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Posted by jc on 05-29-2002 at09:05:

  yak fer ya

I don?t normally slap meself on the back, but this is DA related, so I can get away with it.
I sing and play guitar at the local jail once a month or so, and I gotta tell you it?s the spiritual highlight of my life right now.
Most of the kids there are half my age (with a few exceptions) and one said last night ?Know what I like about you?, you?re not full of sh_t like most all the others that come here.? I consider that a compliment- and told him so.
If PT Barnum could spot that sucker a mile away- people in jail can spot a phoney even farther.
I was never in the ?pokey?- but did things that could have landed me there (haven?t we all?)
Some of these kids are headed to prison, and I tell them honestly ?Look, if all it took was 100 dollars apiece to assure your salvation, I?d start a fund raiser right now for all of you? One guy said ?How bout a fundraiser for my bail??I had to get spiritual right away.
All I can do is encourage them to do what Gods telling them to do-not what me or anyone else might say. But the songs get through-you can tell

DA related?
Their FAVORITE song to hear is
?Startin Monday?
They ask me to do it every time Apparently procrastination is everywhere!

They also ask for the one with ?That list, that list of people who get to go to heaven?
I introduced ?Breathe Deep? one time as a partial list of people who qualify for Gods love and touch.
-thanks Terry, people listen

P and the BL

Posted by jc on 05-29-2002 at09:07:

  whats with the ????

all my "" marks on the last post
it wasn' me
HONEST (musta been my font when I C and P'd)

Posted by ™ on 06-04-2002 at12:42:

  I have arrived!

and should probably quit while I'm ahead-

I'm a Furry Omelette!

Posted by Woggy on 06-04-2002 at15:42:

  Cool, jc


That was a great message, James.

And ya know what? It makes me wonder at all of us ~ in our little cocooned-church-world, slapping each other on the back and doing all the good churchy things, and praise de Lawd all over the place ~ if we're doing the right thing. I mean, GO YE THEREFORE, preaching to all the world.

What you're doing in that prison will probably change more hearts than any Sunday-Go-To-Meetin' service.


Oh, and I have to get to some posting, cuz Joey and ™ have passed me up again. Can't let THAT happen!

Posted by BigDork on 06-04-2002 at16:09:


Originally posted by Woggy

That was a great message, James.

that is was.....

I'm glad this one came back to the top, I read it at work and didn't have time to respond, then forgot about it. Confused

''If PT Barnum could spot that sucker a mile away- people in jail can spot a phoney even farther.''

I've never had the opportunity to visit our jail system, but I have seen many ''down and out'' people down at the mission. It's the same there. They can tell if you’re just the run of the mill ''Religion Salesman'', or someone who actually cares for them and their well being.

So give yourself an extra slap from me! (on the back of course)


Posted by Lost Canine on 06-05-2002 at11:40:


Read this when you originally posted, but just now catching up with some stuff. I think this is awesome, and what the Kingdom is all about. You keep up the good work.

Posted by jc on 06-05-2002 at11:57:

  thanks to you all

you folks really build me up-
and I want you to know how much I appreciate that.
it DOES mean a lot to me

Posted by Gamgee on 06-05-2002 at12:03:

  Here's a real yak for you:

Sorry, just couldn't resist (even though I probably should have)

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-05-2002 at12:04:


"Yakety, yak, don't hold back."

Posted by ™ on 06-05-2002 at12:10:

  my apologies jc

I forgot in the excitement of my previous post
to mention;

I sing and play guitar at the local jail once a month or so, and I gotta tell you it?s the spiritual highlight of my life right now.

That is heart warming testimony brother. Real treasure in heaven stuff. That's what it's all about! (-not the hokey-Pokey)

Posted by Lost Canine on 06-05-2002 at12:16:


I agree with you brother. Jiminy, you are the one blessing us here.

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