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Thread: Doppelganger:The White Album

Replies: 8
Views: 17,986
10-03-2007 21:23 Forum: General Discussion

I've got mine in the crawl space with my other vinyl.

It was a limited (and I think even numbered) edition item that could be ordered through the Vertigo newsletter at one point. I think it came out well after the original release.

If it is worth a house payment, I think it is time to cash in...

Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 338
Views: 903,408
anus? 08-11-2007 21:51 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by servantsteve
I could hear alot of that David Anus in the Swirling Eddies. Camarillo Freddy almost sounds like David when he sings.

With the absence of Arthur Fhardi this time around, I actually noticed a distinct lack of Anus sounds.

Can we use this kind of terminology on the board?

Thread: Countdown 'til the Eddies show at my house

Replies: 51
Views: 65,602
08-10-2007 15:24 Forum: General Discussion

Tally HO!

The Prisoner may in fact be my favorite television show ever...though Lost is currently giving it a run for it's decades long position.

To those of you still waiting for TMTSATM, it will be well worth the wait.

Be seeing you Wink

Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 338
Views: 903,408
08-10-2007 14:31 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by Scrimshaw Nick

I want to like this much, MUCH more than I have been. And I don't see the connection to Zoom Daddy. I wish I did. Oh, how I wish. Frown

I don't see the Zoom Daddy connection either, but I must say that I'm enjoying this new disc immensely!

Thread: DA - Instruction Through Film (DVD)

Replies: 44
Views: 199,459
08-07-2007 21:26 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

I took advantage of the Swirling Eddies Celebration Sale and ordered one myself on Friday. Sounds like it will be money well spent!

Thread: Big Dork's conscience speaks to him in this message....

Replies: 65
Views: 88,262
07-31-2007 15:43 Forum: General Discussion

Profile for jollyholiday Avatar/User Text

Registration Date: 18.03.2002
Rank: Mind Peach
Posts: 233 (0.12 per day)
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Posted on: Yesterday, 19:45
Forum: Other Music

I try to keep it around 1/10th of a post per day. I'll need to leave the board for a few weeks to bring it back down. Wink

Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 338
Views: 903,408
07-30-2007 11:23 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Currently, I'm partial to:

It All Depends
Salton Sea (No mentions of Slab City/Salvation Mountain)

Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 114
Views: 322,436
07-28-2007 20:51 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Mine came today. I was working on a construction project and my wife was kind enough to put it on my iPod so I could listen whilst I worked! Love it!

Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 114
Views: 322,436
07-27-2007 14:44 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Somebody is already

Cashing IN!
Thread: Swirling Eddies - Cardboard Box (Preorder Preview)

Replies: 43
Views: 207,133
07-25-2007 15:36 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by jiminy
having pre-ordered it,
I havent had the oppurtunity to hear it yet.

Having paid $ 5.00 more for it two years ago- I will get fre shipping though.

Congratulations on the free shipping jiminy!
Thread: A question for Camrillo/Uncle Terry/Tim/whoever wants to chime in

Replies: 81
Views: 129,959
03-24-2007 15:37 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Strange Animal
Originally posted by jollyholiday
Originally posted by dennis
Originally posted by minutia
I'm not trying to make it complicated, but I don't want to see all of "CCM" trashed unless it is defined.

CCM Defined in 3 easy steps:

Step 1: Pick a very popular song, i.e. The Fray's "How to save a life."

Step 2: Make another version of the song with "Christian" lyrics.
i.e. "How to Pray to Christ."

Step 3: Make a truckload of money.

I sure wish Terry would use some of his truckload to finish that darn Eddies album!

terry is not ccm and thus doesn't have the truckload.............
don't you get it? Frown

oh, and btw........ the newsboys show tonight was actually quite good... Big Grin

I do get it, but I don't think you do.

My Terry's truckload comment was with tongue firmly in cheek.

The notion that ccm artists on the average have a truckload of money is laughable (though I don't think that was the point Dennis was trying to make). I maintain that Terry and most of his incarnations were and still are part of ccm as are many of my favorites (77s / Stonehill / Mark Heard/etc.)

All the word battling and defining in the world will not argue those artists out of their place in ccm history like it or not.

Thread: A question for Camrillo/Uncle Terry/Tim/whoever wants to chime in

Replies: 81
Views: 129,959
03-23-2007 20:22 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by dennis
Originally posted by minutia
I'm not trying to make it complicated, but I don't want to see all of "CCM" trashed unless it is defined.

CCM Defined in 3 easy steps:

Step 1: Pick a very popular song, i.e. The Fray's "How to save a life."

Step 2: Make another version of the song with "Christian" lyrics.
i.e. "How to Pray to Christ."

Step 3: Make a truckload of money.

I sure wish Terry would use some of his truckload to finish that darn Eddies album!
Thread: A question for Camrillo/Uncle Terry/Tim/whoever wants to chime in

Replies: 81
Views: 129,959
03-23-2007 15:50 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by dennis
For the most part CCM has an agenda.
Once you have an agenda, you are no longer speaking from the heart.
You are a marketing rep.

Doesn't everyone have an agenda when it comes down to it?

Jesus had (has) an agenda.

(And I'm not equating ccm's agenda with the agenda of Christ here).

Businesses have agendas, ministries, churches, families, professional sports teams, policemen/women, grocery store clerks, drunks... I think if you find yourself agendaless, it might be time to find one Smile

If someone doesn't like ccm's agenda, no one is forcing anyone to participate in it. I still like to pick up the most recent Starflyer 59 when it releases and a handful of other projects. But no one is holding a gun to my head when a new Point of Grace album comes out.

Thread: A question for Camrillo/Uncle Terry/Tim/whoever wants to chime in

Replies: 81
Views: 129,959
03-22-2007 14:05 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Jerry Davison

All in all I don't believe there should even be a Christian music industry.

---I'm not Terry either...

I wonder how many of us who visit this site out of our affection for T. Taylor and the like would have ever even heard of Daniel Amos without the "christian music industry." If I'm not mistaken, until the advent of this web site, I've never purchased or found a Daniel Amos CD anywhere but a "christian" book store (other than an occasional disc at a used CD shop). Though, I have seen Lost Dogs discs at general market stores at times.

Would Daniel Amos ever have progressed beyond their humble country western beginnings...no Da, no Swirling Eddies...no Dr. Edward Daniel Taylor?

Would this logic carry to festivals as well? Eliminate the "christian" festivals and let the bands with a "christian" bent attach themselves to secular festivals. I think of all of the great memories from the Cornerstone Festivals of my youth. The exposure that I had to bands that weren't very commercially viable outside of the "christian" community: The 77s, Charlie Peacock, DA, the Choir, etc... I think it highly unlikely, that those bands would have received the kind of nation wide attention they received sans the "christian" festival, "christian" radio, "christian" print media, or"christian" retail.

I doubt that much if any of the T. Taylor music I enjoy so much would have made it w/o the CCM industry to foster it along to a degree, especially in pre-internet times.

To the point of the original email in this thread, I think that people within the christian community should be more willing to accept helpful criticism from one another, without feeling like a "ministry" is being attacked...nor should we prop up poor talent (be it artistic or otherwise) with the tent pegs of "ministry," and not expect to receive criticism. But let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.

Thread: DA - The Making of Buechners (DVD)

Replies: 374
Views: 723,529
07-18-2005 17:05 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Looks like I need to make a purchase then!

Thread: DA - The Making of Buechners (DVD)

Replies: 374
Views: 723,529
07-18-2005 16:24 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

I can't even remember if I ordered this.

I know I pre-ordered Swirling Eddies and the Jubal disc.

Was this one a non-pre-order. Please advise.

It's been a long time since new Terry material has been found in my mailbox.

Thread: Doug T.

Replies: 21
Views: 45,462
mothman 02-26-2005 19:32 Forum: General Discussion

any news about the mothman sdtrk?
Thread: Terry S. Taylor's Imaginarium

Replies: 156
Views: 466,123
neverhood 02-26-2005 19:28 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

yes...worth the wait...hopefully all of the other promised projects will be.
Thread: DA - The Making of Buechners (DVD)

Replies: 374
Views: 723,529
buechner dvd 02-26-2005 19:27 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

is this still being reviewed by the band and liner notes still being written? will this ever transpire. I visit this site about once a month now...seems as nothing ever progresses...
Thread: Whats your favorite DA concert experience?

Replies: 105
Views: 171,471
07-28-2004 12:41 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by audiori
The one that sticks out to me the most is Cornerstone 90
Daniel Amos, Randy Stonehill and the Swirling Eddies.

I think that was my favorite show as well. Didn't the Eddies have a female performing with them wearing a coon skin cap and going by the name of "Mary Baker Eddie"?

I think Terry & Randy did a Beatles tune in the encore as well.

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