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Posted by Dr Rich on 07-22-2002 at20:17:


Have I ever spoke I word that may have hinted this album is sub-par?
I have?

That all I can say is I was wrong and I suck Crying

I played that one in the car twice today and each time I was blown away by how good it is. Maybe it's too good! ( Confused )

What can I say?

I was wrong.

It is a work of genius. Big Grin

Posted by John Foxe on 07-22-2002 at21:20:

  Oh yeah

Great thread, Doctor.

Motorcycle is one of my favorites for a number of reasons. It has some of the classic earlier DA sound with a modern flair. Overall IMO it's one of the most melodic recordings the boys have ever done. Very pleasing to the ears, and has some great songs that should have been hits by any secular standard. Yet it has its odd moments too. And that ain't a bad thing.

My absolute favorite Motorcycle tune is What's Come Over Me - very catchy, great message. But I also love the touches of weirdness on songs like Traps, Ensnares (electric sitar? what's up with that?)

I think Terry called it the dream pop recording they always wanted to do. Motorcycle is special in its own right (but I can probably say that about most TST recordings.)

Significantly for me, it's one of only a handful of TST works my wife really likes...

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-23-2002 at08:46:


I've always loved Motorcycle. Listen to it reminds me of the summer after my first time living in Barcelona. My family took me to Colorado and everyone was fighting over everything. I'd just gotte Motorcycle and spent most of the week with my headphones on just listening Daniel Amos.

I like the albums because it has a real "album" feel from beginning to end. This album should not be played on shuffle.

-- TAotP

Posted by Gamgee on 07-23-2002 at09:53:


I bought Motorcycle a couple months ago (I ordered it from Radrockers, and it arrived, interestingly enough, on the day before Easter). I liked it right from the start, but it took me a while to see just how brilliant it really was. Incredible album, one of DA's best. My vote for best song on it would be "Hole in the World" (although I could choose any of the first four tracks a favorite).

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-23-2002 at10:54:


Originally posted by Gamgee
I liked it right from the start, but it took me a while to see just how brilliant it really was.

I find that it does take several listens to find the brilliance of Daniel Amos' music. Sometimes I don't even care for an album much but then after several more listens I come to enjoy, and later love.

-- TAotP

Posted by Lucy on 07-23-2002 at12:39:

  RE Motorcycle

Yea I agree completely. I loved it from the start, but didn't fully comprehend it for quite some time. Very few artists have what it takes to make that dense of an album. It is truly 3D unlike most of pop music and even much of similar music. I love that almost every time I listen to it, a new layer unfolds for me. The only thing I can give it constructive criticism on is that the music is soooo good, that I have a hard time paying attention to the words. Not a complaint, but the music, ahhhhhhhhh the music.
I rate it in the TOP 5 DA along with Kalhoun, and DFBB, and VH, and MBD, and....well you get the picture.

Posted by Lucy on 07-23-2002 at12:39:

  RE Motorcycle

Yea I agree completely. I loved it from the start, but didn't fully comprehend it for quite some time. Very few artists have what it takes to make that dense of an album. It is truly 3D unlike most of pop music and even much of similar music. I love that almost every time I listen to it, a new layer unfolds for me. The only thing I can give it constructive criticism on is that the music is soooo good, that I have a hard time paying attention to the words. Not a complaint, but the music, ahhhhhhhhh the music.
I rate it in the TOP 5 DA along with Kalhoun, and DFBB, and VH, and MBD, and....well you get the picture.

Posted by Lucy on 07-23-2002 at12:41:

  How did I do that...

I haven't screwed up and double posted something in a while...
Oh and by the way Dr. Rich.......

You do suck! heh, heh, heh
Just yokin wit ya

Posted by BD on 07-23-2002 at14:02:



the one that got me back into DA big time!! Big Grin


Posted by Author of the Post on 07-23-2002 at14:17:


Originally posted by BD

the one that got me back into DA big time!! Big Grin


Got you back into DA? How could one fall out of DA?

-- taotp

Posted by Author of the Post on 07-23-2002 at14:17:


Originally posted by Lucy

So which is it? Inquiring minds want to know.

-- taotp

Posted by jamespop on 07-23-2002 at14:30:


Yeah, Motorcycle is definitely in the upper echelon of DA/TST projects (although that's a pretty easy place to get into because in my humble fanboy opinion there is no lower in the the DA/TST catalog).

Motorcycle was also the first time I noticed a reference to Frederick Buechner. I was in seminary at the time and still unfamiliar with the man apart from vague name recognition (kinda makes you weep for our theological education systems, don't it?). Anyways, it did lead me to check into his stuff. I found a copy of "Wisful Thinking" in the library and happily realized that it was the source of many of the allusions made on the record ("Banquet at the World's End" and "Grace is the Smell of Rain" immediately spring to mind).

Personal favorite off the the album? That's hard, but thanks for asking. Probably "Guilty". For those times when I realize that I have REALLY goofed it...that's a great sountrack for prayer time.

Posted by Pfiagra on 07-23-2002 at15:15:

  First CD I ever Bought

Motorcycle was the first CD I'd ever purchased. I didn't even own a CD player but was able to listen to it on my college roommate's stereo. I agree that it is the best DA recording when taken as a whole album. It has great continuity in the music even though each of the songs stands out individually as well.

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-23-2002 at15:58:


Originally posted by Pfiagra
Motorcycle was the first CD I'd ever purchased. I didn't even own a CD player but was able to listen to it on my college roommate's stereo. I agree that it is the best DA recording when taken as a whole album. It has great continuity in the music even though each of the songs stands out individually as well.

Ahh, the age old argument. It is a great recording, but as a whole DFBB and SFTH are better (wholistic).

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-23-2002 at18:00:


I have been enjoying Song of the Heart quite a it Smile

I think with Motorcyle, I expected it to be just like "Kalhoun" and with DA, you really can't have any expectaions.

This was also the first time I really looked at the lyrics while playing it (I was waiting for a client to get off work, so I was stuck the van at a store parking lot for well over half an hour, with nothing better to do than follow along with the songs as they played Smile ) )

Mototcyle is an album I think you could play to most people and they would like it. Kinda like AF.

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-23-2002 at18:06:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
I have been enjoying Song of the Heart quite a it Smile

I think with Motorcyle, I expected it to be just like "Kalhoun" and with DA, you really can't have any expectaions.

This was also the first time I really looked at the lyrics while playing it (I was waiting for a client to get off work, so I was stuck the van at a store parking lot for well over half an hour, with nothing better to do than follow along with the songs as they played Smile ) )

Mototcyle is an album I think you could play to most people and they would like it. Kinda like AF.

I would agree with you on this.

Posted by Lucy on 07-23-2002 at18:18:


Hey Dr-
You are right on that one, but I think that Motorcycle would be more accesible simply because AF country influences might turn off the kids these days, not me but some maybe.

Posted by Lucy on 07-23-2002 at18:19:


to add to that post, I also think that much of MBD would appeal to a large croud of folks as well.

Posted by arcticsunburn on 07-24-2002 at00:44:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
Have I ever spoke I word that may have hinted this album is sub-par?
I have?

That all I can say is I was wrong and I suck Crying

I played that one in the car twice today and each time I was blown away by how good it is. Maybe it's too good! ( Confused )

What can I say?

I was wrong.

It is a work of genius. Big Grin

It is pretty darn good.

You mean you used to think it wasn't?

I like "Grace is the smell of rain", "Banquet at the world's end", "Hole in the world", "Motorcycle", and "Wise Acres." Dang, you're right, the whole album is good. Pleased

Posted by ™ on 07-24-2002 at00:57:


Ahh, the age old argument. It is a great recording, but as a whole DFBB and SFTH are better (wholistic).

LK baby, please explain to me what I'm not getting about Songs for (of?) the Heart because I'm definitely NOT getting it!

Motorcycle rules!!!

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