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Posted by Bowling Pin on 07-01-2002 at14:38:

  Attack of the Pulpit Masters

First of all, this is a pretty bizarre song to begin with. Makes me think of all these Godzillas with those old-time 20-foot bibles laying siege on Tokyo. But that's just me.

My real question is: What's deal with the Eddies singing "We're the porno people"? Doesn't make any sense. A godly band who likes pornography? That can't be right. But I don't know what to make of this.

Anyone have any ideas?

Posted by Little Dumbo on 07-01-2002 at15:04:


You obviously haven't met my dad... Pleased

Posted by Woggy on 07-01-2002 at16:01:


Although I've never heard this song, I can surmise from the lyrics that.........

the Pulpit Masters are a seductive bunch
They suck people into their web
It's like a lustful escapade into a porno-like world....

I doubt if Camarillo Eddy meant that HE was a porno-person, but that the followers of the pulpit masters are....they follow this marauder like a whore after her pimp.....

whoa nelly....

we're swooning
we're sssspinning
a swirling eddy
a spinning sucking whirlpool of movie going, rock
'n' rolling beer
drinking, smoking, drug infested pornos
porno people
yeah we're the porno people
swooning and swirling and spinning
deeper under the spell of the pulpit masters
the spinning, sweating, gibbering, gyrating jumping
hopping, sweat,
ho hup
jump jumping
jump x#@o0!!!
here we go again!
look out, look out, look out, they're coming again
oh no i didn't think we'd ever swoon again
oh no we're swooning
woah nelly

Posted by Bowling Pin on 07-01-2002 at19:17:

  That's sort of what I was hoping

Still, Camarillo lumps being a "porno person" in with being a "swirling eddy" (which he is, after all) and "movie going, rock 'n' rolling beer drinking" which is sort of what's being glorified in "Hide the Beer, the Pastor's Here." I understand from comments elsewhere that that song's about hypocrisy -- like the Scripture Man whose "lust is his brew, but no one sees through, his minty-fresh breath ain't reekin'" -- but it makes it sound like drinking and watching R-rated movies are just everyday things and that anyone who's got a problem with it ought to just shut up and sit down. I kind of have a problem with that kind of thinking, that we have to glorify our imperfections rather than help each other overcome them in Christ, for God's glory.

I know that's not a popular stand, but there I am. And that's why I worry when I come across this kind of stuff, I guess.

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-01-2002 at19:39:


Originally posted by Bowling Pin
First of all, this is a pretty bizarre song to begin with. Makes me think of all these Godzillas with those old-time 20-foot bibles laying siege on Tokyo. But that's just me.

My real question is: What's deal with the Eddies singing "We're the porno people"? Doesn't make any sense. A godly band who likes pornography? That can't be right. But I don't know what to make of this.

Anyone have any ideas?

I think they are saying that the TV preachers are not for the most part "godly" and the song is about the TV preacher types Wink

Posted by Joey T. on 07-02-2002 at15:19:

  what most of them tv preachers are really all about..

money's ministers, a money ministry, ministry money
ministry satellites, money and ministry
ministry and money, money for satellites
money many money, mini money, mini satellites
many many more money, many i money
many me money, we need money, money, money
minister ministry, ministry money


Posted by Kaf-N-8ed on 07-02-2002 at15:27:


Originally posted by Bowling Pin
Still, Camarillo lumps being a "porno person" in with being a "swirling eddy" (which he is, after all) and "movie going, rock 'n' rolling beer drinking" which is sort of what's being glorified in "Hide the Beer, the Pastor's Here." I understand from comments elsewhere that that song's about hypocrisy -- like the Scripture Man whose "lust is his brew, but no one sees through, his minty-fresh breath ain't reekin'" -- but it makes it sound like drinking and watching R-rated movies are just everyday things and that anyone who's got a problem with it ought to just shut up and sit down. I kind of have a problem with that kind of thinking, that we have to glorify our imperfections rather than help each other overcome them in Christ, for God's glory.

I know that's not a popular stand, but there I am. And that's why I worry when I come across this kind of stuff, I guess.

Hey BP,

There are two aspects here: One is, it's fiction for crying out loud. So shouldn't it be authentic fiction? (It is darn good fiction, if you ask me...)

The other aspect is:

It's kinda like saying " I am a sinner."
Oh, my! A sinner, here at the DAMB????? But you folkds are all supposed to be Christians!!!

But the Apostle Paul said he was a sinner. In fact he said he was the "chief of sinners."

And when he "boasted" he boasted about how miserable his life had been, not how many people he saved, or how many cities he hit on his latest crusade, or how many miracles he performed, and how many people he resurrected from the dead. No, he boasted that he was a sinner, and that he'd had a miserable life full of sufferings and hardships.

I think that's what makes the DA sort of fiction so good. It compels us to recognize just how far Christians have come from the authentically Christian attitude of St. Paul.


Posted by servantsteve on 07-02-2002 at15:46:

  Paul's comments

Paul did claim to be the chief of sinners, but he never reveled in his past sin or tried to pass it off as holy living. Instead, he asked, "Shall we continue sinning that grace may abound?" Then he answered, "May it never be!"
Another issue is that if a Christian band wants to say, "Hey, we know we're sinners but we are relying on the indwelling Holy Spirit to overcome sin." Then that's good. If instead, they talk about the sin and show no shame or remorse, they send a mixed message that sin is somehow OK.
It's the mixed message that is the problem. The description of the song did not give a clear repentence for sin or disdain for it. We've got to be clear in our view on sin!

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-02-2002 at16:18:


Originally posted by servantsteve
Paul did claim to be the chief of sinners, but he never reveled in his past sin or tried to pass it off as holy living. Instead, he asked, "Shall we continue sinning that grace may abound?" Then he answered, "May it never be!"
Another issue is that if a Christian band wants to say, "Hey, we know we're sinners but we are relying on the indwelling Holy Spirit to overcome sin." Then that's good. If instead, they talk about the sin and show no shame or remorse, they send a mixed message that sin is somehow OK.
It's the mixed message that is the problem. The description of the song did not give a clear repentence for sin or disdain for it. We've got to be clear in our view on sin!

I am not much of a Paul fan to be honest. I like Jesus' version of the Christian faith more Wink

Posted by John Foxe on 07-02-2002 at16:31:

  Excuse me?

Both are the same, dear friend.

There's a pesky little section in 2 Peter 3:15 and a proper understanding of verbal plenary inspiration that I believe can't be avoided...


Posted by Dr Rich on 07-02-2002 at16:33:


Originally posted by John Foxe
Both are the same, dear friend.

There's a pesky little section in 2 Peter 3:15 and a proper understanding of verbal plenary inspiration that I believe can't be avoided...


I just don't buy it.

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-02-2002 at16:57:


Originally posted by John Foxe
Both are the same, dear friend.

There's a pesky little section in 2 Peter 3:15 and a proper understanding of verbal plenary inspiration that I believe can't be avoided...


Sorry John, but it can be avoided. One does not have to believe in plenary inspiration of Scripture to be a follower of Christ. We've gone down this road MANY times on the old board, but to be a "Little Christ" does not mean that I have to worship the word, but the Logos. As for Paul, he had many issues. He was used by the Holy Spirit, but he was often a bigoted idiot.

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-02-2002 at16:59:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
Originally posted by John Foxe
Both are the same, dear friend.

There's a pesky little section in 2 Peter 3:15 and a proper understanding of verbal plenary inspiration that I believe can't be avoided...


Sorry John, but it can be avoided. One does not have to believe in plenary inspiration of Scripture to be a follower of Christ. We've gone down this road MANY times on the old board, but to be a "Little Christ" does not mean that I have to worship the word, but the Logos. As for Paul, he had many issues. He was used by the Holy Spirit, but he was often a bigoted ideot.

He did not think too much of "The Ladies" either Frown

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-02-2002 at17:00:


Why did you quote me before I spelled idiot right? Now I look bad!

Posted by servantsteve on 07-02-2002 at17:03:


There's no need to dis my apostle-buddy Paul. It's hard to find a clearer explanation of grace than in Romans. You really don't get a choice to pick and choose the Scriptures you like and the ones you don't. After all, "All Scripture is God-breathed..."
Paul rocks! He's about as un-bigoted as you can get- he went out to preach to the gentiles! What a radical dude!

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-02-2002 at17:04:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
Why did you quote me before I spelled idiot right? Now I look bad!

you can still edit dude. I have done it after others have posted Smile )

Posted by Dr Rich on 07-02-2002 at17:05:


Originally posted by servantsteve
There's no need to dis my apostle-buddy Paul. It's hard to find a clearer explanation of grace than in Romans. You really don't get a choice to pick and choose the Scriptures you like and the ones you don't. After all, "All Scripture is God-breathed..."
Paul rocks! He's about as un-bigoted as you can get- he went out to preach to the gentiles! What a radical dude!

you can dig him if you wish, all we mean to say is you do not have to dig paul to dig christ Pleased

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-02-2002 at17:08:


Originally posted by servantsteve
There's no need to dis my apostle-buddy Paul. It's hard to find a clearer explanation of grace than in Romans. You really don't get a choice to pick and choose the Scriptures you like and the ones you don't. After all, "All Scripture is God-breathed..."
Paul rocks! He's about as un-bigoted as you can get- he went out to preach to the gentiles! What a radical dude!

I did not say that Paul did not have anything good to say, but you still cannot take way the fact that he had problems with women. I hate to open this can again, but there is more than one fundamentalist way to view Scripture. It's not about "picking & choosing," but about proper cultural understanding along with exegesis. And yes, Romans does rock in many ways.

Posted by Lost Canine on 07-02-2002 at17:10:


Originally posted by Dr Rich
Originally posted by servantsteve
There's no need to dis my apostle-buddy Paul. It's hard to find a clearer explanation of grace than in Romans. You really don't get a choice to pick and choose the Scriptures you like and the ones you don't. After all, "All Scripture is God-breathed..."
Paul rocks! He's about as un-bigoted as you can get- he went out to preach to the gentiles! What a radical dude!

you can dig him if you wish, all we mean to say is you do not have to dig paul to dig christ Pleased


Posted by Dr Rich on 07-02-2002 at17:26:


Originally posted by Lost Canine
there is more than one fundamentalist way to view Scripture. It's not about "picking & choosing," but about proper cultural understanding along with exegesis. And yes, Romans does rock in many ways.

the Bible was written by folks who thought the world was flat. you have to read the text with that understanding.

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