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Thread: Favorite DFBB song?

Replies: 26
Views: 96,121
12-08-2008 13:56 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Ritchie_az
My 12-month-old seems to like Safety Net the best. When she's in her carseat (which is where she's usually at when I'm listening to DFBB) she kicks her legs and claps her hands to the beat of that song.

Not to get too far off topic, but our daughter had some interesting taste in music for her age before she was one year old too. I remember we were listening to the Led Zepplin box set once and she started kicking, abbling, and reaching for the CD player. But then we later listened to the House of Blues Barbeque Blues CD and she started crying. She did work on memorizing the words to the Lost Cabin CD when she was three and now really seems to like "Lucky Ones" from MBD too.

Hey, I did get it back on topic, sort of.
Thread: DA - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 141
Views: 756,422
12-07-2008 23:29 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by me-is-e
Originally posted by Ron E
Any mention of Annie Dillard in the interviews?

I want to say yes, as my head is screaming that this should have great meaning to me. Either in the interview or in the booklet. I'll go look and get back about it.

I can tell you that there is a nod to her in the commentary part of liner notes under Shape of Air saying: "(with a little lyrical help and inspiration from Annie Dillard)"-need to listen to the interview again to see if there is a mention there too.
Thread: DA - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 141
Views: 756,422
12-07-2008 21:02 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by Ron E
Any mention of Annie Dillard in the interviews?

I want to say yes, as my head is screaming that this should have great meaning to me. Either in the interview or in the booklet. I'll go look and get back about it.
Thread: DA - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 141
Views: 756,422
12-07-2008 16:26 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

I've made a few comments about the main disc on a few other threads, so I'll start with my favorite moments of the bonus disc here and then see what other details come tumbling out after that. Wink

For me, the bonus disc is essentially a second album itself, featuring a stroll through instrumentals, live versions, an unreleased song, a remix, and the big Terry Taylor interview. Starting out is the remix of Unattainable Earth. The sound is excellent and it even has an even different energy than the album cut. Taken as a whole, the main stand out is the 22 minute interview with Terry Taylor. Fun, insightful, and covers all of the major ground. The more I listen to it, the more I love the intermingled cassette demos, especially the acoustic guitar Shape of Air. With the statement that, "We make 60's pop records" the demos remind me of the three tracks of recordings of Strawberry Fields on the Beatles Anthology 2. The whole bonus disc takes on that kind of air from the closing demo track inclusion as well.

For the live tracks, we get the great, raucus takes of Unattainable Earth and Darn Floor Big Bite from 1988. The next stand out is the live version of Safety Net from Cornerstone 1998 (Personally I even favor this over the album version). And finally is Shape of Air from 2000 (all from Cornerstone performances). The Shape of Air version is another another blessing just to hear an ongoing evolution of the song (back to the Beatles Anthology idea I suppose).

Not to forget the instrumentals, they are each nice to have, but I LOVE this instrumental of Half Light, Epoch and Phase. Hearing that funky, rockabilly, country guitar during the chorus just gives me an incredibly goofy grin every time I hear it!

Again, I cannot say enough that I have liked about this album. Bonus disc is great fun. The main album is lyrically fine. The music does make me think of 1987 styles, but I'm also hearing the experimental 60s pop and few other styles lightly blended in. The commentary for each song and from member throughout the booklet is a fine treat, and honestly, I keep thinking that middle photo panel of all the guys in a line would be the ideal place for the hopeful autograph or two. Big Grin

As always, many thanks to all involved. Looking forward to whatever may come.
Thread: Favorite DFBB song?

Replies: 26
Views: 96,121
12-06-2008 11:37 Forum: General Discussion

The album ties together in so many ways that its been almost impossible to think of one song without bringing up at least three others. So I'm only going to try to list my stand out cuts, and there are 6/10!

"The Unattainable Earth"- Great song for theme of the album. An obvious first single. Lyrically and thematically you can't think of it without tying it to "Darn Floor, Big Bite".

"Shape of Air"- Pinnacle song for the album. Ties everything together. Beautiful closer of the theme.

"Earth Household"- Beautiful and a bit haunting.

"Strange Animals" & "Safety Net" are two other stand outs for me.

. . . I know we're talking about the main album, but I love alternate takes so there is a lot of joy in having the versions of "Unattainable Earth", "Safety Net", and "Half Ligh, Epoch and Phase" on there as well.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,931
12-05-2008 11:28 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I can understand where Mountain Fan is coming from in that I've converted some old vinyl and cassettes to mp3 myself. Most of it is obscure, out-of-print type stuff that cannot be found on CD at all. Now having it as mp3s, the few I could get elsewhere I don't get in as big a hurry to do it. (And some of it how I wish I could find perfect quality recordings easily available and at a reasonable price!) There were also an unusally high number of great releases this year that I've bought, plus we have a lot of unexpected bills to handle right now. Just good reasons to have me being careful about media buying right now.

This reissue of DFBB is my first experience with it and I am just really overall happy with what's there in every way.

Tongue Really not trying to sound defensive or anything like that here. Just want to keep the positive statements coming for this as I just think it merits them.
Thread: When Everyone Wore Hats

Replies: 26
Views: 51,204
12-05-2008 11:02 Forum: General Discussion

Man, this is sounding like one of my dream recordings more and more now! Complete acoustic variations of the songs, alternate of a song from one of my favorite Lost Dogs albums, different type of packaging, and a song with "kickboxing uber parrots" in it-this should my ideal record! Honestly, this covers a lot of the qualities I start looking for bigger album purchases and all around great music. I'm gettin' too excited all ready.

Come on Doctor Who collectible stuff on ebay-sell, sell! Big Grin
Thread: When Everyone Wore Hats

Replies: 26
Views: 51,204
12-05-2008 10:35 Forum: General Discussion

Sounds good to me! Now I just need to sell some things on ebay so I can buy! Cool
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,931
12-05-2008 08:41 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by Ritchie_az
Got the cd, listened to it for the first time last night (and I'm listening to it right now). I could try to describe it but I don't think I could ever succeed. Wow, it's wonderfully incredible! I feel like koko trying to sign the earthquake experience....
And I have to wonder how Terry and company were able to move forward after completing such a masterpiece. They could have said, "This is the zenith, now we'll find something else to do." (Thankfully, they didn't!)
The amazing thing to me is how fresh it still sounds. I mean, if I didn't know any better, I might think DA recorded this just this year. The album is unique musically and very deep lyrically, and there is still nothing really like it today. Maybe some have come close, but no cigar! How this sold less than 10,000 copies on it's first run is beyond me (hey, I was only seven years old, so you can't blame me).
Terry and Greg's genius was fully flowing (at a level perhaps not seen before or since), Tim (as always) was incredible and Ed, maybe the most underrated drummer ever, was great.
For anyone who has not yet purchased this album--maybe has never heard it--if you found a copy for $39.99 it would be worth every penny. So what's keeping you from forking over $17?

I couldn't agree more with the above! Especially how it still sounds fresh. First listen I thought there was a certain 80's sound-it fit into 1987. But every listen after you can hear the experimental pop 60's influences, plus other music style too. Plus the lyric content is great and the overall theme-I would almost dare call Terry a Christian mystic from this! (Well, I just did!) Been almost listneing to that alone since I got it and still want to keep it spinning.

Red Face Pleased Sorry for gusshing. Its just nice to find myself excited over an album again.
Thread: When Everyone Wore Hats

Replies: 26
Views: 51,204
12-05-2008 08:31 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by joey
Originally posted by jyroflux
Originally posted by Dr Rich
I never claimed to be smart. Tongue

When has an Uncle Terry release not been worth owning? Wink

sacred cows... Frown

even that is worth hearing at least once! Tongue

Yeah, I made it through twice-Couldn't go much farther. Roll Eyes

Others I can't stop listening to now! Wink
Thread: When Everyone Wore Hats

Replies: 26
Views: 51,204
12-05-2008 08:17 Forum: General Discussion

Glad to have found this thread. Answering most of my questions about WEWH-an album I'm really hoping to get soon if possible.

One more question, what exactly is a 'bookset'? Or, better yet, what is the packaging like? Just curious as I'm a bit of a unique packaging junkie. Thanks. Cool
Thread: darn floor!

Replies: 49
Views: 86,936
11-27-2008 23:13 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Audiori J
Originally posted by me-is-e
Originally posted by Ritchie_az
I was at Borders yesterday, and, just because I was wondering, I asked if they had DFBB and, if not, if they planned to carry it. The answer to both was "no" but I could special order it. Later, at Best Buy, I asked the same question, and was told they don't have it, but it is the corporate office that decides what music they carry, so he didn't know if they would eventually carry it. ...But I could special order. I haven't been anywhere else. It'll be interesting to see who carries the album and how many copies get sold. I'd be a bit surprised to find it at the local CBS.

I read this and just out of curiouity, checked the Best Buy website. Its listed there as a special order for $14.99!?!? It is on Amazon too, as I've marked it there for my personal recommedations. I'm sure the difference of listing an item on the website and carrying it in the store is based on what they think they sell best to the average 'window shopper'. So then it begs the question, how does an artist like Terry get even a few copies to show up in a store for someone to discover and buy?

When Arena Rock did the larry norman disc I asked our best buy and they said they won't carry it in store and just make it a special order item if each store only gets like one copy. So it could be, that, if Arena Rock makes their money back and can print more copies and distribute them they could show up in store I would assume.

That's good to hear in a way. It would be nice to just stumble onto a 'hard copy' of favorite artist album in store. I would think that, no matter how small the amount might be, having a product in a public place would have to help either interest or returns.
Thread: darn floor!

Replies: 49
Views: 86,936
11-27-2008 23:12 Forum: General Discussion


ah, order has been restored!
Thread: Big

Replies: 9
Views: 18,417
11-27-2008 23:11 Forum: General Discussion

Thread: Bite!

Replies: 6
Views: 14,354
11-27-2008 23:10 Forum: General Discussion

Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,931
11-26-2008 12:57 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by servantsteve
You may continue to post.

Thank you for your permission good sir! Smile

For some reason I can have problems with my posts being accepted here, or receiving the access denied message when I try to post. After PMing Audiori and trying a few things, it seems I need to run our AdAware program before trying to post. Then the board is very happy and kind to me!
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,497,931
11-26-2008 12:14 Forum: Upcoming Releases

WooHoo!!!!! Got mine on Monday and have got to listen to disc 1 a couple of times and the bonus disc once all the way through. This is my first time hearing any but two of the songs ever, and I will say that it has all been great with a few surprises too! The songs included on the bonus disc are an excellent contrast to the album tracks and the packaging is beautiful. Excellent job in all, I'm just really excited to have this and look forward to exploring more!

If the damb continues to favor my posting today, hopefully I'll take a stab at writing a review soon.
Thread: Bite!

Replies: 6
Views: 14,354
11-26-2008 12:07 Forum: General Discussion

Boy, somebody couldn't resist stringing these three titles together, could they?

Now how do we keep them all in the right order? Smile
Thread: darn floor!

Replies: 49
Views: 86,936
11-26-2008 12:02 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Ritchie_az
Found this while surfing:

DFBB T-shirts

Yeah, both Daniel Amos and the 77's have cafepress webstores for T-shirts and some other items featuring album covers and some novelties. OK, there's Swirling Eddies, solo Terry, and I even found T-shirts of the first two Lost Dogs album covers too. My personal favorites are the 'Hide the Beer' mugs and steins in the Swirling Eddies store! Big Grin
Thread: darn floor!

Replies: 49
Views: 86,936
11-26-2008 11:59 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Ritchie_az
I was at Borders yesterday, and, just because I was wondering, I asked if they had DFBB and, if not, if they planned to carry it. The answer to both was "no" but I could special order it. Later, at Best Buy, I asked the same question, and was told they don't have it, but it is the corporate office that decides what music they carry, so he didn't know if they would eventually carry it. ...But I could special order. I haven't been anywhere else. It'll be interesting to see who carries the album and how many copies get sold. I'd be a bit surprised to find it at the local CBS.

I read this and just out of curiouity, checked the Best Buy website. Its listed there as a special order for $14.99!?!? It is on Amazon too, as I've marked it there for my personal recommedations. I'm sure the difference of listing an item on the website and carrying it in the store is based on what they think they sell best to the average 'window shopper'. So then it begs the question, how does an artist like Terry get even a few copies to show up in a store for someone to discover and buy?
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