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Thread: Any word from Terry???
Über Parrot

Replies: 74
Views: 101,091
02-13-2004 13:24 Forum: General Discussion

You coulds all send your demos to me. But there had better be plenty of Jesus lines in the song or it's pure crap!

I like that Captain Crouch feller. He's my kind of Christain. Smile ) (and his wife is quite the looker rarrrrgh )

Thread: Anyone else having trouble with Web store?
Über Parrot

Replies: 9
Views: 22,346
02-13-2004 13:21 Forum: General Discussion

I could swear (but I wont cuz I don't) that there was more to this thread a minute ago.

Thread: Songs of the heart - the movie!
Über Parrot

Replies: 12
Views: 21,448
RE: Songs of the heart - the movie! 02-13-2004 13:18 Forum: General Discussion

Just make sure it's not an "R" rated movie. That would be unchristianlike and all of us true Christians would not go to an "R" rated movie.


Kirk Cameron would have to be in it of course, and maybe that the Tuxedo Clad Megastar guy, and...... I think that's all there is for Christian Actors. Frown

Thread: Berger's HaLLowe'en Burger Bash!!!
Über Parrot

Replies: 40
Views: 58,668
10-23-2003 10:20 Forum: General Discussion

halloween is evil





have a nice day.

Thread: NEW DA auction!
Über Parrot

Replies: 28
Views: 42,276
10-20-2003 19:03 Forum: General Discussion

don't you mean that I am the high bidder?

Thread: Lost Dogs!
Über Parrot

Replies: 53
Views: 73,081
06-26-2003 12:51 Forum: General Discussion

That is one of my all time favorite songs, I can't believe I left it out of my picks.

I have fasted and prayed for several days so that I would know the TRULY BEST songs. These are mine and should be everyone else’s choices too.

I add it now as a 4th song to the TST list. I can do that because I am Über Parrot after all. And because everything I do is correct and good.

Thread: Lost Dogs!
Über Parrot

Replies: 53
Views: 73,081
06-26-2003 12:44 Forum: General Discussion

I have fasted and prayed for several days so that I would know the TRULY BEST songs. These are mine and should be everyone else’s choices too.

77s and or Mike Roe -

Say Your Prayers (I always do, but never in my underwear)

The Lust, The Flesh, The Eyes and The Pride of Life (This is one song that I myself don't need. But it is one that almost all of the rest of you DAmbers need. I pride myself at leading a sinless life and you should try to be like me.)

God Sends Quails (You can't go back, but with my help you can go on)

TST and the rest - (these are the only Good songs from Terry)

Catch That Angel
My Hand To God
You Lay Down

Lost Dogs -

Reasonable Service (I chose this song because it's a great example of how lazy you all have become. "Reasonable"? I say DO ALL THAT YOU CAN DO, not just what's reasonable. Blow up those abortion clinics, thump poor sinners on the head with a large letter edition bible if you need to, give you money to TBN, scorn those who drink and go to R rated movies... there is so much more that you can do! Just try and be like me.)

Ghost Train To Nowhere (that's right, lost souls going nowhere...)

No Room For Us (there is always room for me, but maybe not for you! wise up DAmbers.)

Sincerely and in Christ,
Thread: Mr. Chandler Please........
Über Parrot

Replies: 32
Views: 42,078
05-07-2003 19:13 Forum: General Discussion


Where I come from SON, we call that DEMON Possessed! Where is that DEMON? I’ll get Rev. Tucker and we’ll excise that EEEEVIL SPIRIT out of your DAMBED SOUL! I’m praying for you right now son. Red Face

Thread: BTG + Windex
Über Parrot

Replies: 66
Views: 74,244
02-18-2003 14:57 Forum: General Discussion

wait a minute, I thought we were only allowed one aliasss here?

now cut that out!!!
Thread: To burn or not to burn
Über Parrot

Replies: 42
Views: 46,090
08-30-2002 09:09 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by dorfsmith
Wow the Tuxedo Clad Megastar dude that's evil!!! When you have an idea that you think you love someone you should at least burn them one rare DA CD. I wish someone would burn a couple for me. Of course I would buy it when it gets re-released. I have holes to fill in my CD collection!!!

And you have Holes In Your Head son!

If you think it's ok to burn CDs!

the Tuxedo Clad Megastar is right. If you want to burn now, you will surely burn later! Turn from your evil ways now before it’s too late! Destroy that tool of the Devil CD burner!

Thread: Where\\\'s Marty?
Über Parrot

Replies: 147
Views: 370,161
08-16-2002 08:36 Forum: Larry - Lucy I'm In Love

Who's Van Halen?

Thread: I Say Jesus Is Jehovah to Me!
Über Parrot

Replies: 17
Views: 17,731
08-16-2002 08:33 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Lost Canine
Originally posted by Dr Rich
me three! Big Grin

You think you're the Holy Trinity now???

I sure hope not!

Thread: Curious
Über Parrot

Replies: 124
Views: 177,888
07-08-2002 22:48 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by servantsteve
I just won the auction of Swirling Eddies' Sacred Cows. This is my first experience buying on an on-line auction. Since no one else bid, I got it for only 99c plus 1.80 postage and handling. I can see it has spoofs of a few songs I know from AA and D&K. I'll join in on the review when it arrives.
SS Cool

Servant Steve - Flee quickly from this lions den of sin and deceit. They will be your friend for now, but just pass a few of them on the way to the top of the list and they will turn on you like a pack of hungry wolves.

Über Parrot at your service, called as a missionary to help these poor DAmb sinners find their way home.

Thread: Cornerstone Thursday
Über Parrot

Replies: 5
Views: 12,501
07-08-2002 22:42 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by beatlenut
maybe next year I will go.

I'm thinking of going too. I hear there is some smoking, drinking and foul language going on there. That is just not right at a Christian gathering.

Maybe the Right Rev. Tucker and I can have a good old fashioned Tent Meating Revival for the lost sinners going to Cornerstone. (if I can get him away from Betty)

Can I get an Amen!

Thread: Outdoor Elvis Cassette on Ebay
Über Parrot

Replies: 20
Views: 31,045
07-08-2002 22:38 Forum: General Discussion

That show ruined a sweet young boy named Radar O'Riley...

What happened to the good ol days of drinking Grape Nehi and helping out orphans...Crying

Thread: It's Time to Come Clean...
Über Parrot

Replies: 34
Views: 41,671
07-08-2002 22:33 Forum: General Discussion

Larry Norman is evil

He's been naked on at least two of his album covers....terrible.


Thread: When Everyone Wore Hats Review
Über Parrot

Replies: 32
Views: 41,982
07-08-2002 22:20 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Jevon the Tall
Reminds me of a funny George Carlin line. When his mother threatened to wash his mouth out with soap.

"I'll blow bubbles out my a**"

LK9, wanna pull my finger?

(Oh my wife would be so distressed to see me write this way.)

JtT (oops, 'scuse me)

Talk like that around here will get your potty mouth washed out with soap.

I've helped Woggy with her cursing, now I have another to work on.

Thread: Jesus drank grape-juice?
Über Parrot

Replies: 72
Views: 85,766
07-08-2002 22:17 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by jc
the phrisees called Jesus a winebibber
not a grapejuice bibber
seems it was fermented in that context anyway.

As for me- I have "imbibed" more in the past few months than in the past 20 years. (Felt like "I'm a big boy, and can do as I please")
A glass of wine one night at dinner (in April)
a beer at a concert (April)
and a beer at a reception. (May)
The last one was with my kids- and they were disappointed (we talked at length about it) having not seen me ever imbibe.
I was easily able to tell them" You will NEVER see dad do that again. "-
so for the sake of family- I won't.
If your decision is not as easy as mine..perhaps you should reexamine it.

Jiminy, you have stolen my thunder so to speak. Christ did drink wine, and yes is was the kind you can get drunk on.

Luke 7:34
The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!

He was there with the sinners, but not a sinner Himself. So drinking wine can not be a sin.

And Jesus knew what was good wine and what was bad wine...

John 2:10
And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: [but] thou hast kept the good wine until now.

...I'm sure you could get quite a buzz off Jesus' wine.

Thank you for being a wonderful example to your children. Even though it's ok to drink, sometimes it's not the right thing to do.


Thread: Jesus drank grape-juice?
Über Parrot

Replies: 72
Views: 85,766
07-08-2002 22:06 Forum: General Discussion

Originally posted by Woggy
Good stuff there, my friend.

I'm thinking, however, we should all go out and purchase THIS little item.......

God's Gadgets??

Thank you for the link Woggy, I purchased several of them for my family and friends.


Thread: Eddie's "Let's Spin" on disc?
Über Parrot

Replies: 6
Views: 14,012
07-08-2002 22:02 Forum: General Discussion

hey mickey,

I'm not sure, but it may be on the list of re-issues coming soon to a DA website near you.

or you can try rad robbers and pay too much...

Let's Spin

and sometimes it's on ebay

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