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Thread: Da-tv?

Replies: 5
Views: 17,630
10-18-2008 18:20 Forum: General Discussion

well, id like to try. it could be a fun addition to what im trying to do?
Thread: Da-tv?

Replies: 5
Views: 17,630
Da-tv? 10-10-2008 23:33 Forum: General Discussion

Hey Gang...

I got the bored the other day and wondered what it would be like to start a TV station.

So I did.

Im hoping to become an 'community internet broadcaster' with local, viewer created content.

In the meantime im doing public domain films like 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari', 'The Last Man On Earth', Popeye Cartoons and the old public domain TV series 'One Step Beyond'.

You are all invited to check it out.

To the DA powers that be...any chance i could get some DA material to put on the station?


Thread: Alarma chronicles truely prophetic?

Replies: 47
Views: 71,091
07-02-2008 15:14 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by peacebringer
an unbiased source of information http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Healing_Outpouring

Ah...I see. This is the stort of stuff ive been fleeing in the church most of my life!
Thread: Alarma chronicles truely prophetic?

Replies: 47
Views: 71,091
07-02-2008 15:03 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by peacebringer
By the way DA and folks, if you have any problem with me posting song lyrics on my blog let me know. www.peacebringer7.wordpress.com

I know I want to re-read the Novella. I know when I listened to the albums recently, and being aware of what is going on in Lakeland and sources it just struck me as possibly prophetic. I wonder if the Novella and albums are all straight out of Terry's imagination solely, or if he did have any prophetic influence. Only Terry can say for sure.

I do recognize that the general versus's can apply in general to false prophecy and deception in the church. I definitely beleive the Alarma chronicles to be Holy Spirit inspired.

Doppleganger clearly hits on human plight and the 3 sin categories. Alarma certainly hit on false prophecy.

Angels tuck you in fits full well with what is underneath Lakeland and going on with Kansas City Prophets and even a lot of the New Apostolic Reformation. But I was more thinking about Lakeland.

What is Lakeland? Kansas City Prophets?
Thread: Canada

Replies: 29
Views: 46,655
RE: Cat out of the bag... 07-02-2008 12:09 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jon eddies
Pleased Ok that is interesting. What I have is a relatively small drug charge on my record, but what my friend said was that any drug charge would keep you out of Canada. It sounds like he was wrong or just messing with me. Lacking wisdom is not my only failing I guess.

It should not be a problem to come into the country. I have several friends with small drug charges that are here with minor drug charges and they got study permits and work visas. I think as long as its not major its fine.

PS: here is what i love about BC! The other day we went to a party and their was an atheist, two Christians (Erin and I), a Jewish convert and a young Muslim from Pakistan. We had the best time. Erin grew up in an Islamic neighborhood and most of her friends are muslim so ive been able to learn so much!

Thats how cool Canada is!
Thread: Canada

Replies: 29
Views: 46,655
07-01-2008 16:46 Forum: General Discussion

Happy Canada Day!
Im off to a C-Day BBQ!!!
Thread: Canada

Replies: 29
Views: 46,655
RE: Canada 06-28-2008 12:13 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Myron
Originally posted by clipon
Yay Canada
Im filling out my work permit application so i can stay with my fiancee after graduation. Love this country (and this girl)

That's funny, I'm getting my US Work Visa next week to exit Canada and work in the US for three months.

Keeps the cosmic forces alighned!!!! I love this country: ive become addicted to teh CBC ('Little Mosque' is awesome!!!!) and i love that the politics here are collaborative and that their is healthcare for everyone.

Plus, you know, my fiancee is here!!!
Thread: Canada

Replies: 29
Views: 46,655
Canada 06-27-2008 19:19 Forum: General Discussion

Yay Canada
Im filling out my work permit application so i can stay with my fiancee after graduation. Love this country (and this girl)
Thread: Hats?

Replies: 1
Views: 12,605
Hats? 06-20-2008 19:00 Forum: General Discussion


I was listening to the Hats unpluged CD the other day and had a question: is that DA playing on the acoustic redo? Or is that all terry?
Thread: DigiAlbum?

Replies: 18
Views: 30,069
06-16-2008 16:30 Forum: General Discussion

I woke up my fiancee to 'when we all wore hats' today. See, this is why we need more of Terrys music in the world. She has a paper to write for her philosophy class (she is a philosophy minor) and a church council meeting tonight...so, see, if we had more of Terrys music floating around out their more people could wake their fiancees.
Thread: DigiAlbum?

Replies: 18
Views: 30,069
06-15-2008 00:50 Forum: General Discussion

Allot of artists will put songs on myspace whatever and allow one song to be downloaded. Its like a single for the blog-o-sphere. Its a blingle.

Thread: DigiAlbum?

Replies: 18
Views: 30,069
06-14-2008 17:12 Forum: General Discussion

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want those! That would rock!!!!

Fans invovled? Like...a poetry contest for lyrics?

Thread: DigiAlbum?

Replies: 18
Views: 30,069
06-14-2008 16:50 Forum: General Discussion

My bad! I forgot about rent and bills. Im so used to my 'coffee shop star' friends who make music in their basements on old four tracks or computers and just stick it on the net and wait to see how far the songs get!

If Terry could do some scetches, demos etc for a MySpace album id dig it. Let it get viral, build a new fan base. DA should be marketed to the Christian music scene as the 'greatful dead' of Christian music (but sober, no endless bootlegs and no endless touring).

Thread: DigiAlbum?

Replies: 18
Views: 30,069
06-14-2008 02:09 Forum: General Discussion

Well...you know the whole viral thing...something to pass around the internet and build awareness of the greatness that is...i love MySpace...i troll through it looking for great music i can download for free...im a poor seminary student...i need all the discounts i can get.
Thread: DigiAlbum?

Replies: 18
Views: 30,069
DigiAlbum? 06-12-2008 22:19 Forum: General Discussion

Any chance we can convince terry and friend (or child...sibling...spouse...drinking buddy...) to plug in a 4 track and record some demos, songs, sketches and put them out as free download digital eps on myspace or something?
Thread: DA video @ YouTube

Replies: 13
Views: 21,483
06-08-2008 12:04 Forum: General Discussion

I likes it!
Thread: Mothman

Replies: 4
Views: 11,053
06-07-2008 22:45 Forum: General Discussion

ah...ok...well...id love to see it!!!
Thread: Mothman

Replies: 4
Views: 11,053
Mothman 06-07-2008 19:31 Forum: General Discussion

You know...i never did get to see Mothman. I recall remember hearing it had been released. Was their ever a CD of Terry's score?

Thread: Why'd the Lost Dogs summer tour get cancelled?

Replies: 39
Views: 86,015
RE: Why'd the Lost Dogs summer tour get cancelled? 06-05-2008 22:08 Forum: General Discussion

Ok..brilliant idea...get ready...are you ready? Huh? Yea? Ok...

I think the guys should record a soundtrack to the classic 80's movie 'Buckaroo Banzai' and go on tour with it.

So...what do you think? What...no? How come?
Thread: Returning Oddities

Replies: 146
Views: 579,841
06-05-2008 00:19 Forum: Upcoming Releases

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