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Showing posts 1 to 10 of 10 results
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Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,832,359
02-27-2018 11:30 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Any news for the folks who missed the kickstarter to purchase this album? I try and keep on the band releases, but this one got by me.
Thread: Cornerstone Festival: Twenty Years And Counting

Replies: 4
Views: 52,925
RE: Cornerstone Festival: Twenty Years And Counting 11-04-2014 15:51 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Ron E
That was really great! Inspiring. I want to go. When is the next one? Frown

I felt the same way. I had heard of Cornerstone, but didn't realize it was so big, and had lasted so many years. I'm bummed I didn't know to attend years ago.
Thread: DA ~ Doppelganger Deluxe Edition

Replies: 9
Views: 74,624
10-30-2014 09:19 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Hadn't been to the forums in a while, so I didn't realize this was out. Ordering immediately. One of my favorites.

And I ordered the Alarma cd as well.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,832,359
06-26-2013 10:38 Forum: Upcoming Releases

This is exciting. After that Larry documentary a few years ago, I had kind of given up on this happening.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Horrendous Disc Deluxe

Replies: 313
Views: 2,832,359
07-02-2012 10:23 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I hadn't been to the forum in some time. Glad to see this is finally taking shape, and I'll buy it on day one.
Thread: Found "The Revelation" vinyl. Buy it?

Replies: 9
Views: 36,969
Found "The Revelation" vinyl. Buy it? 08-15-2011 16:30 Forum: General Discussion

I saw this at a record store and was on the fence about it. I have most of the DA vinyl discography, but since it was a bit of a pricey $15 (though good condition) I wasn't sure. I know this is a "reworking" of side 2 of Shotgun Angel with some narration, but this is the one album I think I haven't heard yet.

Go for it, to have another DA album to put on my wall?
Thread: Ultimate Horrendous Disc Update?

Replies: 359
Views: 615,542
07-30-2009 16:05 Forum: General Discussion

I'm also curious about this as well.
Thread: DA - BibleLand

Replies: 82
Views: 210,912
02-18-2009 11:02 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Put me down as one more who has recently "gotten" this album. It seems like I'm always changing my mind to what my favorite DA album is, depending on my mood.
Thread: Vox Humana

Replies: 24
Views: 50,643
01-19-2009 09:57 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by audiori
The one in the store has the correct track IDs.

Hopefully, one day there can be an expanded & remastered edition.

And a re-release of Doppelganger in the same vein of the 2 disc Darn Floor would be awesome too, for those of us who have the album in mp3's transferred from cassette.
Thread: How did you "discover" DA?

Replies: 20
Views: 60,220
12-10-2008 12:21 Forum: General Discussion

The first I ever heard about DA was a few years ago when CCM magazine did their "Top 100 CCM albums" or whatever, in what may have been their 20th or 25th anniversary issue. I don't remember as I don't pay attention to much CCM now.

I saw a short blurb for Doppelganger. I hadn't heard of them, but the review was talking about how it was great music that no one really heard, and then I thought the cover art was way cool as well.

Years later I buy the occasional Larry Norman's site and I saw the review for Horrendous Disc. I gave it a try, found this site, and have been a fan since.
Showing posts 1 to 10 of 10 results

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