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Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,445,294
Got The Vinyl Today 01-14-2014 13:12 Forum: Upcoming Releases

And all i can say is wow. Great job guys! I was blissfully unaware of the colored vinyl - it looks cool and sounds great.

Now, if only Terry and the guys would find it in their hearts to tour Norway!
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary

Replies: 653
Views: 1,451,015
RE: Ich bin ein fan DA 06-10-2008 13:16 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by Dr Rich
DA, med sin frontfigur Terry Taylor, har utgitt mange underlige ting, og er stadig i stand til å overraske med uventa idear. Dei står for ein relativt eksperimentell form for rock (som det dessverre fins altfor lite av i den kristne musikkbransjen), og likar du denne stilen, vil ganske sikkert Darn floor - Big bite falle i smak. Albumet er eit temmelig heilstøpt og enhetlig produkt, både musikalsk og tekstmessig.

For den som kan litt historie, kan det virke som om Terry Taylor & Co. har platehyllene fulle av Zappa, Jim Morrison, 66-Beatles, Steppenwolf og 73/74-Lennon. Her er iallefall tydelige musikalske linjer tilbake i tida, kombinert med frisk nytenkning. Musikken er ofte påtrengande statisk, gjerne med ein panisk sirene-gitar ulande i bakgrunnen, men også stillferdig og var. Best er "Earth Household", og "The Shape of Air", der musikken og klangen maler ut luft og rom for auge og øre.

Og er du glad i Hawaii-gitar? Lytt til "Divine Instant"!

Ha! Where did you find that one?? It is not German, as your title suggests, but rather Norwegian which is a language I have spoken since a couple of minutes after I was born (as I am a Norwegian). Here's a translation of sorts:
DA, with frontman Terry Taylor, has released many a strange thing, and remain able to surprise us with unusual ideas. They represent an experimental form of rock'n'roll (something which, sadly, is a strange commodity within the christian music industry), and if you enjoy their style Darn Floor - Big Bite will be to your liking. The album is solid and unified, both musically and lyrically.

For those who know their history, it may appear as if Terry Taylor & Co have record shelves filled with Zappa, Jim Morrison, 66 Beatles, Steppenwolf and 73/74 Lennon. There are plenty of musical lines going back in time, combined with a healthy dose of innovation. The music is often obnociously static, with an unnerving siren-like guitar in the background, but also capable of being quiet and vulnerable. The best tracks are "Earth Household" and " The shape of air", where music and sound paint air and space for eyes and ears.

And; do you like Hawaii guitar? Listen to Divine Instant.

Translator's note: I worked quickly and apologize for norwenglish sounding sentences. But you guys get the point I hope.

:-) Fred
Thread: best of the DA new-wave era

Replies: 20
Views: 30,809
80's 03-29-2008 08:48 Forum: General Discussion

To my mind, The Alarma Chronicles is the perfect summary (fearful symmetry?) of the sound of the eighties. And not - as often was the case in Christian music - by a band bent on rehashing influences; although they may be heard as DA were part of the zeitgeist just as Costello, Bowie, Byrne and others were.

What sets The Chronicles apart from all but a few records from this era is the fact that Daniel Amos were able to move beyond the sound, beyond the style, beyond the subject matter and write and record a cycle of songs that, as does the best work of Dylan or The Beatles, rises above the limitations of its time. It does sound as if it was recorded in the eighties, but not in a way that can be easily dismissed today. This is particularly true of the first two installments. Vox Humana and Fearful Symmetry both sound a bit more dated, but this is more than made up for by the quality of the songs.

As a sixteen-year old I was completely floored when I first heard Doppelganger (which was my introduction to the Chronicles). Sixteen-year olds are easily floored. I have had several unpleasant experiences when hearing or seeing or reading again what constituted life changing experiences when I was younger. The Alarma Chronicles are not merely as relevant to the forty-year old as they were to the teenager, they are more relevant.

I would not hesitate to range this cycle of songs up there with the best of The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd and David Bowie. It is a shameful statement about our culture that it is not mentioned alongside Abbey Road, Blonde On Blonde, The Wall and Ziggy Stardust. But it is also a strong statement about the integrity of the people behind it that they refused to move towards the middle musically to appeace the Christian music industry, or that they refused to move towards the middle philosophically to appeace the secular music industry.

I consider myself blessed to have had this music in my life as a young man, and that I can now enjoy it again as an adult.

God bless you all - and God bless Daniel Amos, the Eddies and the Dogs.

Thread: It's All About YOU....

Replies: 195
Views: 901,044
RE: It's All About YOU.... 01-28-2008 17:14 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks! - No, I am not familiar with Fred Magle. It does, however, sound like a place worth checking out!

And - to Dennis; loved your eighties remark. It's true. I saw some photographs recently - the kids at the railway station had a point....

Which, in turn leaves me wondering. We've had a string of revivals over the past few decades. A fifties revival in the eighties, a seventies revival in the nineties. We have our "hits of the seventies, eighties and nineties" radio stations. What will happen in ten, fifteen, twenty years when some dork looks back at this decade and says to himself "yeah, that's the look/sound/attitude for this summer: the.........! This decade has no name! And the next one? The teens? Please....
Thread: It's All About YOU....

Replies: 195
Views: 901,044
RE: It's All About YOU.... 01-27-2008 05:14 Forum: General Discussion

Name: fred manskow
Birthday: feb 7 1968
Birthplace: oslo, norway
Current Location: oslo, norway
Current Occupation: designer, web developer, creative director
Dream Occupation: designer, web developer, creative director with a successful music carreer on the side
Eye Color: grey
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 1m80
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: my faith
Your Biggest Weakness: my faith....
Your Fears: failing
The Perfect Pizza: plain italian style with pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: start remodeling my house
Your Most Overused Phrase or word: you know
Morning person or Night Owl: both, depending
Your Best Physical Feature: hands
Your Most Missed Memory: my dad
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Favorite Fast Food: right now they have this salmon roll at macdonalds in norway with wasabi sauce. it' really tasty.
Can You Cook: yes.
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: caffe cortado, actually - a smaller more intense latte
Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello or the Marx Brothers: marxist, always
Number of hours that you normally watch TV in a single day: 0 - i choose not to own one
Favorite type of movie (Drama/comedy/action/documentary/etc): drama
Letterman or Leno: letterman
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Sing: yes
Do you Dance: yes
Most unusual talent: ability to combine visual and programming skills in my job
You like to regularly challenge yourself by: undertaking programming projects that i have never done before
Do you get Motion Sickness: yes - when riding the train sitting backwards or sideways and reading and/or working on my laptop
Are you a Health Freak: yes, periodically
Do/did you get along with your Parents: yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes, they're ok as long as i'm inside
Do you play an Instrument: yes, i play the guitar. handy when writing songs
Have you ever Stolen Anything: yes - i taped my friends' records regularly as a kid, and i occasionally partake in similar activities in the digital domain
Have You Ever been Beaten up: yes, once as a teenager. i was a bit of an outsider in my suburban neighborhood and it was the eighties and i bleached my hair and wore make up. this didn't go down well with a group of kids who hung out at the train station.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: designer, comic book artist
What country would you most like to Visit: new zealand
Number of CDs I own: 500+
Number of Piercings: 0-
Number of Tattoos:0-
Number of Message Board Alliases: 2
The Greatest Rock Band in History Is: Tight race. U2 or DA
ADDED: The greatest artist in history is: Bob Dylan
The Album I Wore Out Growing Up Was: U2 - WAR
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