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Posted by audiori on 07-30-2004 at13:39:


Carl has dreams about them too....

Posted by tchandler on 07-30-2004 at13:40:


Strange? Uh, no.... no, tim, that's.... uh, not strange at ALL.... no, of course not....


Posted by carl on 07-30-2004 at13:41:


Originally posted by audiori
Carl has dreams about them too....

Not WEEKLY! Shocked

Maybe quarterly.... Pleased

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-30-2004 at13:41:


Originally posted by audiori
Carl has dreams about them too....


Posted by jiminy on 07-30-2004 at14:03:


this gettin old crap is just that.
I recently got over a case of shingles- and when I went on line to check out things about it all I could read about was
...affects the elderly
....comes with aging..
...around 50

Holy carp Batman!

Then the past few nights I've had whats known as restless leg syndrome...

My ma called it St Vitus Dance when I was a kid.

I'm tellin ya- tie a millstone round me neck here....

Posted by Woggy on 07-30-2004 at14:08:


Originally posted by jiminy
We like ya..
howza doin?

Woggys in a band now- so you two are like, neck and neck in the entertainment industry.

we ARE??


Yes, folks, I am the vocalist for Park Avenue here in the lovely Metro of Duluth MN. We're a nation-wide group........no, wait, that's not right...........um, hardly anyone knows us (yet!) I will be performing at the American Legion on Saturday night - don't miss it! Cover is only $4!!!!!

Smile Smile

Posted by Woggy on 07-30-2004 at14:09:

  RE: WHAT's this?

Originally posted by carl
Woggy's neckin' with Chandler to break into Nashvegas? Shocked

Well, he IS kinda cute ............

Posted by tchandler on 07-30-2004 at14:11:


"look away from me...I...I'm hideous!"

Posted by audiori on 07-30-2004 at14:12:


"What happened to your face? Its all leathery
and brown... and your teeth!!"

Posted by Woggy on 07-30-2004 at14:13:

  RE: question for the old folks

Originally posted by tchandler
is anyone else as beat up and physically out of whack as i am in their middle age? i'm not as bad off as berger with his sweet potato arm and all, but man, if i tried to jump up in the air and land on my back like i used to do durring a DA set, i'd have to be hospitalized. my job seriously screws with my time to workout and try to stay fit. (i'm really trying to change that.) how 'bout you ones?

I never jump up in the air...............body parts go flying when that happens, and it ain't pretty Smile

Getting older sucks.....I don't FEEL older, except when I get up in the morning, or when I do some task I haven't done in a long time, or even when I go out dancin' or something. It HURTS the next day........wuzzup wid dat?? And have you noticed how you get these little blurry things in your eyes in the morning? It's not like when you were a kid, and had "sleep" in your eyes, they're more like total vision impairment for at least a half hour.................and then, it just glows with warmth to walk up and down stairs cuz your knees creak and crunch, and then......

oh, wait, what was I talking about? I forgot.

Posted by dorfsmith on 07-30-2004 at14:14:


Audiori! I hope that is not a reference to wogs thread in the dump Shocked I'm getting old too...I'm 27 Crying Big Grin Tongue I'm allowed to beat you all up about it because Cindy beats me up about my age all the time Big Grin

DAmb audiori did you change your post about cigars or am I going crazy Big Grin

Posted by Woggy on 07-30-2004 at14:17:


Originally posted by tchandler
"look away from me...I...I'm hideous!"

No, no you're not...............

see how cute you look in uniform?

oh, wait..........wrong Tim Chandler.

Posted by tchandler on 07-30-2004 at14:18:


wow -- i look kinda like gomer pyle there.

Posted by Woggy on 07-30-2004 at14:27:


No, maybe THIS one is you.......

looks like you're having a good time Smile

Posted by tchandler on 07-30-2004 at14:32:


that's odd. i look kinda like Gallagher in that one.

Posted by jiminy on 07-30-2004 at14:32:


duh- we all know chandler....

Posted by audiori on 07-30-2004 at14:35:


Oh I remember Tim's gallagher days....was that
before or after the mustache? Cool hat though.

Posted by Berger Roy Al on 07-30-2004 at14:38:


Look everyone! I'm back! I told you he couldn't shut m--

Posted by tchandler on 07-30-2004 at14:47:


hey, why is that guy with the cup trying to do "the limbo" under my leg? odd that i don't recall any of that.

Posted by sprinklerhead on 07-30-2004 at14:48:


Tim, that vest is looking a little tight on you.

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