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Posted by One Weigh Street on 04-10-2003 at14:41:

  Hey Tim!

Did you ever ask Terry about a Surfonic part 2, or why there will never be another one?

Posted by tchandler on 04-10-2003 at15:17:

  hey, one weigh

i haven't had a chance to ask terry, but i'm reasonably sure that it just didn't sell enough records to make the record company weas...i mean execs, happy. if it had done well, they would've made surfonic2 a long time ago.

Posted by Mark on 04-10-2003 at15:23:


It's sad if it didn't sell well. That was one DA related CD that they actually had a big display for in the Christian bookstore here in town. It seemed to get a bigger push than most other DA related CD's.

Posted by joey on 04-10-2003 at15:30:


it's one of my least favorite tst related products.... Red Face

Posted by Mark on 04-10-2003 at15:31:


Maybe that's because the boys didn't play or sing all the songs?

Posted by joey on 04-10-2003 at15:33:


too many wussy ccm bands on it.... Red Face

Posted by Mark on 04-10-2003 at15:34:


That is true. There were a couple of other good songs though. I'd have to look at the track listing, but the Stonehill song was good.

Posted by joey on 04-10-2003 at15:36:


yes.... i didn't say it was total crap....
just one of my least favorite tst related products....
which means it's still good! Big Grin

Posted by One Weigh Street on 04-10-2003 at15:50:


Originally posted by Mark
It's sad if it didn't sell well. That was one DA related CD that they actually had a big display for in the Christian bookstore here in town. It seemed to get a bigger push than most other DA related CD's.

I saw the display too. I thought the songs were great, and I thought the concept was brilliant. I lent it to my buddy. He liked it so much that he bought one for himself and his brother. I got a copy for my niece for her birthday. she plays it all the time.

I think with songs like "Into the Deep", "A Good Sailor Knows", "Endless Summer Part 2", and "Wave Perfect", it comes out as one of Terry's magnum opuses.

Hey Tim, speaking of "A Good Sailor Knows", was that supposed to be Clinton saying "does that look like an iceberg to you?", during the fadeout? It sounds like a Clinton imitation to me. Is it?

Posted by tchandler on 04-10-2003 at15:57:

  hey, jim

i think that was just supposed to be a "dumb guy" voice and no one in particular--i could be completely wrong--i wasn't there when they were tracking the vocals

Posted by jollyholiday on 04-10-2003 at16:21:

  hey tim

Who do you enjoy performing live with the best (Choir / DA) and who do you enjoy (writing/recording) with the best (Choir / DA). If you've posted on this before, I apologize for asking it again.


Posted by tchandler on 04-10-2003 at16:31:

  hey, jolly

i know this sounds like a total cop-out but i've played so long with both of those bands and have such a blast in both of them, i really can't pick between the two...ok, DA because it doesn't have dan michaels in it.

(just kidding dan, it's only a joke. everyone just relax.)

gotta go for today, but i'll be back tomorrow morning if anyone wants to chat--

Posted by .backs. on 04-10-2003 at19:36:


Dan did play with DA in one Knott's Berry Farm gig years ago.

Posted by Commander Cote on 04-10-2003 at21:20:


I have a special request, but I need you to e-mail me personally. It is a DA related request. I would really appreciate it.
Commander Cote

Posted by Woggy on 04-10-2003 at22:13:


Hi Tim.

Just wanted to say that Smile

Posted by Mark on 04-11-2003 at08:35:


Hi Tim. It's always good to see you're here.

Posted by Bubba Death Machine on 04-11-2003 at08:54:

  Yo, Timmy-Dude!

Stop, like, wasting yer time in that, like, you know, grey cube!

You need, like, a gig or something, dude? You could, like, join US! You can, you know, crash in our garage! No, like, rent, even! And my moms can cook! We'll even buy you, like, a pint of Ben & Jerry's after each practice!

We'll bet that's, like, more than you, like, you know, get for playing with, you know, friggin' Terry! And we, like, write WAY better songs than those Derry and Steve-dudes! Whaddyou, like, SAY, Timmy-Dude?

But, like, don't send Berger instead. He's got, like, friggin' chops and all, but we got, like, enough inner friggin' turmoil around here! You know how bands, like, GET! Big Grin

Posted by servantsteve on 04-11-2003 at09:09:


I thought I was, like, Steve dude. Now you're referring to someone else who, like, actually, you know, has something to like contribute Steve dude. I have, like, no talent, so please don't, like, you know, confuse me with, like, Steve Hindawhatever, you know!

Posted by Bubba Death Machine on 04-11-2003 at09:22:

  Dude, duuuuude, du-hu-huuuuuuuuuuude!

You, like, KNOW, yer like THE Steve-Dude! Big Grin

We can't, like, friggin' help if that Gitalong or Hindquarter or whatever the frig his last name guy from that lam-o band's got the same first name, like, now, can, you know, WE?!?!?!!?!

Posted by tchandler on 04-11-2003 at09:25:


hi woggy and mark and bubba--

dude, the garage offer is tempting but thankfully i don't work in a grey cube. (thank you, God!!) so it's really not so bad here. (in fact, i have the best day job i could have possibly ever gotten.)

but i do kinda miss those old daysSmile

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