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Posted by Jevon the Tall on 09-02-2003 at15:40:

  Hammer and Nails - Mark Heard

Found a great review for this album, which is a must for Mark Heard fans.

As I read the review it seemed strangely familiar, and when I got to the end realized ...

Hammers and Nails at the Mark Heard Tribute Site

To our DA boys, do you guys ask permission before reprinting the reviews you have on the DA page, or just pillage and post?

Posted by baxter on 09-02-2003 at16:21:


It is a great review, Jevon, worthy of much pillaging.

Posted by Jevon the Tall on 09-02-2003 at16:29:


Sometimes I surprise myself.

Not a scatological reference to be found. I exhibited much self control.

He was a valuable artist - gone too soon. After a decade look at how much of the stuff out there has a roots feel. Bands like Train etc, all sound like the next stage he would have been at years ago.

Posted by baxter on 09-02-2003 at16:31:


i miss him and will have to but the album and book soon.

Posted by audiori on 09-02-2003 at17:08:

  RE: Hammer and Nails - Mark Heard

Originally posted by Jevon the Tall
To our DA boys, do you guys ask permission before reprinting the reviews you have on the DA page, or just pillage and post?

If the magazine or paper is still in existance, we usually contact them and make sure its ok. We also usually include links, etc.

If its a publisher that probably doesn't exist any more, or we simply have no idea how to get a hold of them - we just put it up. If they have a problem with it they can contact us and we can remove it.

In some cases, writers have sent us their articles or reviews so that we could put them up. Brian Quincy for example has sent us a few. Another writer actually wrote us and asked us to remove his name from the article or review because the magazine had butchered what he originally wrote.

I think generally people just use reviews without asking because its promoting their product. Most labels photocopy reviews and send them out with promotional copies of their releases. In the case of the Mark Heard site, this fellas just trying to promote the book and CD to get sales for Mark's family.

Posted by Jevon the Tall on 09-02-2003 at17:21:


Thanks for the info.

I'm more than pleased to be associated with the album, and have no problem with them using the material. I just found it odd that they didn't ask. In the past I've been approached by a couple of publishers who have wanted to take reviews etc, so I was curious. Nothing much has come of those requests yet, but there was an ask.

You guys should out down some of your thoughts some day about the business and the aspects you've been involved in. Your names pop up all over the place.

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