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Posted by jollyholiday on 03-24-2003 at09:57:

  new dogs disc at Christian retail

If you live in the Mpls/St.Paul area. The new Dogs disc will be on sale for 12.97 at Northwestern Book Stores when it releases tomorrow. That's still under $14 bucks with tax included.


Posted by brd2yrmother on 03-24-2003 at13:34:


I do have to say that as a manager of a Christian bookstore, it was hard to justify carrying a lot of the cool music that I carried. It just sat there. Nobody bought it - stonehill, daniel amos, lost dogs, 77s, adam again, etc. It sucked to see 100s of copies of butterfly kisses being purchased and all those beautiful DA CDs collecting dust. I took most of them with me when I left, and have sold them on e-bay for much more than they would have sold for in the store. It's sad that DA and other bands like them don't get support in the retail world. It would certainly make them more popular with people who have to worry about "the bottom line."

Posted by jwaltb on 03-25-2003 at12:03:

  buying at the bs

On buying at the local BS, I was under the impression it's a good thing, esp when first released, to help push their sales figures up in the trade returns. You know, success breeds success. I was thinking that by getting good numbers they would attract more attention and maybe more people would look into them. I know it's just one purchase but hopefully alot of folks will be doing the same thing on the first few days of the release. And if nothing else, maybe this little BS in Lafayette will stock a few more of their products, someone will give it a shot, and the DA conglomerate gets a new fan. What do y'all think?


Posted by Toque Boy on 03-25-2003 at13:19:

  Nice topic of discussion

It is the ol' battle. Do you look to save some money and but cds when they get to clearance prices? Do you buy from the book store? Do you buy from the artist directly? My habit of listening to music is not cheap and my wife isn't so keen on me spending all her hard-earned money so the cheap route is easier. But I do want to support the artists that I really like. Back and forth, to and fro, I am tossed by my good intentions. I could try and justify my buying the cheap, discounted copies by saying that I go to so many concerts and I always am buying their t-shirts, but I do live in Canada and most of my favorite artists don't make it across the border that often. So if I said that, I would be lying and that would not be very good. So I am still tossed. Anyone got a life preserver and a boat to pull me in?

(I am planning to reward myself when I get through this semester of school with the latest Lost Dogs cd, but with my wife carrying and delivering twins this summer, Iprobably won't be spoiling myself too much.)

Posted by jeffrey k. on 03-25-2003 at13:22:

  got it....

So I went to the local Family Christian Bookstore today...and for the record I really dislike Christian bookstores...anyway, I picked up the ONE, uno, 1, copy of NCT they had shipped to them to put on their shelves. One copy. Anyway, after spending my $17.00 I am happy to call it my own. Go buy it folks...it is out and does exist.

stay safe,

jeffrey k.

Posted by Dr Rich on 03-25-2003 at15:39:

  Hell Yes!

Originally posted by jollyholiday
If you live in the Mpls/St.Paul area. The new Dogs disc will be on sale for 12.97 at Northwestern Book Stores when it releases tomorrow. That's still under $14 bucks with tax included.


Woo-Hoo! Smile )

Posted by Mark on 03-25-2003 at17:43:


I purchase mine today at a Family Christian Bookstore. They had 2 in stock. I checked to see if it was at Best Buy first, but no it wasn't.

Posted by dorfsmith on 03-25-2003 at19:25:


The Lost Dogs webpage does not even have it yet. I was gonna buy it there. My Christian bookstore never has anything!

Posted by joey on 03-25-2003 at19:33:


Originally posted by dorfsmith
My Christian bookstore never has anything!

mine neither! Mad

Posted by audiori on 03-25-2003 at20:31:


Originally posted by dorfsmith
The Lost Dogs webpage does not even have it yet. I was gonna buy it there. My Christian bookstore never has anything!

We should have it up any day now.. the order is in and we're just waiting on CDs to show up.

Posted by BobRobertz on 03-25-2003 at20:46:


Originally posted by audiori
Originally posted by dorfsmith
The Lost Dogs webpage does not even have it yet. I was gonna buy it there. My Christian bookstore never has anything!

We should have it up any day now.. the order is in and we're just waiting on CDs to show up.

Any word on my order that I placed (4 weeks ago) for K&I and MBD?

Posted by jwaltb on 03-25-2003 at21:57:

  1 of 2

Got mine at the Family BS in our area - 1 of the 2 there - and after two listens I've gotta say I am pleased. Working through the first listen I wasn't too sure. But after halfway listening and running through what I had to do while I was in town I turned up the volume and settled in to soaking it up in earnest during the drive home. That's when it started to grab me.
It is a bit different from the last one to me. First off, all the songs on the CD seem to speak in a pretty straightforward manner about the author's relationship with the Lord; whether singing to Him, about Him, or hearing from Him. And that ain't a bad thing! What I hear here is an intimate, heartfelt portrayal of a man's communion with, communication to and about, and calling out to God and sometimes God's answering back. And the musical backdrop is definitely fitting. While not sparse (I don't once remember thinking it lacked something), it's definitely mellow and very acoustic oriented. You won't find much in the way of distortion here. But that doesn't mean there's not some good playing. I wouldn't call Mike Roe's guitar playing flashy anywhere on the CD but there are some really good licks and gentle nuances that DO catch your ear. His slide playing on Be My Hiding Place is tasty and tasteful! What tone! Finally Tim of course does a great job on bass and I find Dennis Holt's drumming (now I know where I heard that name before-Kerry Livgren!) really fitting in well with the music. I even found Phil Madeira's playing blends well with his surroundings(I was wrong, it IS him), much better than I thought he did in the past. In short, I do plan on spinning this a bunch. Hope you enjoy it as much as I am.


Posted by Ron E on 03-25-2003 at22:01:


I drove 40 minutes (one way!) tonight to pick it up and when I got there...they were closedSmile I had called ahead and they did have it, I guess I should have asked what time closing was!

Posted by audiori on 03-26-2003 at11:36:


Originally posted by BobRobertz
Originally posted by audiori
Originally posted by dorfsmith
The Lost Dogs webpage does not even have it yet. I was gonna buy it there. My Christian bookstore never has anything!

We should have it up any day now.. the order is in and we're just waiting on CDs to show up.

Any word on my order that I placed (4 weeks ago) for K&I and MBD?

I'll check on it - should be on the way.. I don't think we're 4 weeks behind on any regular orders. We have been running out of Buechners frequently lately.. haven't been able to afford to order a bunch at one time and so we've just been ordering a box as we need them. That could have caused a little extra delay, but I'm not sure yet.

Posted by Ron E on 03-26-2003 at21:43:


Originally posted by audiori
... We have been running out of Buechners frequently lately.. haven't been able to afford to order a bunch at one time and so we've just been ordering a box as we need them...

Sounds good if you can't keep it in stock, I guess. May we ask how the disc has sold in comparison to other DA releases? I know the question has been brought up several times before but which DA release has sold the best through the years anyway?

Posted by audiori on 03-26-2003 at23:01:


I'm not sure what the total sales are for Buechners actually.. no idea what sold through bookstores, other internet stores, Galaxy21 directly, etc.

As for as sales through the DA store.. its one of the biggest and fastest sellers we've ever had. Probably second only to Imaginarium.

Posted by Ron E on 03-26-2003 at23:04:


Originally posted by audiori

As for as sales through the DA store.. its one of the biggest and fastest sellers we've ever had. Probably second only to Imaginarium.

Imaginarium? Really, I never would have guessed that. but that's not all time for all DA releases I guess. Just at danielamos.com. Ok, now I've got itSmile

Posted by dorfsmith on 03-26-2003 at23:43:


Imaginarium is huge in Japan.

Posted by audiori on 03-27-2003 at04:54:


Yeah, its huge in Japan. They even had Neverhood action figures.

We sell it (when its in stock) all over the world... Japan, Israel, China, Australia, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Ireland, Scotland, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Poland, Africa, etc, etc... its pretty wild. It really has a life of its own.

...even Ben Afleck has a copy...

(We need to get that reprinted.)

We can sell it to anyone who had the Neverhood or
Skullmonkeys games.

Posted by carl on 03-27-2003 at11:13:

  Saw this on the 77s board....

"Just got the new Lost Dogs CD and I must say that I am very impressed! I have not been a big fan of the last 2 albums (just a little to country for my personal taste) but this one is more like older Dogs material, a little more diverse musically. LOVE Cry Out Loud, Mike doing the blues is one of my favorites! I know this is a 77s site but I had to give props to Mike and the Dogs for a great CD."

Someone else put it above LRRH (but still below Scenic Routes)-- which I'll have to hear to believe. Still, I for one am greatly encouraged by this. I rather liked Gift Horse, but I still can't stand Real Men Bite. I thought it might've be time for the Dogs to hit the track, but.... anyway, my hopes are rising cautiously but surely now....

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