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Posted by Mountain Fan on 03-03-2004 at11:37:

Lamp Webstore - Positive, Forward-looking

Hey all,

I am greatly looking forward to improvements in the store and some new fan club arrangement.

I don't know if it is feasible, but what about a "WISH LIST" feature for the store where we could go in and pick what we wanted and send a link to our friends/family? I'm not sure how this is done other places, like for weddings and baby showers, but it would be great for the webstore and probably increase sales, if accompanied by reasonable shipping times. The only possible thing I can think of as an issue is that some people might not want you to be able to find out what you may be getting. But surely someone has come up with a workable solution for that. This is more mindless and requires less thought and coordination for us. We don't have to make a feeble attempt to remember who we told what we wanted and wind up with a mixup. Anything easier on the mind is sure to help, I seem to be losing mine already at treinta y uno!

Sorry, I tried really hard but couldn't refrain from posting this too:
My Past History:
I so far haven't ordered from this webstore (I did buy some stuff at Dogs concerts) but am getting ready to put in my first with some gift money I haven't spent from the holidays. Up to now, I have gotten friends/family to order stuff for me as gifts and have gotten them, much anticipated but late. I ordered NCT from another store related to one of the Lost Dogs members, mainly because I wanted stuff they had that the DA store didn't, but ship time was a concern of mine. Above all, much GRACE, BLESSINGS, and THANKS to J&E and anyone else associated with the store/fan clubs. I am so thankful that TST is still making music and that we can even get some of his stuff. It could really be much worse! While waiting has taught me new lessons on patience and more, we have to remember there really could be someone ordering that might really need that CD to help them quickly, perhaps even to help them through some crisis.

Posted by audiori on 03-03-2004 at12:06:


Yes, the last few years have had some ups and downs.
The websites and stores have had a lot of pressure put
on them and we've had to work under some really
bad circumstances at times.. we want things to be better.
And currently there are some changes taking place to make
that happen, but there are still some leftover problems
to deal with. We have been using the last few months, since
about November to try and remedy the problems. But as we
work on those issues, it puts us behind on others such as email.
We are almost to a place where we are caught up, but
there are still some issues with certain orders that need resolved.
Thats why if people are waiting on orders from before
February, we ask that you email us with the information.
Because we are trying to do both, get caught up and fix the past
and get together some systems that prevent some of the mistakes
and problems of the past. Which puts a strain on us
now, but for tomarrow things will improve. I know everyone
involved would appreciate some patience and a lot of

The Lost Dogs orders, were one of the last things we worked
on to get caught up. So anyone waiting on those should be seeing
them soon. That store has a really hard time keeping titles in
stock mainly for financial reasons. We order small quantities of
titles and then imediately run out and have to order more and
so on. It's not that the Dogs are not as popular as DA or the 77's,
it's that there are less products to order in that store. We have found
that the less titles offered the less the store makes. The Unclestonehill
website is a clear example, one title, it does not make enough money
for that reason to have the online credit card transactions. It can't
afford to pay the fees.

Things are starting to be done differently, and everyone should start
seeing some major improvements. Things are looking good,
there are good things in the future.

But again, if someone has something that they have not received,
and they ordered prior to the last couple weeks, email us at
audiori@danielamos.com and let us know. If you think we are
not recieving the email, request an email receipt to make sure we
recieve it. Include a current address, it's possible ours on file has
an error. It's possible our virus blocking software might be blocking
some emails. We are trying to test that too.

j and e

Posted by audiori on 03-17-2004 at08:25:


We are trying to get 100% caught up on everything
that is still waiting this week. The Buechners and the
Horrendous Discs we are waiting on some boxes of those,
but we are shipping everything else. (If you orderd one of
those and would rather have a refund until it's here let us
know. Otherwise we will ship it as soon as it's here, hopefully

This week our DSL internet provider sent us a notice
they are ending our service on Aprl 1st. But it went out
yesterday. We are signed up with another company, but
it is a prime example of how consequences seem to go
against you sometimes. Strange that way. We have
someone comng out today to check the new DSL setup,
so maybe we can get back on track to have as much shipped
as possible.

We do hope to ship everything else that was ordered
with the Swirlng Eddies preorders this week as well.

Posted by DwDunphy on 04-12-2004 at23:32:

  Perhaps a temporary moratorium?

This may be a tough call, since the CD sales and the site have a financially symbiotic relationship...

But it might be in your best interest just to close the shops to new orders, just for a couple weeks, until all the loose ends are tied. It's hard to do that when new orders are tossed your way, but again, one feeds the other and what happens when one is temporarily way-layed?


Posted by audiori on 04-12-2004 at23:58:


We're up to date on almost everything now... we still have
to get the fan club straightened out - but we need the cash
flow to do it. (We also have DSL once again..)

We also recently found out that Buechner's is completely
sold out... we have a new printing in the works with Galaxy21.
Should just take a couple of weeks for those to be in our

Posted by DwDunphy on 04-13-2004 at08:25:

  What exactly is the thing with Galaxy 21?

Are they still in existence, is it more Dan's custom imprint for Steve and Derri now or is the label just going through downtime (and how does it affect DA/Terry)...

Just wondering if they could boot in bucks for The Eddies for the rights to a limited CBS distribution deal? Would such a thing work (or not?)...


Posted by audiori on 04-13-2004 at08:51:


Not sure exactly, not asked Dan specifically what Galaxy21's
future status is. We had just asked to buy more Buechners
and he is currently out, so we will be having some printed
with him. We need some more anyway.

The Eddies disc, I am sure Terry would like to have an
investor. If anyone is interested in that let us know and we
will get you in contact with Terry about it.
But we sent Terry and email last week on some ideas of
things we could release to help generate enough.
Waiting on his reply as to if they can be released,
who owns what, etc.

Posted by DwDunphy on 04-13-2004 at11:30:

  Well, if I could just get published!

If I ever finally get a story published or get an indie label interested in my music, I will personally invest in a production.

Now, if only I could convince "This American Life", "Tin House" or "McSweeney's" of my sincerity...!


Posted by DaLe on 05-13-2004 at10:23:

Thumb Up!

I like the NeW LooK !

Posted by audiori on 05-13-2004 at15:05:


Thanks, trying to get a little more user friendly.

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