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Thread: Secret Scripts & 3D Glasses

Replies: 15
Views: 31,940
05-11-2008 09:12 Forum: General Discussion

Aw, come on, I know some of you were around back then! Smile
Thread: Horrendous Disc $4.25

Replies: 23
Views: 56,574
05-07-2008 06:24 Forum: General Discussion

HD live tracks,

That's what I'd be most interested in. I already have the Historic Archives version, plus the other Solid Rock version (with the bonus tracks and better mastering). What else is there that would make another reissue worthwhile? I know Terry always does a great job with this stuff...is there something I haven't heard about?
Thread: Dfbb/alarma

Replies: 12
Views: 32,896
05-04-2008 14:04 Forum: General Discussion

I must be the youngest person on this board! LOL
Thread: Secret Scripts & 3D Glasses

Replies: 15
Views: 31,940
Secret Scripts & 3D Glasses 05-02-2008 21:15 Forum: General Discussion

Wow! What a great song! Were there ANY other bands writing lyrics like this? What was the church's (in general) reaction at the time? These lyrics still hit home today, maybe even more than in the 70's. Once again, of course, owing to the genius of Terry! Tongue
Thread: iAlarma!

Replies: 163
Views: 261,475
04-24-2008 19:54 Forum: General Discussion

A bunch of things.. don't really want to name it all by name just yet.

We have some "major" type releases that will take some time and we have no idea how long. "Darn Floor" is probably the closest of all of those at the moment. (Of course, that could change). Terry's eager to get some things out.

Then we have efforts underway to bring back some of the "minor" releases of years past (things like the previously mentioned Live bootleg 82, Swirling Mellow, etc).. hopefully, we'll have something definite to announce soon in that area.

That's GREAT news! If there's anything I can do to help (i.e. presales, etc.) say the word!
Thread: iAlarma!

Replies: 163
Views: 261,475
04-24-2008 07:02 Forum: General Discussion

Not necessarily.

That's good! Smile Is there anything in the works?

Man, I'm sorry to bog you guys down with all the newbie questions lately...but what all IS in the works right now?
Thread: iAlarma!

Replies: 163
Views: 261,475
04-23-2008 21:09 Forum: General Discussion

So, what this all boils down to is...

It's gonna be a LOOOONG time before I'll ever hear Vox Humana Frown
Thread: R.I.P. Larry Norman

Replies: 116
Views: 191,907
04-21-2008 21:54 Forum: General Discussion

It would be more reasonable to consider a single show (or two) - but even then, we're talking a good amount of cash to fund it.

Any chance of a single show.....that's recorded and released on CD?
Thread: iAlarma!

Replies: 163
Views: 261,475
04-21-2008 18:31 Forum: General Discussion

I've never even heard Vh or DFBB. Frown
Thread: iAlarma!

Replies: 163
Views: 261,475
04-17-2008 20:11 Forum: General Discussion

Oops! Sorry, I missed your first post asking about my music.

Sure, man. I've played in a handful of bands over the years. My industrial project, Angry Little Freak, got good reviews in Heaven's Metal magazine a few years back. I was also in a retro metal band called Holy Riot that did pretty well.

I'm currently working on a bluesy rock solo album, a la Tom Petty, Springsteen, Larry Norman, etc.

I also have an instructional guitar package in the works, and I just recorded an instrumental CD that is part of the package. The package isn't available yet (see? this isn't spam -- I'm don't even have anything for sale right now :0) You can check out a couple of the instrumental tracks, plus a track by my old metal band, Asphyxia, at www.myspace.com/iankeithhafnermusic or check out more about my music at www.iankeithhafner.com

Sorry guys -- I wouldn't normally post that here, but since ya asked! Tongue
Thread: iAlarma!

Replies: 163
Views: 261,475
04-16-2008 17:51 Forum: General Discussion

Props - vocals flat

I thought I read somewhere that they intentionally recorded it in a key that was too high for Marty...
Thread: Live Bootleg '82 --- Wow!

Replies: 34
Views: 52,061
04-15-2008 20:05 Forum: General Discussion

I'd just like to say "I'm in" for all the release being discussed in this thread...and I'm at my second job right now so that I can save the money to buy them! Just don't release everything all at once...I'm settling down to be a responsible young man with a job, wife, house, and budget.

Same here, on all counts! Smile
Thread: Live Bootleg '82 --- Wow!

Replies: 34
Views: 52,061
04-15-2008 19:32 Forum: General Discussion

Wow...there is SO much I don't know about Terry!!!

I'm enjoying this. Ever read one of those reviews where they say something like, "My only regret is that I can't go back and listen for the first time again?" I'm enjoying finding all this great stuff!
Thread: iAlarma!

Replies: 163
Views: 261,475
04-15-2008 19:25 Forum: General Discussion

The reason is that something like Sgt Pepper has actual classical instrumentation, the recording process could be dated, but the strings sound like strings because they are strings. In the late 70s, early 80s people were using lot of synthesizer stuff that was not as sophisticated as it is today. The vibe, synth, sampled sound effects, digital drums were a big fad in the 80s and they were technologically not all that great by todays standards. So the 80s will always have that sort of dated 80s sound.

That's all true -- but even stuff from today will sound dated in 10 years, simply because there are always trends and fads. Just like how in the 80's, everyone used a big stadium reverb sound on the snare, or digital drums.....then in the 90's, it was about the small drumkit sound......and now, everything (including all the guitars/bass) is WAY overcompressed, giving it a unique sound. Or how about the trend in the 60's, when stereo was still a pretty new concept, and they'd pan the entire drumkit to one side (check out "light my fire" or "Break on through" by the Doors if you don't know what I mean)......or the quad sound from the 70's? Some of these things are technology based...some are just trends. I appreciate them all! Smile
Thread: Live Bootleg '82 --- Wow!

Replies: 34
Views: 52,061
04-15-2008 19:20 Forum: General Discussion

I hope you did not spend more than ten bucks for it!

$3.99 plus shipping Smile

I'm all for whatever DA wants to put out! I'll buy it!

A re-recording of HD would be interesting, I'd buy it. I love the original, though. But I'd still buy it.

What's the tracklisting on the Ruckus disc?
Thread: iAlarma!

Replies: 163
Views: 261,475
Hmmm.... 04-14-2008 22:32 Forum: General Discussion

Hmm, lemme see here...

and just for the record i was three when sgt. pepper was released.

My parents were both 10 when Sgt. Pepper was released. Big Grin

I was 12 in 1980!

I was born in 1980! Big Grin

i was 18 when darn floor was released......

I was 7 when darn floor was released...... Big Grin

AND -- I'm old enough that I'm married, have a mortgage, a home recording studio, etc. Ok, I'll shut up now! Big Grin

Heh. Everyone tells me I was born in the wrong decade. My favorite bands/artists are DA, Larry Norman, Stonehill, Queen, Springsteen, Pink Floyd, etc.

As a musician, sure, I can here where some things sound dated -- but if the songs are good, I don't care if it's a little dated. I mean, can you imagine hearing Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite with modern production? It just wouldn't be the same without the classic "sound" from Martin's production...and the equipment available at the time.
Thread: Live Bootleg '82 --- Wow!

Replies: 34
Views: 52,061
Live Bootleg '82 --- Wow! 04-14-2008 22:24 Forum: General Discussion

I picked up a still sealed cassette of the Live Bootleg '82 album on ebay, and WOW! What a show!

I love live albums...the energy usually tops the studio recording. But with a band like DA, who has such complex arrangements, I wondered how some of these songs would come off live. Shame on me for wondering! What a great performance!
Thread: The name "Daniel Amos"

Replies: 20
Views: 39,209
The name "Daniel Amos" 04-11-2008 22:21 Forum: General Discussion

Sorry if this is already in a FAQ somewhere or something, but I was just curious of the origin of DA's name? I mean, I know about them being called Jubal's Last Band and everything, but when they finally did change the name to Daniel Amos, where did that specific idea come from?
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame

Replies: 92
Views: 122,471
04-10-2008 18:47 Forum: General Discussion

Actually, the KMG records website seems to have disappeared.......

How cool would it be if Terry was able to get the rights back? That would be awesome!

About those fan letters -- that's just so weird to me. I always consider being a fan a two way street... it's a relationship with the artist. They give me music, I compensate them. I wonder how those fans who wrote in to you would feel about working a few days with no pay at their jobs...it's the same thing.
Thread: Randy Stonehill -Between the Glory & The Flame

Replies: 92
Views: 122,471
04-10-2008 18:19 Forum: General Discussion

Wow. I'm pretty new to this board, but I used to post on some other Christian rock boards...and I applaud all of you for keeping the discussion on such a friendly level! On other boards, discussions like these tend to degenerate to name calling Smile

One thing that plays into all of this is that, while I do purchase a few things here and there on iTunes (mainly things that I'm only a marginal fan of), with stuff I love (like DA, Stonehill, Kiss, Queen, etc.), I love having all of the packaging. Even in these days of digital music, I still have most of that stuff on vinyl (how can anything beat reading the Alarma Chronicles on the big sheet that came in the record?). CD's aren't as good as vinyl in that respect, but they beat downloads... especially with things like the AC boxed set (which I've never even seen, only heard about).

So, who owns which DA releases? Does anyone know if there is a possibility of a AC re-release?
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