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Thread: Gene Eugene Tribute Radio Show, tomorrow (4/6)

Replies: 3
Views: 12,354
04-07-2008 02:56 Forum: General Discussion

That's great! ^
Well, the show wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. Those technical difficulties kept me from recording most of it, which kind of threw me off (I was rushing around trying to get them fixed and I think I sounded very stupid in 90% of my breaks). However, my playlist was good. I got in all the clips from Mike and Derri, and if someone out there was able to discover Gene/the Dogs/Adam Again, then my task was accomplished!
I did manage to record the last half hour or so, and a couple of people told me they might have been able to catch other parts, so if anyone cares, you should be able to hear at least a chunk of the show online sometime in the near future.
Thread: Gene Eugene Tribute Radio Show, tomorrow (4/6)

Replies: 3
Views: 12,354
RE: Gene Eugene Tribute Radio Show, tomorrow (4/6) 04-06-2008 12:32 Forum: General Discussion

This is a huge long shot, but is there anyone out there who might be able to record (what's left of) this show? nada KAOS is having technical difficulties, and I'm unable to. Mad
Thread: Gene Eugene Tribute Radio Show, tomorrow (4/6)

Replies: 3
Views: 12,354
Gene Eugene Tribute Radio Show, tomorrow (4/6) 04-06-2008 00:01 Forum: General Discussion

Tomorrow on my radio show I will be featuring Gene Eugene's music. I have LOTS of Lost Dogs songs, a few Adam Again songs, and a couple of covers. (Because we stream online and have to follow the DMCA, I'm only allowed to play up to 4 songs without permission from the owner of the songs... hence the lack of Adam Again. However, I was fortunate to get permission from Linda at LAM -- on behalf of the Dogs -- to play unlimited tracks from the first 3 records plus GRS Part Tour.)

Best of all, I was able to talk with Mike and Derri so you will also hear clips from them throughout the show.

If you're interested you can tune in tomorrow morning from 10 am-noon PST, at this address:

If you happen to be near Olympia, WA you can also listen live at 89.3 FM.

If you miss the show, I do have plans to send it to Linda at LAM. She mentioned putting it online.
(Beware, I am terrible at mailing things and still owe some people my Mark Heard tribute from last August. But my life is a lot less hectic than it was back then ... no more cancer treatment, for one ... so hopefully it won't be too long before tomorrow's show is available.)

Sorry for the wordy post. Hope some of you will tune in!

Tammy T, The Think Tank
Thread: radio play

Replies: 28
Views: 60,422
08-21-2007 11:14 Forum: General Discussion


Cool. Would it be OK if I sent you some of my material?

Sure. I'll send you a pm with an address -- CD's (or CD-r's) are easier for me, as I don't have a computer at home, so I don't often get a chance to download stuff.
Thread: radio play

Replies: 28
Views: 60,422
08-20-2007 12:52 Forum: General Discussion

I play Daniel Amos/Lost Dogs/Swirling Eddies/Terry FREQUENTLY on my radio show! My program isn't exactly considered Christian radio, although I do also play Mark Heard, Cockburn, the Choir, 77s, Innocence Mission, Buddy & Julie, Bill Mallonee, Stonehill, Keaggy ... as well as a lot of Brian Wilson-influenced 60's-esque pop, some folk, country, etc. from "secular" artists. My show is called The Think Tank -- here is a MySpace site for it:
The playlists are beyond out-of-date, but I plan on updating them soon (I've had a very busy summer with surgery, planning a move, and lots of house-sitting...)

Anyway, I really do play Terry's music just about every week -- so does my fiancee/show partner -- and not only that, Terry HIMSELF was on my show yesterday! He was one of seven artists who were generous enough to participate in my tribute to Mark Heard; he called in and talked about Mark for 3-4 minutes...

My show is on Sundays from 10-noon PST, and you can hear it online here:

In addition to my program, there is a show on KAOS called God's Misfits that's on in the OTHER Sunday 10-12 timeslot, from ten-midnight ... I know Scott Eaton also plays Terry's music and I wouldn't be surprised to hear the new Swirling Eddies on his show. So while you probably won't hear Terry Taylor on KAOS any other days (though we do have a couple of Lost Dogs discs in the library that are VERY occasionally played by other random KAOS deejays) Sunday from 10-12 is always a good time to tune in to KAOS if you want to hear him!
Thread: Vox Humana shirt on ventriloquist?

Replies: 38
Views: 57,381
08-20-2007 12:26 Forum: General Discussion

I do watch that show and Terry was always my favorite -- I like him even better now after finding out he has great taste in music!! I only wish I'd voted for him last week! (I did vote for him 10 times on one of the other shows, but was a bit too pre-occupied to vote last week.)

He really is talented, and it will be very annoying if the 14-year-old wins (I'm not too impressed by her voice and this is not "American Idol").
Thread: Best Scream

Replies: 39
Views: 62,935
08-20-2007 12:20 Forum: General Discussion

For Daniel Amos, I love the scream in "Who's Who Here." I know there are a lot of other great screams by other bands/artists, but I can't think of any others right now!
Thread: It's All About YOU....

Replies: 195
Views: 958,670
08-20-2007 12:13 Forum: General Discussion

Name: Tammy T

Birthday: April 14, 1979

Birthplace: Tacoma, WA

Current Location: Olympia, WA

Current Occupation: Radio person

Dream Occupation: Rock star

Eye Color: Some bluish-greenish non-color...

Hair Color: Blonde

Height: 5'3"

Right Handed or Left Handed: Right

Your Heritage: British on my dad's side -- I have no idea on my mom's!

Your Biggest Weakness: Worrying, procrastinating, stealing other people's weaknesses from their surveys...

Your Fears: Fire! Needles (though not so much anymore), spiders...

The Perfect Pizza: I had a really good pizza in Kauai once with all kinds of seafood on top -- it was close to perfect -- when I'm not in Kauai, I like veggies!

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Remission! Having a stress-free move ... getting a better job ...

Your Most Overused Phrase or word: "casually", "you love..."

Morning person or Night Owl: Night owl!

Your Best Physical Feature: I don't know ... my eyes?

Your Most Missed Memory: I loved being 10! 5th grade was fun -- I wrote stories all the time (which I still love to read), I won all the spelling bees (ha) ... that was also the year I really got into music.

Pepsi or Coke: Eh ... (diet) Coke.

Favorite Fast Food: French fries -- anywhere!

Can You Cook: I can make edible food.

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla ice cream, chocolate everything else.

Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee...

Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: I know them all mostly by name only.

Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: 1-2

Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): Most often drama, but I like them all (well, I'm not big on action...)

Letterman or Leno: Not really a fan of either, but if I had to choose, Letterman.

Do you Smoke: No.

Do you Sing: In the key of Q!

Do you Dance: Only in my mind...

Most unusual talent: I'm a tongue twister champ.

You like to regularly challenge yourself by: Succesfully multi-tasking..

Do you get Motion Sickness: Sometimes.

Are you a Health Freak: Not really, but I'm a little more conscious since being diagnosed with BC last year.

Do/did you get along with your Parents: Yes, for the most part.

Do you like Thunderstorms: If I'm inside!

Do you play an Instrument: I wish I did! I own a guitar but I don't know how to play it.

Have you ever Stolen Anything: I once stole a pink eraser from Northwest Trek! (I was 8 or 9.) Then I felt guilty and "accidentally" dropped it on the ground and "lost" it.

Have You Ever been Beaten up: No, but when I was 7 I gave my sister Angie a black eye to "test my punch." I was a bit of a freaky child! My punch was fine, I guess -- at any rate, I haven't hit anyone since.

What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A friendly giant.

What country would you most like to Visit: Norway (specifically, Bergen).

Number of CDs I own: 500-ish?

Number of Piercings: Zip.

Number of Tattoos: Zilch.

Number of Message Board Alliases: 3?

The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: The Beatles, Daniel Amos.

The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: The "Sound of Music" soundtrack. Farrell & Farrell (remember them?)
Showing posts 1 to 8 of 8 results

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