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Thread: A Christmas Plea...

Replies: 2
Views: 23,351
RE: A Christmas Plea... 01-13-2017 07:41 Forum: General Discussion

This is what I get when I try and sign-up for the monthly Benefactor. I do have an existing Paypal account. Any suggestions.

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Thread: Terry Scott Taylor - John Wayne

Replies: 18
Views: 151,216
RE: Terry Scott Taylor - John Wayne 01-23-2016 13:00 Forum: CD & DVD Reviews

All four of my grandchildren were rocked to sleep with me singing Ten Gallon Hat. Never thought of trying Props. My first grand-kid from my son due in March. I'll have to give it a try.
Thread: I say Carman would make a cool sail cat

Replies: 124
Views: 338,431
I say Carman would make a cool sail cat 04-21-2014 07:46 Forum: General Discussion

Why I left the church; reason 1 of 5

Kickstarter campaigns:

the Tuxedo Clad Megastar -
o 269% funded
o $538,103 pledged
Daniel Amos –
o 269% funded
o $32,277 pledged

Replies: 98
Views: 244,446
02-10-2014 07:45 Forum: General Discussion

I think it will be like the original Planet of the Apes. They will be amazed that the seemingly more intelligent life shows up underneath our strata.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
Radio Disk 02-08-2014 19:13 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Any way this art work will be available as posters, etc. Would love then to complete my already existing family room art made up of all the DHSTA art.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013) 11-24-2013 21:22 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Germany?? I am very cognizant of the "global economy" but still amazed at how the stuff I buy and the groups I support are a part of that. What part of the DA recording is connected to Germany?
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013) 11-11-2013 07:29 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I second DW's motion on the preference for new music. I have the whole of "DA" on so many formats as it is. There is also so much good music on Noisetrade and Itunes that I don't have time to listen to DA as much as I'd like. I have an old functional Dell Jukebox that is 100% full of all things Terry Taylor (even the producer stuff). And I have two old record players, a cassette deck, two IPod, three MP3 players and and turntable that converts the others to MP3 so there is always room for some new stuff.
Thread: Real Life Jobs?

Replies: 40
Views: 281,426
Real Life Jobs? 09-18-2013 15:14 Forum: General Discussion

Information Technology Manager for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, specializing in Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Emergency Preparedness. Been in the IT realm since '74.
Thread: Top 5 Dig Here Songs

Replies: 41
Views: 250,415
RE: Top 5 Dig Here Songs 07-11-2013 08:00 Forum: General Discussion

1. The Ruthless Hum of Dread – this haunt stayed with me through 8 hours of dreaming
2. We'll All Know Soon Enough – He’s talking about my mother. I’ve said these very words but not aloud
3. Jesus Wept – made my wife cry, as she deals with a health issue that will only get worse.” Sealed in this Lazarus grave With nothing else to do, But cry “Let me out”
4. Dig Here Said The Angel – to me, the music evokes the Moody Blues, especially the verses of “I Know You’re Out There Somewhere”
5. Love, Grace and Mercy – Terry gets kudos for squeezing the right words into impossible places
Thread: Custom Swine Special

Replies: 12
Views: 223,869
Sbp 05-03-2013 07:09 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I'm in on both accounts.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
Thanks 03-22-2013 08:19 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Much appreciated. I know bandwidth is tight for you guys.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
Kickstarter add 03-20-2013 06:58 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Audiori - when possible, please check regular email. I sent a question last week relative to adding to my $150.00 pledge.

thank you
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
Vinyl 02-20-2013 07:32 Forum: Upcoming Releases

So, can we assume that upping the pledge an additional $5.00 gets the vinyl in the upper tiers too? The offer seems to stop below the $150.00 mark
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
Noisetrade? 02-18-2013 08:23 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Are the guys thinking about releasing a few of the tunes for download via Noisetrade? I know for myself, it's been my new primary channel for my music purchases (other than DA/Choir/77s, Bill Malonee) web-sites . I've actually bought more "unfamiliar" music by actually being able to listen than simply buying only "safe" choices.
To quote Derek Webb, one of Noisetrade's founders,
"If I can sell 20,000 records at 10 bucks that's short-term money. Somebody comes to iTunes and buys my record for 10 bucks, that may be the only transaction I have with that person. ... I don't know who they are, I don't know how to find them again, I have no way to interact with that person again beyond that one transaction. "
Thread: Terry Scott Taylor ~ Return to the Neverhood

Replies: 85
Views: 480,671
08-23-2012 14:30 Forum: Upcoming Releases

I'd be interested in the signed edition. Anything to help the band and enable them to keep going. You can e-mail me what you're thinking about as an upgrade price if you aren't ready for putting it out there. thanks daysofnoah@comcast.net
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
08-17-2012 10:32 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Audiori J - in respect to age, it would be interesting to find out the median age of the DA fanbase. Like how many current fans were actual teens (or younger) in the 80's when DA gave us the Chronicles or were most like me, already married and over thirty by the time they released Fearful Symmetry.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
New DA Music 2012 08-08-2012 07:19 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Thanks much for the clarification.
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,642,560
New Da Music 2012 08-07-2012 21:19 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Just want a little clarification as the offer list is a little different from other Kickstarter campaigns I've participated in. Is this a situation where each level includes the rewards from the lower one or are there unique rewards for certain $$ amounts (i.e., T-Shirt for $100.00 but not $150.00)? Would like to know as some of the goods from lower levels interest me more than some in higher ones (if I am reading the rewards correctly).

P.S. Thanks for doing this.
Thread: Terry Scott Taylor ~ Return to the Neverhood

Replies: 85
Views: 480,671
07-22-2012 14:06 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Wasn't sure if the guys would be selling at next week's Lost Dogs concert at Dean & Tami's basement-o-sound so I ordered mine today. Looking forward to seeing how Terry rocks a comic book.
Thread: Terry Scott Taylor ~ Return to the Neverhood

Replies: 85
Views: 480,671
07-10-2012 14:15 Forum: Upcoming Releases

All my monthly comics are shipped in cellophane or plastic bags with a cardboard backer.
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