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Showing posts 1 to 7 of 7 results
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Thread: Hard Times Come Again No More Playing In Best Buy
Coal Ridge

Replies: 7
Views: 12,538
08-11-2003 15:17 Forum: General Discussion

I believe Syd Straw sang that song on one of her albums. Haven't heard of Syd Straw? You and everyone else!
Thread: Lost Dogs DVD rocks
Coal Ridge

Replies: 138
Views: 147,105
08-11-2003 10:50 Forum: General Discussion

All right. First off, where are the Lost Dogs from? Are they from Arkansas? Mississippi? Missouri? Kentucky? Last time I checked, they had roots firmly planted in ... California. Southern - I hasten to add - California. (Yes, Derri now resides in Tennessee, but I didn't hear any accent last time I saw him.)

Honestly, the imagery used in the DVD could have just as easily been Los Angeles, Flagstaff, Muncie Indiana, whatever. It just doesn't matter. The "train" imagery is not "train" imagery: it is the El, people - the quintessential Chicago mode of transport, and a most appropriate image for a Chicago-based production.

As far as criticism in general is concerned, there is criticism and then there is goofy, weird, mystery-agenda-driven angst. This is, I'm afraid, all too typical behavior for the hyper-cool, pseudo-Christian media lover-haters: cry and cry for something of real substance, and then tear it down when something a little too close to it comes along. Why? I don't exactly know, but I've seen it time and time again. It's some sort of insecurity, I think, but I can't put my finger on it. A critic's job is to somehow objectively critique a piece of work based on his or her own subjective persuasions: not an easy job, I'll grant you. However, I don't recall Roger Ebert going out of his way to spew vitriol across multiple message boards, or employ heavy-handed and oh-so-clever condescending asides as though his very survival as a critic was on the line.

Is the DVD perfect? No. Is it wrong for someone to not fall in love with it? Of course not. However, "why Chicago" is not a valid criticism, nor are several other comments I've heard. It's a concert DVD, for goodness sake. You may as well criticize it for having a poor plot or a sub-standard script: it simply doesn't make any sense. You might as well criticize a flower for being so nada flowery: it is what it is. Maybe you just don't like flowers, but that makes your criticism of flowers highly suspect, no? I think there are other issues at play here besides a legitimate, honest critque of a concert DVD: something under the surface.
Thread: DAconomics
Coal Ridge

Replies: 175
Views: 207,941
05-19-2003 16:49 Forum: General Discussion

... and now THIS is me. Nothing shifty going on besides a soft spot for the Romantics.
Thread: DAconomics
Coal Ridge

Replies: 175
Views: 207,941
05-19-2003 16:45 Forum: General Discussion

Delete away, if you'd like. I said I was dropping it, but obviously you hadn't read that post before the ensuing discussion about this discussion, if that makes sense. I don't think these posts are helping anyone, nor getting anywhere.

I hasten to add, I'm not Jeff, which you seem to be hinting at in your last few posts. If I were Jeff, I wouldn't be sitting in my office alternately arguing with you and editing training manuals. Actually, I'm the poster formally known as kevinf: I picked up "Coal Ridge" after my wife and I returned from our first overseas trip to the UK (saw Coleridge's grave at Westminster), and kevinf seems so boring compared to the other names here. Nobody's trying to pull a Mugglia, at least not with Mugglia's motivations.

Add to that the fact that I just talked to Jeff, and he's none to happy with me for continuing this discussion. So, since I've managed to Mountain Dew everyone off, I'll go find some other hill to die on!
Thread: DAconomics
Coal Ridge

Replies: 175
Views: 207,941
05-19-2003 15:58 Forum: General Discussion

Thread: DAconomics
Coal Ridge

Replies: 175
Views: 207,941
05-19-2003 15:40 Forum: General Discussion

Thread: DAconomics
Coal Ridge

Replies: 175
Views: 207,941
05-19-2003 14:40 Forum: General Discussion

Showing posts 1 to 7 of 7 results

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