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Thread: lil clips

Replies: 19
Views: 30,957
Dogs File - Cornerstone Video 08-21-2005 05:39 Forum: General Discussion

Try this if you use a PC:


Right Click here

Select "Save Target As"

Save It Where you Want It

Wait patiently for the 5.86 MB file to download.

Also, if you're interested, here are file locations for:
Bill Mallonee - 3.87MB
Over the Rhine - 5.87 MB
The Choir - 5.10 MB
Ashley Cleveland - 5.45 MB
Glenn Kaiser Band - 5.38 MB

(Buying a Mac soon!)
Thread: Terry S. Taylor's Imaginarium

Replies: 156
Views: 466,123
Neverhood promotional Videos 07-03-2005 14:05 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Don't know if this has been posted here before...


There are a few promotional videos (varying in format & quality) for the Neverhood video game...Terry's music can be heard in the background.


Thread: Thus Quoteh DA Raven

Replies: 121
Views: 195,830
11-04-2004 18:33 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by PuP
"I said, 'Who are you to send me?'
He said, 'I Am that I Am.'
I said, 'Lord, What will I tell them?'
He said, 'I Am that I Am.'
'Oh dear Lord, I just can't do it.
I am just a man.'
He said, 'I will see you through it.
I Am that I Am.'"

Thread: Roe Article

Replies: 148
Views: 174,986
10-29-2004 17:31 Forum: General Discussion

OK Computer is very good.
Thread: Roe Article

Replies: 148
Views: 174,986
10-29-2004 14:13 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by carl
HE inspired you??? Mad Mad Mad Mad

Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying


Dorf is my inspiration

Thread: Roe Article

Replies: 148
Views: 174,986
10-29-2004 14:11 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by FaintScentsOfSewage
For me, it's just never grown on me, as many other albums have. I take it out every couple months, hoping it would finally click, but nothing yet.

I wasn't too fond of direct at first, but just recently, i've really started enjoying it.

Same here.

I do like "Related" and the Radioactive Singles version of "Mr. Magoo"
Thread: Roe Article

Replies: 148
Views: 174,986
10-29-2004 13:55 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by dorfsmith
What do you not like about crows? It did have to grow on me but when I actually started getting it I loved it.

Hmmmm...perhaps "hasn't grown on me yet" would be a better description. I need to listen to it again to get a better feel for it. I've had the disc for a couple of years, and just haven't gotten into it.

Perhaps I've been lazy (or passive) in listening. Classic 77s albums like Sticks and Stones and Pray Naked have more melodic pop hooks (i.e. the U2ish "Do It for Love", "The Rain Kept Falling in Love") which make them more memorable and perhaps more accessible.

Crows is a rock and roll album that didn't immediately jump out and grab me like so much of the other 77s material.

You've inspired me to go back and listen to Crows this weekend.
I'll try to listen to it more actively and either
1) appreciate it more
2) pinpoint why it's not high on my list of 77's records.

Thread: Roe Article

Replies: 148
Views: 174,986
10-29-2004 13:38 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by FaintScentsOfSewage
I'll say Crows is a low point. But Tom Tom is good.

but they glossed over a lot of good stuff released after 1989

True. The other two self-titled albums ("Pray Naked" and the EP) were simply amazing...plus Mike's outstanding solo work.
Thread: Roe Article

Replies: 148
Views: 174,986
10-29-2004 13:13 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by carl
... and 3) from the WTF department: "If there is a low point to this period, it is the band’s 2001 album, A Golden Field of Radioactive Crows, a guitar-driven album full of overwrought, pseudo-hard-rock posturing and musical and lyrical clichés." Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad ..."

That line surprised me a bit too; though I must admit I agree with him.
Golden Field and Tom Tom Blues are, in my opinion, low points in the 77s catalog.
Thread: lurkers

Replies: 73
Views: 103,963
10-29-2004 13:06 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by tchandler
I'm just curious how a musician would approach his own music as a listener (if at all).

Bryan --

that's a really great question, one that i've wondered about some of the people that i'm a fan of.

a lot of people (not in da, and i won't mention names) claim to never listen again to something that they've done, once they're done with it.

there are a lot of things that i've played on that i won't listen to again, but i'm still such a fan (sorry if that sounds stupid) of what terry/da do, and of (sorry carl) the choir stuff, that once in a while i will pull something out to listen to, especially if it was someone else's song and all i did was play bass on it. but even at that, i guess, not very often.

((i really do love to hear something new!))


Thread: Roe Article

Replies: 148
Views: 174,986
10-29-2004 12:28 Forum: General Discussion

Thread: lurkers

Replies: 73
Views: 103,963
RE: lurkers 10-29-2004 12:12 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by DaLe
Originally posted by tchandler
hey, let's hear from the LURKERS today!
come on, lukers, come on by and say hello. tell us who ya are.

yea, how can you pass up an invitation like that?
the DAmb needs some new members anyway... Cool

otherwise Tim is going to be asked the same old questions
by the same old members about the same old topics...

how is the Choir CD coming along... ?
any Swirling Eddies news... ?
have you heard from Tonio K. recently... ?

Yeah, Tim... how's the Choir CD coming along?

I'm curious about something else too...
It would be fairly normal for someone on this list to approach his/her CD collection, pause for a moment deciding which disc to spin, and then select a Daniel Amos or Choir album.

If you were to approach your CD collection and pause for a moment, would you think about listening to a DA or Choir album? Do you think, "Nah, I've heard that a million times" or "Cool, Mr. Buechner! I haven't heard that one in a while." or "Nah, their bass player thinks he's so much better than me"?

I'm just curious how a musician would approach his own music as a listener (if at all).
Thread: lurkers

Replies: 73
Views: 103,963
RE: lurkers 10-29-2004 10:54 Forum: General Discussion

Hey Tim,
Thanks for writing! I'm a semi-lurker.
I post regularly and read often but
don't have any pseudonyms,
haven't met any board members in real life,
don't have my own band, website or "Lyrics Bryan Likes" thread.

You know...sort of "in but not of" the DAMB.

I did get an email from one of your cats today:

-----Original Message-----
From: Socks@chandlerfamily.org
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 5:08 AM
To: Bryan@DambSemiLurkers.com
Subject: Daily Infiltration Log #13

Water stil tas fune
Stil hav radeo contact with brger
Chandlers stil think im a cat
Thread: 5 Disc Changer

Replies: 17
Views: 39,051
10-22-2004 15:51 Forum: General Discussion

Lost Dogs - Gift Horse
Swirling Eddies - Zoom Daddy
Terry Scott Taylor - Avacado Faultline
Daniel Amos - Mr. Buechner's Dream Disk 1 (I haven't heard MBD yet)
Daniel Amos - Vox Humana
Thread: Fun with Sound!

Replies: 1
Views: 9,751
Fun with Sound! 09-29-2004 08:33 Forum: General Discussion

New album from Michael Roe and Mark Harmon.


Thread: Friendly Fire

Replies: 2
Views: 9,814
Dear Life 09-22-2004 14:08 Forum: General Discussion

...and Bill's still-hot-off-the-press release "Dear Life" is officially released this month. It is smokin' hot! His best since "Audible Sigh" in '99/2000.

Free MP3s of Friendly Fire Available at:
Thread: Does anyone speak German?

Replies: 18
Views: 25,116
07-19-2004 11:26 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by PuP
Favorite Album or Song Titles from the German Translation:

Say Your peoples who never stop talking
Ping Pong concerning The Abyss
I'm Setting You Free, but I'm emergency Letting You Go
bacon LED Bird
If You because barrel
The desire, The Flesh, The Eyes & The Pride OR life
engine Cycle

Favorite Description of Lost Dogs Fans:

older young people

Big Grin
Thread: What the critics think.....

Replies: 33
Views: 45,131
07-15-2004 10:09 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by carl
I can't read that graphical nightmare, but I've been to that site before. He's good. Lots of reviews on there worth exploring.

I've frequented his website for over a year and have always read it thinking that the writer was a female. He isn't, and now I have no idea why I thought that he was a she. Confused
Thread: new Lost Dogs music video

Replies: 11
Views: 16,997
RE: new Lost Dogs music video 07-07-2004 13:10 Forum: General Discussion

Great Work, Memsen!

Thread: My Fabulous Night With...

Replies: 41
Views: 50,437
RE: My Fabulous Night With... 07-01-2004 13:46 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by bereal

Our daughter is our little entrepreneur. She will try to sell anything to anyone ~ kinda like dorf! Big Grin

Big Grin
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