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Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,611,002
04-12-2013 16:20 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,611,002
04-12-2013 15:02 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Any idea when the winning artwork will be announced and when the digital album may be available for backers to download?

Just like...ballpark?
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,611,002
02-09-2013 18:48 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Yeah...I backed it through danielamos.com...haven't received the email yet :-(
Thread: DA ~ Dig Here Said The Angel (2013)

Replies: 501
Views: 2,611,002
acoustic videos? 02-08-2013 08:11 Forum: Upcoming Releases

Hi, I'm a backer. How do I access the acoustic videos?
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 241,167
07-20-2010 11:19 Forum: General Discussion

What I meant to say is that Terry Scott Taylor would never use the S word unless he was reading aloud from a list of words he would never say.

Sorry about the home-schooled slur...

But pssst...Jesus did say "raca" matter-of-factly...yes he was saying what you shouldn't say, but he said the naughty word...

also the passage where Jesus talks about what comes out of you defiling you and using food as an example...he uses another term I'll have to look up to see if it's a cuss word...one "unvarnished" translation called it the "S**t-hole"....

Also, I remember hearing that "brood of vipers" was a rude term, kind of comparable to SOB...

And here's a theological quandary for you...when Jesus stubbed his tow or hit his thumb with a hammer...how do you think he reacted? Remember...he was fully human tempted in all ways as we are...
Thread: Would Terry ever use the "S" word?

Replies: 98
Views: 241,167
07-19-2010 13:08 Forum: General Discussion

Jesus and Paul used cusswords, so I'll give Terry a hall pass if he ever does.

Paul counts everything skubala that he might gain Christ.

If you think "skubala" is properly translated "poop," you might be homeschooled.

And if you think "brood of vipers" or "raca" were terms of endearment...well...maybe their aimed at you.

Case in point - don't be holier than Jesus and the rightly placed cussword sometimes drives the point home better than a sanitized facsimile.

Just ask Derek Webb...
Thread: the DOGS!!!

Replies: 23
Views: 94,311
05-13-2010 15:41 Forum: General Discussion

I'm in AZ and would definitely go if they came. The wigwam show was legendary...
Thread: darn floor!

Replies: 49
Views: 86,979
darn floor! 11-26-2008 10:40 Forum: General Discussion

Just got it on the ZUNE marketplace! I wasn't expecting it to be available there!!! It's getting major billing on the christian/gospel main page!!! This is a beautiful day. Now if we can just start working on Motorcycle, Kalhoun and Bibleland...!
Thread: "Nowhere Is Someplace" on Myspace!

Replies: 3
Views: 15,045
"Nowhere Is Someplace" on Myspace! 06-10-2006 10:14 Forum: General Discussion

Wouldn't that be great if it were???

I mean, who would it hurt?
Thread: Loose Ends

Replies: 90
Views: 186,813
02-21-2006 16:45 Forum: General Discussion

If you do special downloads, make "Nowhere is Someplace" available!

That song is as elusive as the holy grail to me....
Thread: Where is the next generation of Mark Heard's

Replies: 56
Views: 77,043
the REAL DEAL 05-04-2004 19:13 Forum: General Discussion

Yes, I have found the next Mark Heard and his name's Tim Buchanan. His band's name is Tombstone Trailerpark and is also multi-instrumental (guitar, mandolin, native flutes) His spoken word albums are the kind of poetry that brings The Big Unit to mind (Bob Dylan, Terry Taylor, Mark Heard)...and the music had the same earthy quality Mark's did. DEFINATELY turn yourself on to this guy's music, you'll thank me later.
Thread: Suggestions for new lost Dogs album.

Replies: 34
Views: 35,823
03-02-2004 17:04 Forum: General Discussion

Songs of the Choir:

The Ocean ....!
Only a Moment in Time (a bit partial to this song, as it was played at my wedding)
Someone to Hold on To (Americanafied)
Hey Gene


Thick Skin
A Kind Word
Pregnant Pause


Lutheran Hymn
I dig my heels In
Thread: chandler

Replies: 23
Views: 34,849
09-21-2002 13:17 Forum: General Discussion

I was there last night but seeing that I had a mild flu and after bumming around phoenix all day soaking in the sun and getting heat stroke, I could only really sit there with a silly little grin and take in the show. I was drained. If I had been a little more well rested I would've done a lot more socializing. I brought a friend who knew nothing of the Dogs. She reallly enjoyed it and as I predicted to her before the show, Mike's playing made her jaw drop quite a few times.

(Was I the only one who accidently walked in on the somber meeting of orthodox jews in the next conference room over, before finding the right one? Oops.)

Theo opened. He played about 4 songs I think. Very heartfelt story and provocative songs.

Derri actually played first, previewing some new stuff and going back to Wide Eyed Wonder and I'll Wait For You To Come Around. The new stuff sounds like it'll be worth buying (ahem) whenever the disc is released.

Then Roe took the stage with Blue Sky, The Itch Is Back, Why Does The Sun Shine Down On Me and The Lust, The Flesh...

Terry did mostly songs from Avocado Faultline and Molly from Little Big. No new material from Big as was promised. Grrrrr!

After a 15 minute break that seemed like an eternity, Terry went from baseball cap to cowboy hat which symbolized that the Dogs were on. During the course of the show they exhausted Gift Horse and the usual from Real Men Cry as well as a rousing "camped up" rendition of Green Room Serenade. The audience was rolling. Another moment of unexpected hilarity came when Mike began Happy Trails and was joined by Terry and Derri until he came to a part where a high note was required. They left him hanging and the song ended abruptly, with Mike chiding his bandmates for leaving him out on a limb like that. They played a few new one..."Moses in the Desert", "Come Down Here" and "Deeper In The Heart", all of which are excellent and catchy as hell. After that, me and my friend left since we had a good 3 1/2 hour ride back to Show Low and we were already fighting off sleep. So there could have been some encores but I wouldn't know...anyone?
Thread: sept 20th dogs show

Replies: 2
Views: 10,114
sept 20th dogs show 09-11-2002 20:31 Forum: General Discussion

Wow! Looks like I'm actually going to be able to make it down to Chandler for the 20th!!!!!

So, who knows where this hotel is??

I need directions, people. Anyone??
Thread: DA fans ages

Replies: 71
Views: 298,876
08-25-2002 22:38 Forum: General Discussion

I just turned 26 today.

Ugggghhhhh. It's depressing, but I hardly think I'll get any sympathy here!
Thread: Jesus drank grape-juice?

Replies: 72
Views: 85,788
Jesus drank grape-juice? 07-05-2002 19:09 Forum: General Discussion

Ok I have pretty much been surrounded by rabid fundies lately. I haver heard something so ridiculous, I just don't know how to respond. Is there any historical credibility to the notion that in Jesus' day the wine was so watered down it was the equivilant of grape juice today? Is there any reputable historian who would support this. It just seems so ridiculous. I'm visiting my friend in a christian rehab ranch. The guy who owns it is leading a bible study and we get to John ch. 2. He asks who in the room believes Jesus gave the people alcohaul. I and my friend raise our hands. Then he goes on to tell us that "his Jesus" didn't give them any alcohaulic beverage because Jesus wouldn't do that. Because alcohaul is bad. And if any believers want to try and be a "sipping saint" they are only fooling themselves blah blah blah blah. Then he says wine back in those days was only grape juice. Which seems ridiculous, because Paul exorts us to not be drunk with wine but with the spirit, so obviously back then wine could get you drunk. Are there any scriptures that anyone knows of that speaks of wine in a favorable light?

Any help with this bizarre subject would be greatly appreciated.
Thread: WEWH in northern az

Replies: 20
Views: 32,870
06-29-2002 20:05 Forum: General Discussion

Back home tonight. Smile

I've have never been as homesick as I was this week.
And I've never been as glad to be home as I am right now.

Thanks everyone who prayed...and now (groan) unpacking.

Thread: WEWH in northern az

Replies: 20
Views: 32,870
06-26-2002 08:52 Forum: General Discussion

Hey BD, try this address:


Things are looking a lot better now. The flames, from what I understand are subsiding near the Show Low area and thus far, they haven't reached into the more populated places and it looks like they won't. There may be spot fires caused by flying embers, but it'll be nothing like that gargantuan flame-wall.

Can the hand of God be any more obvious? I would just like to thank those who took the time to pray.

We see Your hidden hand today, Daddy.
Thread: WEWH in northern az

Replies: 20
Views: 32,870
06-24-2002 10:39 Forum: General Discussion

Well, we were evacuated early yesterday morning - I'm in Chandler/Mesa today, and for as long as we aren't allowed back into the Show Low/Pinetop area.

LK-9, I thank you and your congregation for joining us in praying. The fire has become benign for all last night and as of yet, has stayed away from the more populated areas - as far as I know. The hard part is just being down here wondering if I should be looking for a temporary job or not. I have no clue how long our town will be closed. I've heard speculation go up to a month. I'm staying with family but I really don't want to be sitting around on my hands the whole time, but on the other hand, I don't want to get involved with anything too consuming because I have to be ready to move back if there's anything to move back into.

Bigdork, I'm on a borrowed computer so the only way I can do e-mail is at my derek@vagrantcafe.net address. Are you in the Phoenix area? I'll be looking for a church to attend while I'm down here. Know of any good ones? Smile

And everyone else, I'd just really covet your prayers. Who knows what God is up to here. It looks like nothing but debris and tragedy from our perspective, but our Daddy has a habit of giving beauty for ashes.
Thread: WEWH in northern az

Replies: 20
Views: 32,870
06-22-2002 20:36 Forum: General Discussion

Thanks, LK-9. Things are kind of quiet today and all the news so far has been hopeful. They figure that if the can keep the fire from branching out to a canyon just outside of town, those of us in the Show Low area should be alright. The wind seems to be helping and that's where the fire fighters are concentrating all of their efforts. So specifically we just need prayer that the winds continue to co-operate and that the firefighters will be able to make some serious headway within the next few days. The good news is it is looking less and less bleak as time goes by. But that could change as suddenly as winds change, so we still need your prayers.

under the mercy, Derek.
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