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Posted by BigDork on 04-28-2003 at23:19:


Originally posted by anne
Say, did I ever tell you that my lilbro, jimIny, turned me on to DA? No? I've never told you that? Well...........
i always like that story...
my bigbro turned ME on to DA Big Grin

my older sister and her boyfriend (now husband) got me interested in DA with Shotgun Angel way back when...

the rest is history. Big Grin


Posted by Jevon the Tall on 04-28-2003 at23:56:


oddly enough my neighbour who grew up in the prairies (Canadian version) was talking about DA. He saw them live where they played to a very small crowd.

He recently bought MDB. The little Christian bookstore I go to once in a while recently brought in more copies. They also had NCT there.

So Terry there are places who still bring in the CDs.

Posted by arcticsunburn on 04-29-2003 at01:33:


Originally posted by Jevon the Tall
He recently bought MDB. The little Christian bookstore I go to once in a while recently brought in more copies. They also had NCT there.

So Terry there are places who still bring in the CDs.


Mr. Duechner's Beam?

Yeah, I've seen DA and Choir stuff at the Christian bookstore here. And there was some Lost Dogs at the other one.

Posted by Toque Boy on 04-29-2003 at14:13:


I am a Swirling Eddies convert. It started with "Let's Spin" and suddenly a new world opened up. (Wasn't that what the Swirling Eddies was supposed to do? Reach out to people beyond the DA name? I remember reading that "Let's Spin" sold more albums than any other DA release at that time. All I know is that it worked on me.)

Lost Dogs just cemented my passion for Terry-fueled music. I was already a big fan of The Choir, Adam Again and 77s, and now I had another band from which I had to buy all their albums. (What a task that is turning into!!)

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 04-29-2003 at14:31:


I was on my paper route and I found a grey cassette, with no label or cover in the gutter. Curious, I took it home and put it in my tape player. It was warped and obviously a bad dub of some evil backward masking! I was a good christian boy and knew that this must be from the devil, so I hid in the closet and listened to it over and over.

I don't know why I thought it might be a christian album after all, but I eventually played it for my buddy at church and he recognized it as a comedy album he had heard one of the high schoolers playing. Somehow we found out it was Doppelganger by DA and soon we were on the hunt. He found Alarma. I found Fearful Symmetry. The rest is history. Now I scour the internet looking for rare and unheard TST stuff. My buddy listens to Creed.

My mom said I should have caught a disease by picking up trash in the sewer. I caught more than that.

Posted by Aloha's Bus Driver on 04-29-2003 at14:59:


Ya know, I don't think I've ever met any other DA fans outside of the internet. Well, there's a friend of mine who admires them, but that's about it for the "real world".

I remember my first experience with DA. I was at a Christian crap concert with my youth group (don't laugh - I was only there because it was a youth function) and after the show there was a pile of cassettes being given away. There was the live 77's album, Lost Dogs - Scenic Routes and Kalhoun.

So anyways, I picked up DA and took it home, but one of my buddies told me they weren't "very Christian" since their lyrics weren't overt. I didn't mind it too much, but because of his influence I sorta focused my attention on other groups.

But then, a few years later, the other friend who "admires DA" hooked me up with a Kalhoun CD. Man - I forgot what I was missing. So, I picked up a cheap cassette version of "Songs of the Heart" and the best of disk and I've been hooked ever since.....

Now, sooner or later I will convert someone to DA - although my 18 month old son loves "Get Back onto the Bus Aloha" and most of the songs on "Real Men Cry". So, there is hope!!!

~ Jeremy

Posted by EdHead on 04-29-2003 at15:01:


Originally posted by Aloha's Bus Driver
Ya know, I don't think I've ever met any other DA fans outside of the internet . Well, there's a friend of mine who admires them, but that's about it for the "real world".

I think this is the case for many of us DAmbers...Crying

(There's alot of work for us to do "out there"! Tongue

Posted by EdHead on 04-29-2003 at15:06:


Originally posted by EdHead
Originally posted by Aloha's Bus Driver
Ya know, I don't think I've ever met any other DA fans outside of the internet . Well, there's a friend of mine who admires them, but that's about it for the "real world".

I think this is the case for many of us DAmbers...Crying

(There's alot of work for us to do "out there"!) Tongue

And $5 for a double-CD!!! Not only that...Mr. Buechner's Dream!! Big Grin

We should all purchase an extra copy...I did! Smile

Posted by Aloha's Bus Driver on 04-29-2003 at15:07:


So did I!!

~ Jeremy

Posted by Dr Rich on 04-29-2003 at15:29:


I know a few folks out in the "real world" when I went to Bible college who liked DA, but bible college is pretty far from the "real world."

Posted by Dr Rich on 04-29-2003 at15:32:


Originally posted by BD
I've never run into a DA or TST related fan out in the real world...Frown I too wear my shirts to a lot of places (I wore my "Hats" shirt to work today Big Grin ). But no one ever knows the names on the shirts. Even at Churches or "Christian" gatherings.

I have met hundreds over the internet from all over the world! Some I have met at local concerts, or talked to on the phone... but that's about it. The DA fan is spread far and wide. Crying

Roll Eyes

sometimes I will play DA with the windows down in a parking lot to see if anyone says, "hey! is that DA??"

It never happens! Crying

Posted by .backs. on 04-29-2003 at15:34:


i do that too, DoctorCrying

Posted by Dr Rich on 04-29-2003 at15:37:


I keep thinking some dude will walk up and say, "Holy Sh*t! You like this band too! I love them! Did you get your "Miracle Faith Telethon part 2" yet? Me either, they say it won't be long. etc.., etc...

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 04-29-2003 at15:39:

  windows down da up

I can't believe I do it, but I do. I'm shameless. My wife is ashamed.

She caught me once absently singing,"He woos us like a lover. He woos us like a lover." at a church family outing. I guess it didn't occur to me that those words might have the 'appearance of evil'

Moral: Singing TST may hamper your sex life.

Posted by .backs. on 04-29-2003 at15:41:


Although "Beautiful Companion" always seems to help...

Posted by Dr Rich on 04-29-2003 at15:43:


Originally posted by zippetydoodaddy
She caught me once absently singing,"He woos us like a lover. He woos us like a lover." at a church family outing.

How about "Hide the Beer?" Evil

Posted by servantsteve on 04-29-2003 at15:44:

  Here's where this post belongs!

If we are such a small interest group, we should be commended for putting so much effort into this message board.

Posted by Joey T. on 04-29-2003 at15:44:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
I know a few folks out in the "real world" when I went to Bible college who liked DA, but bible college is pretty far from the "real world."

me too! more than half the dorm knew who Da was.... that was in the late 80's in southern cali too.... Crying

Posted by Dr Rich on 04-29-2003 at15:46:


of course I bet a lot of those folks thought DA was "weird" Roll Eyes

Posted by Aloha's Bus Driver on 04-29-2003 at16:05:


Ya know, I travel to various offices for my job, and while I'm working I often play DA or the Lost Dogs on my laptop, hoping somebody will poke their head into whatever room I'm in and say "Hey, is that Daniel Amos?"

It's never happened though.

~ Jeremy

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