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Posted by BigDork on 06-19-2002 at21:21:


I don't really dislike any DA album, there are some that I have to be in the right mood for.

any one of them could be my favorite for the month.

oh well, I like what I like


Posted by arcticsunburn on 06-19-2002 at23:50:


Originally posted by Author of the Post
For me, I think that Kalhoun is the album that was the turning point for Daniel Amos and possibly their most pinnacle album (not to say the best.) Kalhoun was like a total rebirth from everything they'd done before. I think that after we see a few more DA albums come out (I do hope there will be many more to come) that MBD will be seen as another milestone dividing epochs of the band. When it comes to albums that I most play, I'd have to list these (beginning with most):

I definitely like Kalhoun, too. Father Explains would go in my play list if I ever toured solo (I'm working on getting my band together first, of course).

It sounds like the Lost Dogs, but keep in mind that the Lost Dogs sold lots of records... wait a minute...

Posted by Kaf-N-8ed on 06-20-2002 at08:55:


Originally posted by Author of the Post
For me, I think that Kalhoun is the album that was the turning point for Daniel Amos and possibly their most pinnacle album {SNIP}

Yeah, Kalhoun is the album I'm tempted most to buy next.


Posted by Kaf-N-8ed on 06-20-2002 at08:57:


Originally posted by Kaf-N-8ed

Originally posted by Author of the Post
For me, I think that Kalhoun is the album that was the turning point for Daniel Amos and possibly their most pinnacle album {SNIP}

Yeah, Kalhoun is the album I'm tempted most to buy next.


Except I still don't understand what the deal is with that foreign version of Kalhoun they sell at Amazon.com as new. Nobody's ever explained to me what's up with that? Did the DA guys lose the rights to Kalhoun at poker or something?



Posted by Author of the Post on 06-20-2002 at09:08:


Originally posted by Scrimshaw Nick

That's funny, Kalhoun is the one album that I would list as lame . . . well, maybe "lame" is a harsh word. It gets the least amount of play by me and ranks right down there with Real Men Cry (except for "3-Legged Dog, of course.)

Ok, I am ready to recieve all my hate mail now.

Hate mail? Nah... At least I'm not like that, if you Mountain Dew me off I'll just yell "Kalhoun!" (The song "Virgin Falls"--how can one not love it?)

It's funny that you like "3-legged dog." That's my least favorite off "Real Men Cry."

Different strokes for different folks!


-- The Author of the Post

Posted by Alvyn Kalhoun on 06-20-2002 at09:18:


Originally posted by Author of the Post


-- The Author of the Post


did someone call?


Posted by carl on 06-20-2002 at09:22:


Sorry, had to do that....

Re: Kalhoun: Starts with a bang. Several, actually. Ends with a whimper. Several, actually. Once I get past "I Will Return," "Gloryhound"s the only song I really latch onto. I'd really like to like "Father Explains" more than I do, just on general principle, but I don't. The Eddies albums cover the same general ground Kalhoun does but with more humor and daring.

Just my....um....er.... carl thoughts.....

Posted by Gamgee on 06-20-2002 at10:23:


Kalhoun... hmmmmm... great stuff, but it's just never gotten to me in the way some other DA albums have. It's got some great songs, though. "If You Want To" (of course) and "Tracking the Amourous Man" are among my favorite DA tunes, and you gotta love the title track.

Posted by Beat Menace on 06-20-2002 at13:51:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
I wouldn't go as far as saying that Kalhoun was/is a rebirth, but I definately put it in the category as a classic. It was a great follow-up to DFBB (though not quite as good).

Kalhoun is much better than DFBB. It is a coming out for DA, leaving the dreadful '80s behind them.


Posted by wes berlin on 06-20-2002 at15:52:

  dfbb vs. kalhoun

Feeling the heat, hell at your feet
Don't even speak of mr. beat menace

Posted by John Foxe on 06-20-2002 at20:13:

  I dunno

I heard somewhere that Kalhoun and Virgin Falls are hideous (hideous, hideous!)

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-20-2002 at21:31:


Originally posted by John Foxe
I heard somewhere that Kalhoun and Virgin Falls are hideous (hideous, hideous!)

I must be weird, cause I love both songs. I think Kalhoun (song) is very funny and good R&R.

Posted by Joey T. on 06-21-2002 at00:40:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
[QUOTE]Originally posted by John Foxe
I heard somewhere that Kalhoun and Virgin Falls are hideous (hideous, hideous!)


I must be weird, cause I love both songs. I think Kalhoun (song) is very funny and good R&R.

Kalhoun rocks!!! but to say any album by any band is better than DFBB is just asking to get your burro kicked!!! Pleased

Posted by arcticsunburn on 06-21-2002 at01:10:


Originally posted by Beat Menace
Originally posted by Lost Canine
I wouldn't go as far as saying that Kalhoun was/is a rebirth, but I definately put it in the category as a classic. It was a great follow-up to DFBB (though not quite as good).

Kalhoun is much better than DFBB. It is a coming out for DA, leaving the dreadful '80s behind them.


Dreadful '80s? You're all crazy! Alarma! is the best (wait, I think I said that already). Well here it is anyway. Alarma! is the best!

Posted by carl on 06-21-2002 at07:43:


"I dunno

"I heard somewhere that Kalhoun and Virgin Falls are hideous (hideous, hideous!)"

Heard that about the latter, never about the former. Kalhoun, as aforementioned, rocks. Virgin Falls, however, is like bad buffalo wing sauce. Sure it's hot/loud, but where's the TASTE?

Posted by Lucy on 06-21-2002 at12:00:

  Zoom Daddy and best cd's etc

Hey all-I haven't been on here in a while, but I do like Zoom Daddy. I wouldn't put it at the top, but I wouldn't put DFBB at the top either, which around here is nearing heresy...This is how I'd call it

1)Kalhoun tied with Motorcycle
2)Vox HumAna
3)Alarma tied with Outdoor Elvis

I think Kalhoun is probably the most under rated album the boys have put out. This was strictly DA/SE I didn't even touch the Dogs, as they really are another entity
Something else that is funny about these guys is the fact that although certain albums don't rate high on my list there are individual songs that would rate high on mytop songs list
ie...Zoom Daddy-title track, and the twist
also Fearfull Symetry-Shadow Catcher

anywho this is my two cents worth
Lucy(aka Jonny E.)

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-21-2002 at12:09:


Lucy=Jonny E???
Oh well, as I type this, I see that Mr. Chandler is online, and he once performed in a dressSmile !

I agree about Kalhoun, it's very underrated and an awesome album (I too can't think of a bad DA\SE album). However, you can't put DFBB in your top 5??? Here's my rating:

2. Kalhoun
3. HD
4. Alarma
5. Zoom Daddy (And this list does change from time to time).

Posted by carl on 06-21-2002 at12:53:


It goes like THIS:

1) Zoom Daddy
2) MotorCycle
3) Outdoor Elvis
4) Scenic Routes
5) Mr. Buechner’s Dream

Posted by BigDork on 06-21-2002 at13:03:


your all wrong

it's like this


Posted by Joey T. on 06-21-2002 at13:22:

  Close but no cigar...

5. Outdoor Elvis
4. SOTH- WEWH Mellow version- Disk II
3. The Alarma Chronicles
2. MBD
1. DFBB- don't you know anything??? Wink

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