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--- The other Mr. Taylor (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=413)

Posted by Gamgee on 05-30-2002 at11:07:

  The other Mr. Taylor

For those of you who (like me) are fans of Steve Taylor, here's a weird question: what DA/TST/SE/LD song would you like to hear Steve cover (and vice versa)?

For me, I would love to hear a Swirling Eddies version of "Cash Cow" or a DA version of "Sock Heaven." And a Steve Taylor version of "Home Permanent" or "Kalhoun."

Posted by audiori on 05-30-2002 at12:16:


hmmmm dunno, we tried to get Steve for the tribute Disc,
but it didn't happen.. sigh.. there are sooo many songs that would be interesting basically because we figure he would add his own spin on them. Maybe "Prayer Wheel"
might have been interesting..

Posted by wes berlin on 05-30-2002 at12:28:


i am thinking:

darn floor, big bite or autographs for the sick...maybe gloryhound...just so many to choose from.

Posted by ™ on 05-30-2002 at12:31:

  what happened to squinterland?

man, squinterland and everything associated has just uped and dropped off the Internet radar-

Posted by Joey T. on 05-30-2002 at16:55:


Oh, I thought this thread would be about Ojo.... Nevermind. Pleased

Posted by Andrew on 05-30-2002 at17:54:


Originally posted by Joey T.
Oh, I thought this thread would be about Ojo.... Nevermind. Pleased

I was thinking Tim the-tool-man Taylor

Posted by BigDork on 05-30-2002 at18:25:


Originally posted by Gamgee
For those of you who (like me) are fans of Steve Taylor, here's a weird question: what DA/TST/SE/LD song would you like to hear Steve cover (and vice versa)?

That would be fun to hear....

Dueling Taylors
The Twin Towers
From Taylor to Eternity

5 songs from Steve singing Terry!
5 songs from Terry singing Steve!

Let's have a cash cow burger bash!

I'd be in sudden sock heaven

BD Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I miss steve....

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