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Thread: darn floor!
jon eddies

Replies: 49
Views: 86,963
Darn Floor 11-26-2008 20:34 Forum: General Discussion

I just checked and it is on I tunes! Yea baby. I will likely download it and then order a hard copy. Nothing like some instant gratification.
Thread: Alarma Chronicles thoughts and dreams.
jon eddies

Replies: 42
Views: 193,672
Alarma Vol 5 10-02-2008 23:23 Forum: Upcoming Releases

yea, and wouldn't that be taking too many trips down Memory Lane. Cool
Thread: Alarma Chronicles thoughts and dreams.
jon eddies

Replies: 42
Views: 193,672
airbrush out the cigs... 10-02-2008 23:22 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Jiminy, that article reminded me of the Phil Keaggy tune on Sunday's Child, Big Eraser.
Thread: Daniel Amos - Darn Floor Big Bite 20th Anniversary
jon eddies

Replies: 653
Views: 1,498,162
Dfbb 08-29-2008 23:25 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Boy some people are a little touchy here. No names but people need to relax. We will get when we get it and no amount of quibbling over word ussage is going to change that. We are ALL excited to get our hands on a copy. Let's let that one die people! Frown
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66
jon eddies

Replies: 230
Views: 483,126
Meramec Caverns 08-21-2008 22:33 Forum: General Discussion

yep that was one of the places we stopped at. We actually stayed in Meramec State Park for 2 nights when we were down there. WOW, too soon. I should have planned my vacation around the Dogs! Insert a big HOWL for me here Shocked
Thread: He Exalts Thee
jon eddies

Replies: 48
Views: 77,649
Dg 08-15-2008 18:47 Forum: General Discussion

Here is the lyric for that Jon Foreman tune

I hate all your show and pretense
the hypocrisy of your praise
the hypocrisy of your festivals
I hate all your show

Away with your noisy worship
Away with your noisy hymns
I stop up my ears when your
singing ‘em
I hate all your show

Instead let there be a flood
of justice
An endless procession of righteous
living, living
Instead let there be a flood
of justice
Instead of a show

your eyes are closed when you’re praying
you sing right along with the band
you shine up your shoes for services
but there’s blood on your hands

you turned your back on the homeless
and the ones that don’t fit in your plans
quit playing religion games
there’s blood on your hands

Ah! let’s argue this out
if your sins are blood red
let’s argue this out
you’ll be white as the clouds
let’s argue this out
quit fooling around

give love to the ones who can’t love at all
give hope to the ones who got no hope at all
stand up for the ones who can’t stand up at all
instead of a show
I hate all your show
Thread: He Exalts Thee
jon eddies

Replies: 48
Views: 77,649
Dg 08-15-2008 18:43 Forum: General Discussion

This is just great conversation about a great album. Maybe I'm being a snob but would this kind of conversation happen on a Phil Driscol message board? I doubt it. Not exactly knocking him, just the ideas in the review. I had a pastor who once actually told me that mature christians didn't listen to Rock music, Christian or otherwise. And he was a leader. Oh well. Do we still need to love the "sheep" who blindly follow the fads instead of seeking a deeper walk with the good shepard? Of course. It's just sort of sad.
Jon Foreman hasa tune in his newest solo EP that says something like " I hate all your noisey worship...I hate all the show".
Thread: He Exalts Thee
jon eddies

Replies: 48
Views: 77,649
Dg 08-15-2008 14:53 Forum: General Discussion

I think the big issue with that review is what's wrong with the whole world and the church in part as well. The average person wants the cookie cutter ideas, the basic overview, the movie version of life. More and more we are lacking in deep thinkers.
Thank God for DA and those of us who chose to be thinkers and seekers of deeper truth.
I personally think DG has Paul've "voice" all over it. One minute we are hopeless and the next redeemed and made new. Life is full of dopplegangers if we chose to see it for what i really is. I used to sometimes wish I could be one of those blissfully ignorant Christians who life was good and simple for. Now I praise God that he made me who I am. Anyway. I babble on for no one... Red Face
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66
jon eddies

Replies: 230
Views: 483,126
Amen 08-15-2008 14:16 Forum: General Discussion

Say it Brother! Haymen! Big Grin
Thread: 3 favorite dog songs
jon eddies

Replies: 10
Views: 30,129
Fav Dog Tunes 08-14-2008 23:56 Forum: General Discussion

This is sooo hard to come up with but right now, off the cuff

I can't say Goodbye
Eleanor It's Raining
Broken Like Brooklyn
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66
jon eddies

Replies: 230
Views: 483,126
LD Route 66 08-14-2008 23:46 Forum: General Discussion

I wish I could be somewhere along the road while they are doing this. It would be awesome. But you know...
Thread: The Lost Dogs on Route 66
jon eddies

Replies: 230
Views: 483,126
The Mother Road 08-14-2008 23:44 Forum: General Discussion

We just took vacation in St Louis and I stopped at a couple of the route 66 tourist spots along the way. Like the Jesse James Wax Museum & the Meramec Caverns. I saw a sign that said historic route 66, Cuba, MO and wantedto ramble on down there to find the reptile gardens, alas 3 kids in a cramped Toyota Matrix was not conducive to extra road time. Still cool though.
Thread: Lost Dogs - The Lost Cabin And The Mystery Trees
jon eddies

Replies: 59
Views: 151,370
Lost cabin & Mystery Trees 08-03-2008 16:02 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

I think this stands up to any of the Dog's best albums. I too love Broken Like Brooklyn. I plan on listening to that tonight at Midnight when I leave for our family vacation. It may be the ultimate middle of the night start of a road trip tune!

The rest of the album is great too. It has all of the elements of a great LD album, but by now they seem to have perfected their "sound". It is almost a companion or sister CD to Avacado Falutline.

Some of Terry's best lyrric here too.
Thread: Vox Hunana, Remastered.....???
jon eddies

Replies: 51
Views: 156,033
Vh 07-23-2008 22:43 Forum: Upcoming Releases

The Bibleland School. LOL Big Grin
You are too Funny, I've always been partial to My Butt Itches. Sorry no offense meant to those who went and enjoyed.

I'd love to see something like the DAMB CD's but strictly the ALARMA Chronicles. Multiple contributors doing the entire chronicles, maybe one volume at a time. I know too ambitious, but it would be cool!
Thread: Vox Hunana, Remastered.....???
jon eddies

Replies: 51
Views: 156,033
Vh 07-23-2008 18:15 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I know I may have told the story but VH was my first DA experience and I heard it over and over on a bus for a youth group trip. It is still just awesome.
Thread: Top 5 Daniel Amos Albums
jon eddies

Replies: 62
Views: 119,465
favorite DA/TT records 07-21-2008 23:57 Forum: General Discussion

1) MBD-Just so great I can't even explain. It's the culmination if you ask me
2) VH-My first experience, just so fun, and so deep at the same time
3) Kalhoun-Song for Song just a great record, and Kalhoun may be one of the best Rock n Roll song's ever written. Loud, agressive, cryptic
4) DFBB-great, innovative, truly one of a kind across all of recorded music, but sometimes hard for me to listen to. I don't know why
5) SA-I don't know why, it's just soooo cool. Half great country better than the Eagles could do it and half Bealtes, apocolyptic, amazing pop
Tied for 5 is MC-I love this one a lot too, but it is almost too dense to absorb on a regular basis. Amasterpiece all the same.

Terry(I honestly only have 3 plus a few tunes here and there but of those here goes)
1) AF- Just timeless songs. Touching, funny, everything
2) John Wayne-Some really great tunes but I have to be in the right mood to listen to it
3) Ruckus at the edge of Nowhere- a truly great live CD, a veritable tour de Terry/DA/ SE but almost too polished. If DA were doing it it would have more of a gut level spontaneous feel.

There you go IMHO
Thread: MBD
jon eddies

Replies: 31
Views: 40,507
strange 07-05-2008 23:54 Forum: General Discussion

ALthough there is no link to add it to the cart? I will have to look into this. I want me another copy of that. paying 15 dollars twice is actually paying closer to what it's worth anyway Cool
Thread: MBD
jon eddies

Replies: 31
Views: 40,507
hmmm 07-05-2008 23:50 Forum: General Discussion

Wow, I could swear that the last time I looked all they had for MBD was for the Making of Video. Just goes to show that I need to check the store more often. Thanks!!! Big Grin
Thread: Alarma chronicles truely prophetic?
jon eddies

Replies: 47
Views: 71,114
Alarma 07-05-2008 15:27 Forum: General Discussion

I will say one thing. It seems that any thread here can start out about one thing and then just go all over the place. That is just sort of how we all seem to work. Just some good people who regularly challenge themselves to think for themselves and discuss. Good stuff as always.
BTW yes The Alarma Chronicles do seem prophetic to me too. and, now here it comes, I think that it's possible that the enemy doesn't want thinking man's christian music out there that challenges the body to look at itself and make changes. I 'm not calling fire in a theater but just a thought.
Thread: MBD
jon eddies

Replies: 31
Views: 40,507
Mbd 07-05-2008 15:02 Forum: General Discussion

Anyway. The Christian bookstores USED to carry the good guys. Whatever happened? Maybe they found out that Steve Taylor was talking about THEM when he sang about "drinking milk from a Christian Cow"??????

That is too funny, makes me think of the song Easy Listening on Steve Taylor's Squint.
This whole dilema is why I long for downloads of all of this music. I mean unless you can make the trek to C-stone us Midwesterners have no way of getting these titles except for the brief time they are available on the websites. I for one can't make it to C-stone anymore. Too many darned responsibilities that leave me with no time and even less cash. Crying
MBD is one of those exact titles. I ordered it originally from this site, I love it I think it is sort of their masterpiece in a way. It combines the best of all of their musical directions in one massive double CD. Now the CD's are lost, I'm pretty sure one of my young children played frisbee with them and is in fear of their life so they didn't tell me(JK). But I would love to see even a short term down load of that entire project, even just for a week or so. I would gladly pay the full price for it. Wasn't MBD self released? Or does some faceless music nazi own the rights and isn't letting them go without a trillion dollars?
Anyway, love the album and I'll stop babbling for now.
Long live DA!!!! Long live real music!!!
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