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Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 08-08-2003 at19:23:

  Miracle Chosuke

So, you want to support Terry?

How 'bout giving his family some love?

Do you remember the sweet voice of a little boy counting to 12 then 13 on K&I? Well Andrew has moved up from The Buffalo Hills and is the drummer of the popular Seattle band Miracle Chosuke.

Go here http://www.level-plane.com/php/distro_record.php?record_id=1293 to buy it and I think you'll finally have a complete Taylor collection.

That is until Noelle makes a record.

Posted by zippetydoodaddy on 08-08-2003 at19:28:


Oh and in case you're wondering, their song, Gonk, is that short bit of modern punkyfunk that you hear as you move along the dial on Prickly Heat Part Deux.

I defy any of you to claim that you knew that already!

Posted by Ron E on 08-08-2003 at20:08:


I knew that.

Posted by Ron E on 08-08-2003 at20:09:


I'm such a liar Wink

Posted by BD on 08-08-2003 at21:19:


I knew that

Posted by BD on 08-08-2003 at21:19:


the part about Ron being a liar that is Tongue

Posted by jiminy on 08-08-2003 at21:21:


I knew that I'm such a liar.....

Posted by Ron E on 08-08-2003 at21:24:


Lying's not cool Frown God is a God of truth. Hey, is it ok to not capitalize the wnd God there, cause I don't think I'm really talking about Him, as much as "a god" isn't it?

Posted by .backs. on 08-08-2003 at23:12:


Cool info, Zipdaddy.

Many, many thanks!

Posted by dorfsmith on 08-08-2003 at23:14:


Wow, I thought that was something cut from Swirling Eddies sessions. I gotta get that.

Posted by jeffrey k. on 08-15-2003 at15:34:


Picked up the record..."the 7/8 wonders of the world"....pretty cool. Reminds me of a manic version of mid-80's DA with some Eddies, Violent Femmes, and Devo thrown into the mix. This isn't "DA junior" or a christian band, (that I could tell anyway) which is fine, but for those that might want that, this isn't it. Anyway...it's pretty cool...pretty weird...and Terry's son is a darn fine drummer.

jeffrey k.

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