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Showing posts 1 to 8 of 8 results
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Thread: making of MBD confession
Guido Martinez

Replies: 35
Views: 45,997
RE: making of MBD confession 05-20-2005 12:25 Forum: General Discussion

I have a few confessions of my own...

Thread: Is John Wayne any good?
Guido Martinez

Replies: 40
Views: 42,568
03-24-2003 15:10 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Dr Rich
Originally posted by Guido Martinez
John Wayne is a fansatic record. Kind of DA-esque. However, the best cut on the record has not even been mentioned. "Too Many Angels" is right up there with some of Terry's best.

hey Guido! Long time, no see!
what's up champ? Smile

Yeah, I don't get to post as often as I would like. Aunt Betty requires me to service her every waking moment of the day, and then 'drags' me out on the town with her every evening....
Thread: Is John Wayne any good?
Guido Martinez

Replies: 40
Views: 42,568
John Wayne 03-20-2003 12:43 Forum: General Discussion

John Wayne is a fansatic record. Kind of DA-esque. However, the best cut on the record has not even been mentioned. "Too Many Angels" is right up there with some of Terry's best.
Thread: Favorite bass songs?
Guido Martinez

Replies: 40
Views: 39,452
Bass lines 02-28-2003 12:59 Forum: General Discussion

I can't dispute the fact that Mr. Chandler is one helluva bass player and adds a lot to the DA sound. However, Berger Roy Al has better chops. While I enjoy both Tim and Berger's playing, that bass player from The Choir is better than both them.

Now, what I would really like to know is, which one of these guys are the toughest? If you locked all three in an 8x8 cage (buck naked), threw in one (1) flowery sundress with white frilly laces, one (1) white blouse with a black blazer, matching skirt and Italian pumps, and one (1) pair of designer jeans and a Fabio t-shirt, who would end up wearing what outfit? Which one would just fight tooth and nail to the end?
Thread: just thinkin' out loud-
Guido Martinez

Replies: 90
Views: 132,398
11-08-2002 08:57 Forum: General Discussion

I agree we should raise the bar, but can I still say "wiener" on this forum?
Thread: top 5 Taylor songs
Guido Martinez

Replies: 63
Views: 72,381
09-25-2002 13:30 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Jim Muglia
5)The Unattainable Earth

This song is remarkably close to a song I penned as an insecure adolescent boy 25 years ago (after months of sizing myself up to other boys in my 7th grade locker room). I called the song 'Unattainable Girth'.
Thread: Terry's funniest lines
Guido Martinez

Replies: 40
Views: 61,332
06-27-2002 14:19 Forum: General Discussion

Someone's laughing, someone knows
You like wearing women's clothes

Thread: Big Time News!
Guido Martinez

Replies: 4
Views: 22,490
03-25-2002 13:25 Forum: General Discussion

Let me be the first to say, THIS glows with warmth. I can't make it to C-Stone OR Life-Fest this year. Therefore, I am hoping that the following events happen in my absence:

- Tim can't make it again this year and is replaced by the highly overrated, albeit flamboyant bass player, Zeke Luedtke.
- Jerry doesn't show up (as usual)
- Ed takes a vacation (and is replaced by that drummer wannabe guy on the Choir board, Torgo).
- Greg finally acknowledges that he is highly underrated, and refuses to go on stage with the likes of Zeke and Torgo.
- Terry, shaken by Greg's sudden departure, calls on his good pal, Carmen, to fill in for him.

This would make me a happy man....

Showing posts 1 to 8 of 8 results

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