem to like it. Great.
Now Indest starts yellin out requests and he says Clementine.The Elliott Smith song. So I do a version of that. And it feels good. And the sound man's good. And the people are happy. And it's a magical night.
It's 7:23. There's time for one more.
So I do You Never Know Someone. It felt good. The groove felt good.
Now it's time for the Mike and Ed show. Now I realize that I'm gonna be doing the second song, Can You Love Me and I"m gonna need some lubrication so I head to the bar to get a Coke. Meanwhile Indest is taunting me. Asking me if i'm gonna join them or whatever.
My friend Monty was on drums. I've known Monty LeBlanc half my life. I worked my first job with Monty. And now he's drumming with me.
We started out with Pentecostal Pamela Lee. Mike Likes those blondes you know?
No, it's a great song and I love playing it on the bass. And I love doing the background vocals. And it's a song that always has a great groove and you can sort of warm up with cause most of the time you just nail it. It's just fun to play.
Then we did Can You Love Me which I'm still geting used to playing the bass and singing at the same time. But Indest doesn't play the nadaed bass so I've gotta do it. I think I'm liking it more though. Anyway we jammed it down and it was tight. I'd feel more comfortable doing this song if I had some background vocals but Indest doesn't do backgroud vocals do you Indest?
Next we do You Think You're Pretty Now, which is a Michael Stanley Indest classic. A beautiful song of heartache written by Mike about my ex-wife after it was found out that she commited adultery. Now this is a beautiful song right. And all of a sudden the ducking bass is going haywire.
I'm hitting notes and it sounds like there's a beehive in the amp. Now it did this in the sound check with my bass, so I, thinking it was the bass, asked Derri if I could play his Fender Mustang. So that's the bass I was playing. So now I know it's the chord. There's bit of confusion as I try to continue to sing the background vocal and plug in the bass with the wire that Cliff, the sound guy, gave me. I knew I had to get it before the build up. The bridge came and we crossed it without a hitch and the rest of the set went flawless.
We did Something's Gotta Turn Around next.
Now I'll tell you a little story about this song. Whe me and Mike were living on the streets and playing our guitars for change he would say do Something's Gotta Turn Around.
Well I'm sick of doing that song. And it's mostly because just me singing the song doesn't cut it for me. I need the backgroud vocals on a song like that. So I told him to do it I'm sick of the ducking thing.
And so he did it and I just started doing the background vocal with him and the song is better now because there are vital parts that are heard.
And Mike does a great jod singing and playing it.
So we did that and ended with Mike's One Of Them which I absolutely love playing and singing the bgv's on. It's a fun one. And it was tight.
Next the Dogs came up.
And I can't tell you a play by play cause I was manning the product table and running back and forth from there to just outside the door where the friends that I invited were. Sitting at the tables. They had come late. And they're not Dogs fans. They came out to see me and Mike and Monty. And they only got to see us do 2 songs.
Anyway I sold a few Dogs cds and yes I do have my copy of The Lost Cabin And The Mystery Trees.
Haven't listened to it yet but I can tell you they did a few from it.
Free Drinks And A Dream
No Room For Us? I think it's called? So beautiful.
If You Want To
Only One Bum In Carona Del Mar, which is on the new one.
And that's it. Check with Indest for the rest.
I gave Mike Roe the loot.
Indest said the dogs didn't want to go anywhere after. Cause we were supposed to go somewhere to eat or something.
Well he got my friend Mark to bring me home and he went to eat with them anyway. Thanx Mike.
And thanx for making a magical night happen.
Thread: Lost Dogs New Orleans
eddie p

Replies: 47
Views: 81,193
06-15-2006 21:08 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Theo
Originally posted by mike
That sounds great, hopefully if we don't get hit again this summer we can do another gig. Maybe by then we can get Wiita and Jevon down here to? Can you pick them up on your way down? Big Grin


Well, I can cover Jevon! Cricket will have to hop on down from his corner of the nation!

Have a great day--you and Rum-Daddy! Wink

Rum Daddy
Are you referring to me Theocrates?
Thread: Lost Dogs New Orleans
eddie p

Replies: 47
Views: 81,193
06-15-2006 20:30 Forum: General Discussion

That's cute
Thread: MR Taylor- Post to acknowlege?
eddie p

Replies: 51
Views: 116,717
05-24-2006 18:34 Forum: General Discussion

Happy birthday Terry
You really should be in New Orleans so we could celebrate.
I see how you wanna be
Oh and I still worship you
Your friendly neighborhood stalker
Eddie P
Thread: MR Taylor- Post to acknowlege?
eddie p

Replies: 51
Views: 116,717
05-24-2006 18:33 Forum: General Discussion

Happy birthday Terry
You really should be in New Orleans so we could celebrate.
I see how you wanna be
Oh and I still worship you
You friendly neighborhood stalker
Eddie P
Thread: Happy B-Day Mister Tim.
eddie p

Replies: 19
Views: 20,720
02-03-2006 14:04 Forum: General Discussion

Happy birthday Tim. Thanx for all the years of wonderful music. Hope your day is lovely. And here's to 40 more.
Thread: I'm never lending anyone anything ever again
eddie p

Replies: 24
Views: 36,216
05-02-2005 15:59 Forum: General Discussion

That;s my main man Dorfriend Smile )
Thread: I'm never lending anyone anything ever again
eddie p

Replies: 24
Views: 36,216
05-02-2005 15:30 Forum: General Discussion

I coul use a little Motopsycho and Green Room Seranade.
I mean I did buy them on both cassette and cd and I don't have a copy of either, thanx to my stupidity. Confused
What do these Residents sound like?
I'll give em a listen Smile )
Thread: I feel like taking my top off
eddie p

Replies: 253
Views: 816,803
05-02-2005 15:21 Forum: Larry - Lucy I'm In Love

Big Grin
Thread: I'm never lending anyone anything ever again
eddie p

Replies: 24
Views: 36,216
05-02-2005 15:19 Forum: General Discussion

Nooooooooooooooooooooo? Smile )
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