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Thread: Personal DA Statistics

Replies: 12
Views: 28,809
RE: my penny... 02-17-2006 15:21 Forum: General Discussion

And now for you Eddies fans:


Thread: Loose Ends

Replies: 90
Views: 186,774
02-17-2006 14:13 Forum: General Discussion

Hey, have you thought about doing mp3 downloads of "extra" songs??

I noticed that The Choir is doing mp3 downloads for sale of nearly all their music. It would be agreat way to make the rare "extras" available and not have all the production costs associated with putting them on media.

Thread: Personal DA Statistics

Replies: 12
Views: 28,809
RE: my penny... 02-17-2006 12:03 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jiminy

Favorite "Weird" (cool?) songs:
1st: Bibleland
2nd: Here I am

I would have put attack of the Pulpit Masters – or bad indigestion – but its DA time..

Yep, those are going to show up on my personal Eddies and Dogs Statistics post when I get around to it...


Favorite Other Groups that Terry Taylor Turned me on to:
1st: Adam again ( I know shame me- but it was the Dogs that led me to AA)
2nd confession- becoming a real 7s fan- through the Dogs (and really appreciating the artistry of Michael Roe
2nd LSU AGREE!!- Mike Knott etc,

Hey, I'd put the 77's on my list for sure: except I'm not exactly sure which group I was a big fan of first: The 77s, or DA? I can't remember. I was listening to Ping Pong Over the Abyss over and over again about the same time I was listening to all of the Alarma Chronicles...

... my fuzzy past...

I do know I saw Mike Roe and company in concert many years before I ever say Terry Taylor in concert (and then it was with the Lost Dogs, so I got to see Mike again too...)

Never have seen DA in concert... but probably you've got to be a Californian, or somebody that goes to every cornerstone to say you have.


Favorite "Inspirational" (mellow?) songs:
1st: Joel
2nd: Beautiful One

I can definitely applaud those.


Favorite reoccurring theme in DA Music?
1st – the term Mystery Spot
2nd - Whistling ( in song lyric..or actually whistling….!)

Favorite Rock DA Tune
1st – Wise Acres
2nd Love #19

Gonna have to think about those. I definitely agree about Wise Acres.

Also, another good statistic would be:

Favorite Song for the Bass
1st ???
2nd ???

(every once in a while I'm listening to a song, and thinking: man the bass is good in this song!!! but then afterwards I forget what song it was.)

Thread: Loose Ends

Replies: 90
Views: 186,774
Loose Ends 02-17-2006 11:51 Forum: General Discussion

Did anybody notice this eBay auction item:

TST's Loose Ends:


(not sure if that link works for you or not. I sometimes bid on things that I know I won't get just so I can easily track how much it sells for.)

US $305.25

Holy smoke! It's the most expensive TST-DA-Eddies-etc CD auction I've ever seen! I've never even seen the Alarma Chronicles Bookset go for that much!

Thread: Personal DA Statistics

Replies: 12
Views: 28,809
RE: Personal DA Statistics 02-17-2006 11:48 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Gabriel Syme
My personal and totally reactionary stats:

Favorite Inspirational Songs
1. When the Moonlight Sleeps (got me through college with my sanity intact)
2. Banquet at the World's End

Ditto that! I should have picked Moonlight Sleeps...

... and it got me through college too. Big Grin

(Not sure about my sanity, thought....)

Thread: Personal DA Statistics

Replies: 12
Views: 28,809
02-17-2006 11:44 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Lur King
Big Grin

Favorite DA Album:
1st: Motorcycle
2nd: Darn Floor Big Bite

p.s. side notes are fine & cool and all that... but I would rather have a SiDe Dish

Great list. Motorcycle may end up my favorite album if I keep listening to it over and over again.
Thread: Personal DA Statistics

Replies: 12
Views: 28,809
02-15-2006 15:58 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jiminy
Dude - this will take some thought- butI will try to give out my stats also..

(btw- I loved yers ..again!)

Hey, Thanks.

I thought about mine for several weeks as I was driving back and forth from work. (I have a long commute... it's possible to listen to a whole CD end-to-end, and then some...)


P.S. Hey, guys, the beard freaks me out too. Why do you think I have to wear those sunglasses. It's so I can look in the mirror!
Thread: Personal DA Statistics

Replies: 12
Views: 28,809
Personal DA Statistics 02-15-2006 13:54 Forum: General Discussion

Favorite DA Album:
1st: Fearful Symmetry
2nd: Darn Floor Big Bite

(currently) most listened to Album:
1st: Motorcycle (4 to 6 times per week)
2nd: Songs of the Heart (2 to 3 times per week)

a side note:
A friend recently told me he listed to "Hole in the World" over and over again for about four hours

Favorite song:
1st: Hole in the World (no, it wasn't me, I swear!)
2nd: Turn this off

a side note (again)
that last one is really fickle, ask me in 5 minutes and I'll give you a different pair of songs

Album with the Coolest Lyrics:
1st: Doppleganger
2nd: Darn Floor Big Bite
3rd: Motorcycle

a side note (again)
what? I can only have two?

Coolest Lyrics:
1st: Harry Fiasco is gulping down his moral fiber
2nd: Psychosomatics cleaning their attics

a side note (again)
3rd: Motorcycle - shouldn't that be first?
Hey, but there's so many good lyrics in Doppleganger, I can't just pick any one phrase out!

Favorite "Wierd" (cool?) songs:
1st: Banquet at the Worlds End
2nd: Hollow Man

a side note (again)
that last one is really fickle, ask me in 5 minutes and I'll give you a different pair of songs

a side note (again, again)
Hey, you are repeating yourself

a side note (again, again)
Pete, and Repeat, that's what I say.

Favorite Other Groups that Terry Taylor Turned me on to:
1st: Silage
2nd: LSU

Favorite Other Terry Taylor Groups:
1st: The Eddies
2nd: Terry's Solo Stuff
3rd: Lost Dogs

a side note
did I miss anybody?

a side note (again, again)
Hey, you are repeating yourself

a side note
no I'm not.

Favorite "Inspirational" (mellow?) songs:
1st: Grace is the Smell of Rain
2nd: Wonderful

a side note (again)
that last one is really fickle, ask me in 5 minutes and I'll give you a different pair of songs

a side note (again, again)
Hey, you are repeating yourself

a side note (again, again)

Editor's Note:
Mind you, that's all just favorite DA stuff. That doesn't count the Eddies or the Lost Dogs, or even Terry's Solo work!

Any favorites? Am I on target? Crazy?

Okay, I admit, I am.

Thread: How did you find DA?

Replies: 245
Views: 417,242
02-15-2006 13:24 Forum: General Discussion

How did I find DA?

When I was at a certain (unnamed) Bible College (and no, I don't think it is mentioned in Hide the Beer, but it should be), a friend and I would secretly hover around his record player listening to DA (they were called Daniel Amos back then), Rez Band, Steve Taylor, Barnabas... you get the idea. (You were there too?)

Hey, I remember when Doppleganger (the LP) was brand new! I remember removing the plastic shrink-wrap! There was no such thing as a "CD" yet. Oh, boy, I feel old.


Thread: Hey Terry...What does semi-retirement feel like?

Replies: 44
Views: 63,363
01-13-2006 11:39 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by peawinkel

The best Narnia music goes back to the 1980 release, The Roar Of Love by The 2nd Chapter Of Acts. With contributions by Phill Keaggy & Michael Omartian, it's a musical masterpiece.

I remember that when it came out. It was great. I agree it was a masterpiece. Certainly the best thing ever produced by 2nd Chapter of Acts.

That was the first thing I thought of when I came out of the Theater from seeing Narnia was: "I wonder if I can pick up a copy of that CD for my kid?"

Hmmm.... I wonder if it ever shows up on eBay.

Thread: Long lost da alarma Vinyl

Replies: 10
Views: 25,459
RE: Long lost da alarma Vinyl 12-21-2005 18:47 Forum: General Discussion

I've been watching things on ebay lately. You are right that albums usually only sell for under $10.


(and this is amazing)

a few days ago, a copy of Randy Stonehill's first album "Born Twice" sold for $110.00.

I was amazed as I watched that baby climb higher and higher... phew... and it was definitely an album... nothing but vinyl.

The closest thing in the DA world that I've seen was a DFBB CD that sold for $74.00 about a month ago.

I have a friend who says there are some folks out there that swear by vinyl and have high end stereos to play their stuff. I'd love to have SOMETHING that plays all my old vinyl... my record player broke down a couple months ago.

Thread: I Love You # 19

Replies: 11
Views: 21,274
12-05-2005 13:59 Forum: General Discussion

LOL - yeah, that's the song. It's kinda hard to hear what they are saying, but it appears that whoever was playing the bass (I think it was Tim Chandler ) is feigning sickness and so Terry asks the audience if someone wants to come play the bass. Then somebody else comes up and sings vocals (but you can't really make out what Terry is saying about that...) I wasn't sure it it was a couple of plants (maybe somebody they knew that they had sitting in the audience) or if it was really an anonymous member of the audience.

Thread: I Love You # 19

Replies: 11
Views: 21,274
I Love You # 19 12-05-2005 12:00 Forum: General Discussion

Does anybody know who is singing and playing bass with DA at Cornerstone 2000 - on the Cornerstone 2000 CD # 2???


Thread: Alarma or bust

Replies: 9
Views: 20,860
11-03-2005 23:33 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Mark
Personally were I in your shoes, I would have wanted the Alarma Chronicles book. You could always buy the other stuff in the store later.

Arg... I did, I did.

It finally sold for $140.00 (to somebody else, not me...)

Now somebody else (or maybe the person who bought it). is trying to sell it for $150.00 opening bid! Hard to believe Terry and the guys can't justify another reprinting of it or something!

Thread: Alarma or bust

Replies: 9
Views: 20,860
10-28-2005 18:45 Forum: General Discussion

Many, it was getting all the way up into the $80 range and I couldn't stand the heat...


I've been wanting Imaginarium for a while anyway!
Thread: Alarma or bust

Replies: 9
Views: 20,860
Alarma or bust 10-28-2005 18:02 Forum: General Discussion

I have a big dillemma. Somebody is outbidding me on eBay to purchase the very special Limited Edition Daniel Amos THE ALARMA CHRONICLES ....

We are now up to $74....

Do I outbid them... or do I collect my scruples and purchase everything I ever wanted but haven't bought yet from the DA Webstore!!!!!

I could buy:
* Imaginarium
* The new Untitled Swirling Eddies CD (or is the title: "untitled" - I wasn't sure?
* Dr. Edward Daniel Taylor "Prickly Heat Radio Players"

and, still have money left over...

What should I do. I love the Alarma Chronicles, but my record player just doesn't play any more...

Thread: Fearful Symmetry

Replies: 10
Views: 18,639
Fearful Summetry 05-07-2004 17:34 Forum: General Discussion

On a related topic...

I enjoyed the Fearful Symmetry music at their web site above, but couldn't get to the "purchase" pages to check everything out.


The fourth Album of the Alarma Chronicles is one of my favorites, perhaps my very favorite DA album.

Has anybody noticed the common themes between Fearful Symmetry and TST's "Knowledge and Innocence" - I swear I could listen to both of those Albums over and over and over again! I wish I could get them on CD! (Actually I managed to find K&I on CD once, so I've got that... but I still NEED the full Alarma Chronicles on CD!)

~ Kaf
Thread: Fearful Symmetry

Replies: 10
Views: 18,639
05-07-2004 17:29 Forum: General Discussion

You can probably read everything Blake ever wrote on the internet, because he's been dead for more than 50 years nobody owns (or can own) the copyright.

Check out Bartleby for a good selection

Acually, my favorite Blake is:

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour

~ Kaf
Thread: Fearful Symmetry

Replies: 10
Views: 18,639
05-07-2004 16:02 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by dennis
or fans of William Blake! Tongue

Did someone say Blake?

TIGER, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
Thread: Uncle Stonehill's Hat review

Replies: 29
Views: 50,857
RE: Uncle Stonehill's Hat review 04-27-2004 10:18 Forum: General Discussion

I bought Uncle Stonehill's Hat.

I thought it was fun and interesting, but I don't listen to it often. I tried to get my 6-year-old daughter to listen to it (actually I bought it for her), and she was just plain bored. (Although she did think for a long time afterwards that Elvis real name was "snailvis").

I'd have to say she enjoyed picking doors at the web site, she enjoyed the little mouse-over, mouse-not-over, mouse-over, mouse-not-over, thing with the slamming doors at the web site a great deal. ( http://www.unclestonehill.com/ ) But I just can't get her interested in listening to the CD.

Oh well.

She loves listening to classic Stonehill with me: in fact "The Sky is Falling" is one of her faves.

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