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Thread: R.I.P. Larry Norman

Replies: 116
Views: 191,610
02-24-2008 19:52 Forum: General Discussion

I've been using Phy, short for Phydeaux, for years--mostly because "The Mighty Grunion" didn't abbreviate well. Thanks to Larry for his part helping to kick off Christian Rock. I still hope we'll all be ready. That's something all of us can get behind.
Thread: New DA?

Replies: 207
Views: 386,965
New DA? 02-09-2008 11:50 Forum: General Discussion

So I pulled out the Alarma! Chronicles for the first time in a long time and started wondering what a new project from them would sound like.

Has there been any rumbling on when DA will go back to the studio?
Thread: Happy Birthday, Dr. Love (Mike Roe concert - WI)

Replies: 16
Views: 26,481
10-23-2007 09:19 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by audiori
He had at least thought about doing an Eddies song or two... I was looking forward to hearing a Dr Love cover of the Eddies. Big Grin

You and me both!

I guess we'll just have to start a rumor that the Swirling Eddies will be going out on tour. It'll be the event of the season!
Thread: Happy Birthday, Dr. Love (Mike Roe concert - WI)

Replies: 16
Views: 26,481
10-22-2007 08:31 Forum: General Discussion

I debated about that, but ultimately decided to just enjoy the show this time around.
Thread: Happy Birthday, Dr. Love (Mike Roe concert - WI)

Replies: 16
Views: 26,481
10-19-2007 09:24 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jiminy
were any of Big Dorks Buddies present? Big Grin

Happy BIrthday Dr LOVe
Belated- but still related..... Cool

I heard his name mentioned in passing, once, but not in vain. Otherwise, nobody wore any BD t-shirts, if that's what you're asking. Wink
Thread: Happy Birthday, Dr. Love (Mike Roe concert - WI)

Replies: 16
Views: 26,481
10-18-2007 12:46 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by audiori
So, did he end up doing an Eddies song? Happy

He played "Medley Of Our Hit", but it was a 77s version, not the SE version. He /did/ speak highly of Midget later, and I know copies of that were selling at a brisk pace.
Thread: Happy Birthday, Dr. Love (Mike Roe concert - WI)

Replies: 16
Views: 26,481
Happy Birthday, Dr. Love (Mike Roe concert - WI) 10-15-2007 14:14 Forum: General Discussion


I've taken a stab at writing up my impressions of the Mike Roe acoustic show in East Troy, Wisconsin, at Joel Funk's subterranean studio. It was an intimate show for 40, and a good time was had by all.

The show was great, and was capped off by Mike playing 'Tatoo' from Eric Bangeman's (Managing Editor, Ars Technica) iPhone:

(Jeffrey K, feel free to jump in here - it was a great show and we really appreciate you putting it on!)
Thread: Mike Roe in East Troy Wi. 10/13/07

Replies: 10
Views: 17,199
09-28-2007 21:44 Forum: General Discussion

You're a fellow cheesehead? Sweet!

I live by Janesville. East Troy's just a hot-skip-and-jump away for me. I'll be there.
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 114
Views: 311,406
RE: What to do about SPAM? 08-24-2007 23:58 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Originally posted by navfoxWhat do people do about SPAM? Seems filters work some, but some good emails go to the SPAM folder... what do you peoples do about SPAM?

A friend of mine suggested Mailwasher. I tried it, I love it, I bought the Pro version, although the free version is fine, too.
Thread: On meeting your idols

Replies: 56
Views: 88,033
08-16-2007 11:38 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jeffrey k.
These are all good ideas, and nothing I haven't already considered.....but one thing you have to keep in mind is that in terms of doing all this digitally, you are in a distinct minority within this fan-base that would actually embrace the idea.

How about this; release the concert as a downloadable video. The interested minority buys the concert and raves about it. You have one cut available as a sample, further whetting the appetite. If there is enough clamor, you can make a decision whether to provide DVDs, but in the meantime, you're at least making some inroads on your expenses from the download sales and the word-of-mouth will be getting out there.

Another thing to consider is that things are changing, and perhaps rapidly. People who were totally against iTunes a year ago have stuck a toe in those waters and found it easier and more cost effective than they thought. I have gotten a video iPod myself, an 80 gig one, and use it at work and at the health club. Apple opened up their catalog to support MP3, and have other selections that are available without DRM. Last week, Universal announced they are preparing to release their catalog for download without DRM. There is a clear sea change occuring right before our eyes, and what was unthinkable even six months ago may suddenly become more palatable.

And I can't stress enough the exhilaration of the digital inpulse buy, especially from an artist or outfit that you really believe in.

More grist for the mill from the Janesville area,
Thread: On meeting your idols

Replies: 56
Views: 88,033
08-16-2007 11:28 Forum: General Discussion

I still have Horrendous Disc on 8-track somewhere. I haven't been able to put my hands on it, mind you, but it is somewhere on my property.
Thread: On meeting your idols

Replies: 56
Views: 88,033
08-16-2007 11:05 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by MarkyMark77
I have an idea. You could do a pre-order! Big Grin

But, I am kind of serious on that. This is the case where a pre-order would work best, because the material is already "in the can", and because it's already recorded, you wouldn't have the problem that the new SE disc had. With the Townsends editing it for free or very little, and pre-order cash, you might be able to break even, which is probably your goal anyway. I say "bring back the pre-order". I would be willing to help do whatever it takes to get this out, because I've been waiting for it ever since I heard about it. Even just a live CD of this would be really cool!

Also, I second everything Phy said. And, maybe there are a handful of fans that could assist in some way, like a street team, or even some financial backing. I'm sure you've probably thought of most of this, but, hey, you never know!

BTW, Jeffery, thanks for all of your work. There are several releases that none of us would have if it weren't for you, and please know that all of your work (and, at times, loss of money) is greatly appreciated!

I second all this, except for MMs second of my original statement, which would be a third, I think; I'm fuzzy on the math. Wink

I was going to mention the idea of a practical preorder but thought it might be a sore point. However, since MM brought it up, I think it's a classic case of a perfect occasion where it could work very well. And let me make this my official "I am /so/ in" vote.
Thread: On meeting your idols

Replies: 56
Views: 88,033
08-16-2007 10:46 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jeffrey k.If I can find a high quality way of re-releasing stuff in very small numbers, then sure....but until then....no.

jeffrey k.

I have an idea...
I think I love you.

Ok, sorry. Eddies flashback.

Perhaps you can bypass the expense of manufacturing and shipping physical DVDs entirely. Sell the concert as downloadable video and let the customers burn them to DVD at home if they so desire, or put them on their iPods, or what-have-you. Does the DA store offer this as a feature? If not yet, perhaps this is a new way to get DA / TST / LD stuff out there, saving costs, maximizing profits, and providing more products.

I spend more and more time viewing and listening to media on non-physical formats; on my iPod, on my computer, from my laptop. I've bought more music this year from online sources where I didn't have the physical disc, and my enjoyment of the event wasn't in any way diminished. In fact, this method supports fanboi impulse purchases. I'd buy the raw footage of the East Troy concert right now if I could, much less a produced show.

Another thing about live projects. I was thinking about this on the way in. We want professional quality muscianship, but we don't want perfect concerts. The fans actually like a bit of imperfection, something that stands out, as long as the music doesn't suffer. The show in Joel's basement studio is a perfect example. Mike was a little under the weather but still delivered a fine performance. The building heat spawned some gentle good humor, but didn't substantively derail the show. The banter and the music (including Steve Hindalong on a variety of percussion pieces, not just a stock drum kit) was stellar.

I'd suggest putting out a YouTube cut of one song from that venue and shop it around to Lost Dogs and TST-related sites. Then put up a poll: who would pay for a DVD of the show? Who would pay for a downloadable video of the show?

I think many (or most) people know very little about it, and it was too good a lineup to miss. It's a unique venue and the single flaw actually makes for a better product.
Thread: On meeting your idols

Replies: 56
Views: 88,033
08-15-2007 23:12 Forum: General Discussion

You'll note that Steve wasn't in the picture that was snapped. He was hanging off the living room looking for all the world like a wallflower at a Jr. High dance. He seemed to be pinching himself that he was in the same room as Derri, Mike, and Terry.

Yeah, I know, he and Derri go so far back that it's not funny. Somebody needs to tell him that.

To call him humble misses the point. He really didn't believe that he should be in the same room as the others. I don't know if he's in denial about his celebrity or what, but his shyness put me at ease, and I was able to talk to him like a regular guy. I looked him in the eye and said something along the lines of "I sense you're a little unsure of all this, but you should know that your passion for excellence, your musicianship means a lot to me. Christians sometimes settle for Schlock Fer Jesus. I've never got that impression from you. You may wonder if people notice. We do."

He was very authentic, very quiet, and put me totally at ease. If anything, being around him for that moment had the opposite effect--I wanted to put /him/ at ease. He was a great guy and I very much enjoyed spending a moment with him away from the spotlight.
Thread: On meeting your idols

Replies: 56
Views: 88,033
On meeting your idols 08-15-2007 10:49 Forum: General Discussion

Tom Griswold has said for years that you should never meet your idols. It can be dicey under the best of circumstances.

I met Terry and the three-legged-dog cast a couple of summers ago in some guy's basement not far from where I live in southern Wisconsin. It was billed as an intimate, 25 person show in a basement studio. The concert was to be filmed by lo-fidelity for a prospective DVD. I was beyond psyched.

Before I left for the concert, I determined to myself that I'd stay cool about the whole thing. I was wrong on two levels.

The venue was very cool, the hosts were very pleasant and fun and gracious, and the fans were extremely interesting. However, everyone's mettle would be tested before the night was out.

Turns out, if you put that many people and those kinds of lights in an enclosed basement, it gets warm. We're talking Turkish bath warm. They cranked the A/C and tried various things, but it was what it was - very sticky.

Give 'em credit - Jeff Elbel put on a great solo opening act, and then the Dogs treated us to what somebody--I don't remember if it was Terry or Mike--called 'Sweatin' to the Oldies'. At one point, the Dogs were huddled under the one air vent over the stage like pigs in a poke. They played the full show as the first stop on that summer's tour, but I rather doubt we'll see that footage. Pity. It really was a fun show.

After the show, we all moved upstairs to some guy's wife's kitchen and dining room. I wasn't going to go all fanboi on them, but after the line died down, there was a window of opportunity before they left. Terry kindly autographed the brand new (and imo underrated) Island Dreams CD, and I timidly asked for a picture.

They swooped in like they knew what they were doing, the picture was snapped, and I was left standing in back, already snickering. So my one brush with the guys yields my dorkiest picture of all time:

I should've stopped with the autograph for the sick. Wink
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 338
Views: 882,495
08-14-2007 12:59 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

I'm looking at berger roy al and can't stop thinking of Pulp Fiction. With cheese.
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 338
Views: 882,495
Quick pirate tangent 08-10-2007 10:34 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by jiminy
As an aside, a friend of mine realized today that 'Arrrr' is not an authentic pirate expression, but rather came from Long John Silver in the original Treasure Island black and white film.

You've obviously never partied with any real pirates..
you really should get out more. Big Grin

I hear that a lot. Wink

Ironically, I'm writing a series of steampunk saturday matinee-like cliffhanger pirate stories for Ray Gun Revival, our space opera / golden age sci-fi magazine. It's been a challenge to come up with something familiar without using all the typical tropes. So far, I've managed to avoid buried treasure, peg legs, parrots, eye patches, and piratey-language. I /haven't/ been able to avoid a certain Firefly-like feeling among my colorful crew, but I'm not all that penitent about that. ; )
Thread: DA Fan Group on Facebook

Replies: 39
Views: 65,696
08-10-2007 09:10 Forum: General Discussion

Facebook is a social networking site ala MySpace. I get the impression that MySpace is more for the teen / college age crowd while Facebook is for slightly more mature people. I have accounts at both places (as well as Shoutlife, the Christian variant) but spend most of my time at Facebook.
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 338
Views: 882,495
08-09-2007 15:16 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

Originally posted by Scrimshaw NickI know I don't HAVE to, but I want to. I guess two misses in Terry's cannon ain't all that bad. Cool

I realize this typo is unintentional, but it had me laughing. I can see Terry standing with one flared boot on a smoking cannon, "Arrr, missed the second one."

As an aside, a friend of mine realized today that 'Arrrr' is not an authentic pirate expression, but rather came from Long John Silver in the original Treasure Island black and white film.
Thread: Swirling Eddies - the midget, the speck and the molecule

Replies: 338
Views: 882,495
08-09-2007 09:21 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

The better the TST / DA / SE / LD release, the less I like it at first listen, and the more I appreciate it as it goes along. DFBB almost turned me off of DA for awhile until I came to my senses.

I played MSM for my wife in the car and she actually liked it. She was telling people are work about various things I'd told her about it. That's a first.

And the title cut for Kalhoun freaking rocks. ; )
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