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Posted by Dr Rich on 01-08-2003 at17:03:


Originally posted by brdhsnyrsoul
I even opened a whole mess of Berry Vest CDs and tapes hoping to find a winner. I resealed them all of course.

no wonder I was not a winner! Crying

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 01-08-2003 at17:06:


I still didn't win Frown

Posted by Dr Rich on 01-08-2003 at17:13:


Originally posted by brdhsnyrsoul
I still didn't win Frown

what was the prize anyways?

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 01-08-2003 at17:15:


I can't remember. It's a painful memory I try to avoid.

Posted by Dr Rich on 01-08-2003 at17:19:


Originally posted by brdhsnyrsoul
I can't remember. It's a painful memory I try to avoid.

It seems like it was a trip to Six Flags or the Epcot center, maybe Eddies CDs, or the Frontline Catalog? Am I thinking of the contest on "Let's Spin?" Man I am old and insane! Crying

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 01-08-2003 at17:21:


the let's spin contest was for a Frontline Music library. I really don't remember the Berry Vest details. It was a lot of work reshrinkwrapping all those cassettes though.

Posted by Dr Rich on 01-08-2003 at17:22:


Originally posted by brdhsnyrsoul
the let's spin contest was for a Frontline Music library. I really don't remember the Berry Vest details. It was a lot of work reshrinkwrapping all those cassettes though.

Big Grin LOL Big Grin That is sooooo wrong! I love it! Tongue

Posted by dorfsmith on 01-11-2003 at00:38:


Originally posted by morimoto
Starflyer 59's new album 'Leave Here a Stranger' sounds very similar to Fearful..and what's strange is when I first bought the album when I browsed through the tracks I thought that it sounded like Terry had been in on the project, When I looked in the liners notes, he had taken over producing them after Gene passed away. Gone are all the harder edged songs. These guys know how to make catchy melodic pop/alter songs in the vein of Travis and Coldplay. The more I listen to it the more it seems Starflyer musically wrote thier songs in a way thats almost a tibute to Terry.

My copy is on it's way Big Grin

Posted by Mark on 01-11-2003 at21:28:


It's good.

Posted by carl on 01-13-2003 at08:19:


I wanted beef things....

Posted by Lost Canine on 01-13-2003 at12:14:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
I should just break down and buy that. It seems very good what I have heard.

I just bought it for $6.99 on Saturday (new). They had a couple left. Do you want me to get you a copy? Let me know. It does remind me of a lot of DA schtuff, especially FS.

Posted by jiminy on 01-13-2003 at12:50:


I have around 200 (give or take)
I put all my D/A TST /LD in the same shoebox (literally) and I recently put them in order (though I put HD b4 alarma as well.) and sort of....
The others are in a general scheme of order-not alphabetical even...
Its taking up a very small (relatively speaking) corner of MY music area, and my wifey is already saying-When is enough , enough???.
SO I get the golden oppurtunity to say
I got friends who......
your obsessions are all too kind

Posted by jiminy on 01-13-2003 at13:18:


I recall reading an interview with J Lennon (concerning double fantasy..which I DONT have) and the interviewer noticed the sparse appearance in his Dakota apartment-his white grand piano, one acoustic guitar, and he was listening to jazz on a little portable radio. (no stero system)
He said he had gotten rid of all his recorded music, too much to enjoy. (or something to that effect)

Posted by Dr Rich on 01-13-2003 at15:55:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
Originally posted by Dr Rich
I should just break down and buy that. It seems very good what I have heard.

I just bought it for $6.99 on Saturday (new). They had a couple left. Do you want me to get you a copy? Let me know. It does remind me of a lot of DA schtuff, especially FS.

Sounds cool, which one? Leave here a stranger?

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 01-13-2003 at18:32:


Originally posted by jiminy
I have around 200 (give or take)
Its taking up a very small (relatively speaking) corner of MY music area, and my wifey is already saying-When is enough , enough???.
SO I get the golden oppurtunity to say
I got friends who......
your obsessions are all too kind

You're welcome. I've cleaned up my collection at two different times, but can't seem to keep myself under any kind of restraint. It always grows larger than it was when I thought it was too large before.

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