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Posted by DwDunphy on 04-16-2004 at12:29:

  Pre-order thoughts...

S'okay, I preordered the new disc by Marillion entitled "Marbles", around September last year. The preorders were due to ship April 3rd, a month before the regular release. However, recording and mixing extended far beyond projections and now their schedule is all kerfaffled. The discs may arrive within the next week; still ahead of the 'official' version but certainly not a month early.

Two points: Audioris, it's not just you guys. Take comfort in the knowledge that (apparently) all pre-order situations fall short of promised expectation.

Second point: Definitely this is something to figure into the structure of the newest Eddies endeavor. Don't offer up specific release dates until at least after the final mixing stage. Also, you might want to send an e-mail around to everyone who pre-ordered, a second confirmation of sorts to lock in exactly who ordered and who didn't (including the necessary confirmation numbers). That way, when the time comes around, those who order and did not receive will have a leg to stand on, and those who claim to have ordered but didn't... don't! And DA.com is absolved because confirmation was sent not once, but twice.

Why am I making a big deal of this? Simple. I know you guys were ambivalent about doing the pre-order thing again, following suit only because it was the most effective way to get funding for the project... And I also know you guys have caught hell for setting things in stone only to have unforseen circumstances muck it all up. I want to do my part in making this project (and my consumer obsessiveness) as easy and tolerable as possible. These may be two steps to that end.

Just a thought.

Posted by Mountain Fan on 04-16-2004 at12:42:

  RE: Pre-order thoughts...

Good thoughts.

I did my preorder with some other merchandise. So if I get the other merchandise, that should mean my preorder is OK.

So, to add to the idea list: order some more stuff when you do a preorder. That might be another way to cinch the deal and help out the DAwebstore and yourself/friends/family in the process!

Setting dates in stone?
Well, you have to with things such as marriages and graduations (well even snow can get in the way of that). "Projects" always have a way of being delayed. That is Murphy's first law of projects. I forget what the other two are.

I think many would consider their relationship with DA/SE/TST/LD almost a marriage of sorts, so I guess that is a good source of consumer obsessiveness?

Also, the download songs early option with this SE release should help ensure people stay in touch and ensure their name is on "the list" before the final project is released. Excellent idea!

Posted by audiori on 04-16-2004 at15:29:


Thanks for the notes guys.. we're definitely listening to
this kind of feedback.

We're hoping to send a round of emails to preorderers as
soon as possible with at least one audio clip - if not the
full prerelease EP. I think keeping people updated in that
way is a bit of an assurance that "its getting done." I think
that was the biggest hole with the Prickly Heat thing.. even
*we* didn't know how close we were to having it. Thats
kind of scary.. for the customer who paid, and for us, the
folks taking the heat for not knowing where it is or why
its late.

We sent another round of funding on to Camarillo, by the way..
we still got a ways to go to meet our goals, but we're inching
closer. I think when we send out the audio track links, that'll
probably bring in another flood of preorders.

We're also looking at releasing another project soon - which
will also help fund the Eddies thing. We already have funding
in place for it, we just have to get it "approved" and have
the artwork finished. We'll post more about that soon.

Posted by DwDunphy on 04-16-2004 at15:46:


...if you ever need work done on some of these projects, like some quick & cheap (free?) graphic arts work, or some kinda liner notes or even cutting / folding / pasting, let me know. I'm broke as a joke but I'm not afraid of work.


Posted by audiori on 04-16-2004 at16:41:


Thanks. If we can figure a way for someone to help
we will ask.

Another issue in the past was we were kinda the last
to know anything. DA's manager would write the
announcements with the promises of release dates
etc. Then he would send them to us to send out and
we would, he would tell us when to start taking orders
and we would. We had no reason to question the dates
announced or whatever, we had no idea how the releases
we being organised.

Then when things started being delayed or promises
not kept, everyone would be asking us and we would
go back to him. He would tell us whats going on or
whatever and we would relay that. We basically were just
the messengers. But we would be on the hook for the
promises even if they were beyond our control... and
technically it wasn't us making them.

Take the Buechners/WEWH free shirts idea as an example,
the announcement made by the manager was that everyone
that preorders would recieve a free shirt. We sent it out
assuming he had it all covered since thats what he was saying
and he was in charge. We finally recieved almost enough shirts
for everyone (not enough though) and it costs about $6 each
to send them out. Lets say there was 1000 (there was more than
that I believe) but thats $6000 we are on the hook for that we
don't have. How are we supposed to pay to ship all these?
We are on the hook since the announcement went out,
people are asking....I don't have $6000. What do we do?
I think in those situations the manager had good intentions,
but all the bases were not covered. We don't want in
another position like that again.

Personally we hate preorders, for many reasons, but
sometimes it's the only way. We agree as long as we
don't make promises we know we can't keep and keep
everyone up to date it's a little easier to take. Plus on
top of that we've been trying to get caught up on the
fan club issues and other messes so that we don't have
a huge backlog of other stuff to deal with when we do
have to do a preorder thing.

Posted by dennis on 04-17-2004 at15:13:


pre-orders can be and often are a pain in the burro, but it's a great way to raise cash! Cool

Posted by Captain Pedantic on 04-17-2004 at16:33:


Even post-orders can be anoying.

I ordered some DVD's froma store I'd had no problem with.

They send them out (charge my card) but they missed buffy series 3 so they debit my card - send it out then charge my card again.

However Stargate series 1 and the stargate movie have not turned up yet. So they debit my card send SG1 out again and charge my card. They tell me the movie is on back order and so it will go when in stock. 2 days later they debit my card send it out and chareg my card.

Of course with every debit and charge i get overseas transaction fees. and the exchange rate is getting worse too.

and I still don't hjave any of them here it after 1 1/2 months.

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