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Posted by dorfsmith on 11-23-2003 at15:18:

  RE: Terry's opinion

Originally posted by freak
Originally posted by joey
Originally posted by Driver8
Written by Terry Scott Taylor *edited*Oh by the way, speaking of Award Shows, I learned recently that Daniel Amos has the honor of being the first band inducted into CCM Music Magazine's Hall of Fame. Who'd a thunk it, huh? There's even a rumor of a Dove Award following on it's heals, but it's only a rumor, so don't hold your breath. I've had fantasies in the past about getting a Dove. I'm really very honored and deeply touched by CCM Magazines gesture, and if per chance the Dove thing happens, I promise to walk the straight and narrow and do my utmost to gush with the best of em. Besides' one day when I stand before the Lord, if nothing else maybe I'll be able to impress Him with my Dove award.


read the whole article on the main page "Terry and Britney"

nobody else senses the sarcasm in terry's comments??? Confused

IMHO - the sarcasm is dripping... making puddles on the floor - Uncle Terry is not motivated to do music for dove awards...

As I read the original - before I saw this new stuff on the thread; I was laughing out loud.

Anybody with even the most simple grasp of Terry's music should know how he feels about the Dove Awards.

Posted by Jevon the Tall on 11-23-2003 at15:39:


Tell us please, some of us are too simple to get it.

Posted by audiori on 11-23-2003 at16:57:


I don't think DA cares about winning Doves or getting into
CCM Magazine.. but I don't think that necessarily means that
it doesn't mean anything to them if it happens.

I mean, yes, the idea of the Dove Awards is stupid. Many times,
they're honoring the worst of CCM... If say, Steven Curtis Chapman
wins his 73rd Dove this year... who cares? He wins a dozen every
single year. Last time I watched, DC Talk was still winning awards
for albums that were 5 years old. BUT... for someone like DA or the
Choir to be given a Dove.. it is sort of an amazing thing. It's not the
goal of their career.. they're not crafting their albums to appeal to
that crowd.. but if they get noticed, I'm sure they appreciate it on
some level. Last time I was at Dan Michael's house, he had the
Choir's Dove sitting on a shelf... it looked really beat up, but still...
he still cared enough that he sat it on a shelf after beating it with
a hammer or whatever he did with it.

I'm sure they're not going to treasure the award (if it happens) by
placing it on a pedestal in their living rooms, with disco balls, spotlights
and smoke machines... but that doesn't mean they'll immediately throw
it out on the curb for the trashman either.

Posted by JR88 on 11-24-2003 at13:45:


Originally posted by audiori
I don't think DA cares about winning Doves or getting into
CCM Magazine.. but I don't think that necessarily means that
it doesn't mean anything to them if it happens.

I mean, yes, the idea of the Dove Awards is stupid. Many times,
they're honoring the worst of CCM... If say, Steven Curtis Chapman
wins his 73rd Dove this year... who cares? He wins a dozen every
single year. Last time I watched, DC Talk was still winning awards
for albums that were 5 years old. BUT... for someone like DA or the
Choir to be given a Dove.. it is sort of an amazing thing. It's not the
goal of their career.. they're not crafting their albums to appeal to
that crowd.. but if they get noticed, I'm sure they appreciate it on
some level. Last time I was at Dan Michael's house, he had the
Choir's Dove sitting on a shelf... it looked really beat up, but still...
he still cared enough that he sat it on a shelf after beating it with
a hammer or whatever he did with it.

I'm sure they're not going to treasure the award (if it happens) by
placing it on a pedestal in their living rooms, with disco balls, spotlights
and smoke machines... but that doesn't mean they'll immediately throw
it out on the curb for the trashman either.

This was my point but was better stated by audiori Pleased

Posted by Squidzit on 11-24-2003 at17:17:


Does anybody care about these awards? Well, the people that work there maybe. But I think that it's the recognition that matters. People notice. Some people always talk about the "mindless throng" that only buys the music that they are told to buy. Well, if the powers that be "tell" them to buy NCT, who is hurt? Us? Because we no longer have our private little unknown band anymore? I don't think so. Maybe that mindless throng will start thinking on it's own. Next thing ya know the 77's are nominated for best thrash metal ablum! Tongue

Posted by Joey T. on 11-24-2003 at17:45:

Big Grin

Originally posted by Squidzit
Next thing ya know the 77's are nominated for best thrash metal ablum! Tongue

now that made me smile.. Pleased

Posted by BigDork on 11-24-2003 at19:36:


so, should I buy all the copies of the Dec. CCM at the local CBS and pass them out to people I know, or let the regulars buy them and hope they read about DA and buy MBD? Of course most CBS don't have MBD on the shelves anymore so that would be a stretch.......

Roll Eyes

Posted by Joey T. on 11-24-2003 at19:39:


anymore??? Confused

the ones here never did...... Mad

Posted by DaLe on 11-24-2003 at19:51:


Originally posted by Joey T.
anymore??? Confused

the ones here never did...... Mad

Confused really, Here in Minnesota (... well the Twin Cities anyway)
we have a great Christian Book store chain, like 9 stores
called Northwestern books. it is a great store & carry most anything
you can want...

maybe that is why we have the BeST DA fans HeRe Tongue Roll Eyes

Posted by BigDork on 11-24-2003 at19:51:


a few by me had a couple of copies...
Roll Eyes

Posted by Squidzit on 11-24-2003 at21:17:


I worked at Family Bookstores. I used to tell people about these bands all the time. As soon as the boss was out the door, I would put in some good CCM! DA, Keith Green, Vector, Darrell Mansfield. People would always ask about who was playing. We did not carry those groups in the store, but we could order almost anything the customers wanted. If someone wants MBD, they have but to ask! Big Grin

Look at me, still selling for "Big Jesus Sellers USA"! Tongue

Posted by freak on 11-25-2003 at05:38:

Thumb Up!

Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Originally posted by Joey T.
anymore??? Confused

the ones here never did...... Mad

Confused really, Here in Minnesota (... well the Twin Cities anyway)
we have a great Christian Book store chain, like 9 stores
called Northwestern books. it is a great store & carry most anything
you can want...

maybe that is why we have the BeST DA fans HeRe Tongue Roll Eyes

I only get to the twin cities 1 or 2 a year... but I always take extra cash and stop at NW Books - what a fantastic store! Great selection on EVERYTHING... You Minnesotans are very fortuanate in that aspect.

Posted by PuP on 11-25-2003 at07:59:


Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Originally posted by Joey T.
anymore??? Confused

the ones here never did...... Mad

Confused really, Here in Minnesota (... well the Twin Cities anyway)
we have a great Christian Book store chain, like 9 stores
called Northwestern books. it is a great store & carry most anything
you can want...

maybe that is why we have the BeST DA fans HeRe Tongue Roll Eyes

I thought it was that you had nothing else to do with all that snow but sit and listen to great CDs. Tongue

Posted by Democracy's Blind on 11-25-2003 at08:00:

Shocked Whatever!

Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
Confused really, Here in Minnesota (... well the Twin Cities anyway)
we have a great Christian Book store chain, like 9 stores
called Northwestern books. it is a great store & carry most anything
you can want...
Tongue Roll Eyes

Yeah, Sure, You Betcha!
As Long as it is a "Precious Moments" figurine!

Shocked Confused Mad

Posted by John Foxe on 11-25-2003 at08:25:


99.9% of the time at the Family Bookstore (Chicagoland) they're spinning the pick of the weekly top 40 litter.

And I can almost never get any DA except our personal famous world famous greatest top most awesome super hits zippity doo daddy, or whatever.

But there was one time, one time only, where they gave us a very pleasant surprise. When Surfonic came out the had a full size cardboard stand smack dab in the front of the music section. You couldn't miss it. And people were buying it.

Maybe that's what we need, exposure, ala a life-size of Terry, like when he carried around Pat Robertson at c-stone. "My stuff is just too cool for this stuffy store, so go to www.danielamos.com"

Squidzit, forgive me, I don't mean to dis the store, but I think it's a real shame that even the new stuff doesn't ever show up there at mine. Rhetorically, why could I never find a copy of MBD there? I understand how sales work, but it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when you don't stock because you don't think you'll sell, and someone like me is forced to go elsewhere because you don't stock.

Posted by Squidzit on 11-25-2003 at11:28:

  RE: Flashes

Originally posted by John Foxe

Squidzit, forgive me, I don't mean to dis the store, but I think it's a real shame that even the new stuff doesn't ever show up there at mine. Rhetorically, why could I never find a copy of MBD there? I understand how sales work, but it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when you don't stock because you don't think you'll sell, and someone like me is forced to go elsewhere because you don't stock.

I take no offense. I worked there about 12 years ago. And you're right, they only spin the top crappy picks. But like I said, I would spin the stuff we all listen to and would get great positive reactions from people that had never heard the stuff. It was against company policy to play music other than what they prescribed. I didn't care, I still played what I liked when the boss was out of the store. I was a "bad" employee, I would order tapes that I liked and stock them. My boss would ask why that was in the store and I would tell him it was a special order that never got picked up. I always sold the tapes that I ordered. I'd even take in my personal tapes and play them just to get people to listen. You'd be amazed how many groups people have never heard of. And like you said, it's all because the company thinks it will not sell. I proved them wrong. And things may have changed, but when I was with the store we could get our hands on about anything a customer wanted.

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 11-25-2003 at11:43:


"And I can almost never get any DA except our personal famous world famous greatest top most awesome super hits zippity doo daddy, or whatever."

Hey John,

I appreciate the close-to-correct spelling, but it's kinda like taking my name in vain.

My Grandma used to explain the third commandment this way. If you say "God nada" or "Oh My God" God drops what He's doing and rushes to you to see what you need. If you really didn't need Him and were just using the expression He may have left something important like a war or a dying baby to help you. It's like crying wolf.

In the same way, when I saw my name in your post as I scanned this thread I stopped my scanning and read back through all the posts to understand the reference but I found that it was only a passing, flippant, sarcastic comment. Now I'm forced to reply and this takes time, you know?

All I'm saying is, if you're going to use my name, please make it a reference to me! I had to take all that time, when I could be off downloading naughty pictures.

Yours Piously,


Posted by DaLe on 11-25-2003 at13:37:


Originally posted by zippetydoodaddy
Yours Piously,


^ L Big Grin L

Posted by John Foxe on 11-25-2003 at22:11:

  Waal I thot...

Sorrie 'bout that, man.

I finna thot you be takin' those Eddies impossturs names in vein, so I figur dat it be okay. Pluss mah gramma and spellin' ain't so gud.

I be axin' you fer permisin nex tim.


Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 11-25-2003 at23:00:


Oh well, um...

pay no attention to the man behind the screen.

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