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Posted by Space Ghost on 02-10-2003 at23:10:

  Prickly Heat update?

So, what's the deal with the long overdue Prickly Heat project? Anybody?

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 02-11-2003 at02:10:


You mean you didn't get yours yet!?

Actually, it was travelling on a bus back from the manufacturer when the bus broke down. Everyone had to camp out in this big, red tent. A big wind came up and blew the tent and everything in it away. The bus driver, people assigned to the project and all CD copies were lost and haven't been found yet. The police and other investigation agencies are all totally confounded. The DA powers that be have called in a group of police-psychic consultants. They don't know where everything and everyone is yet, but they all agree on a series of graphic psychic images that they have all seen. They all saw a duck-billed platypus making it's nest out of the jewel cases and some bits of a red material that looks kind of "silky."

That's the latest information that has been released in the press releases.

Posted by BD on 02-11-2003 at08:49:


so they may have a little platypus poop on them when we finally get them?

Posted by postman on 02-11-2003 at09:17:


Originally posted by Scrimshaw Nick
You mean you didn't get yours yet!?

Actually, it was travelling on a bus back from the manufacturer when the bus broke down. Everyone had to camp out in this big, red tent. A big wind came up and blew the tent and everything in it away. The bus driver, people assigned to the project and all CD copies were lost and haven't been found yet. The police and other investigation agencies are all totally confounded. The DA powers that be have called in a group of police-psychic consultants. They don't know where everything and everyone is yet, but they all agree on a series of graphic psychic images that they have all seen. They all saw a duck-billed platypus making it's nest out of the jewel cases and some bits of a red material that looks kind of "silky."

That's the latest information that has been released in the press releases.


Posted by EdHead on 02-11-2003 at13:11:


I knew it! Evil

Posted by Dr Rich on 02-11-2003 at15:35:


Smile )

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 02-11-2003 at15:52:


I admit it.

I'm responsible.

Posted by audiori on 02-11-2003 at16:21:


We'll see if we can get an update on this... last we heard, we were supposed to have it last week I think.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 02-12-2003 at12:44:


I'm still responsible.

Posted by dorfsmith on 02-12-2003 at12:45:


That's why you've been hiding.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 02-12-2003 at12:48:


They've been making me go to all these committee meetings and stuff. I've hardly been at my desk this week.

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 02-12-2003 at13:49:


Today at 12:27 p.m. EST the police-psychics have released a new statement. It seems their most recent visions have been of a ramshackle nest made of the lost Prickley Heat CD's and some red silky material. The new news is that their visions had brought about a new finding that this ramshackle platypus hut is under the porch of some run down old shack.

That's not all folks, when bird boy admitted his responsibility, police squads, lead by the pychic group, descended upon his shanty and made a gruesome discovery. We now know what happened to those missing people -- the bus driver and official DA workers who were employed especially for this Prickly Heat CD project. It turns out that bird boy has been grinding their remains into a paste that he has been feeding this platypus. Upon recieving this information, animal rights activist groups from around the nation have been in an uproar.

You will all be glad to know that the CD nest has been retrieved. However, since it is evidence, it cannot be shipped to those who ordered them just yet. They must make their appearance in the trial that is sure to follow. As for the the platypus, you will be glad to know that he has been moved to Punxatawney in hopes that he may give a better forecast for the remainder of the winter season than that old groundhog, Phil. The locals have taken to calling their guest platypus "Earl". Earl is in good hands and is being well treated.

As for the remainder of the victims who have been turned itno "platypus paste," they will recieve a group burial in an undisclosed setting. The family of these people have been contacted and informed of the horrible fate that their loved one met. It is the hope of all the law enforcement agencies lead by the group of psychics that the remainder of society will give these mourning families time to grieve the demise of their loved ones.

It should be pointed out that this "Bird Boy" person is highly derranged and dangerous. If you happen to come across him, treat him pleasantly and curtiously, but do not associate with him any longer than you have to. When you have escaped his presence, call local police immediately and inform them of where exactly you encountered this madman.

More details will follow as they become available. Thank you.

Posted by dorfsmith on 02-12-2003 at14:07:


Now I see why my wife was kind of afraid to meet him Big Grin

Posted by DaLe on 02-12-2003 at14:32:


Originally posted by dorfsmith
Now I see why my wife was kind of afraid to meet him Big Grin

My wife is afraid of everybody & everything related to the DAmb, I assure her, she should be... Tongue

Posted by carl on 02-12-2003 at14:37:

  Oh yeah???

Originally posted by DaLe uReViG
My wife is afraid of everybody & everything related to the DAmb, I assure her, she should be... Tongue

Well, God told me to tell HER....

Shocked Tongue

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 02-12-2003 at15:44:


anyone want to join me as....I mean.....for dinner tonight?

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 02-12-2003 at17:25:


Originally posted by brdhsnyrsoul
anyone want to join me as....I mean.....for dinner tonight?

Hey! You plague-inducing platypus paste psychopath, you stay away from here! It's because of you that we all have to wait that much longer for our Prickly Heat CDs! And those poor people ...

You should be slapped with wet midgets until you are beat within an inch of your life, have copies of Pluto Nash stapled to your skull, forced to listen to "Barbara Streisand Sings Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits" (on repeat mode for 36 hours) and then left to lay facedown in a 4 inch deep puddle of still wet, steaming hot goat feces to think about the horror you have unleashed!

You should here what some of the other suggestions to do to you were!

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 02-12-2003 at17:43:


I should?

Well, let's hear 'em then.

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 02-12-2003 at17:58:


I'm sorry, but in deferrence to the fact that the innocent public accesses this site, I cannot subject them to such violent and perverse images and suggestions. I mean, some of these things came with illustrations!

Let's just suffice it to say that some of these people's suggestions would make Josef Mengela look like Mary Poppins.

One of the suggestions did involve Jim Muglia, a large number of lemmings, pruning shears, lemon juice and ordinary everyday Hamberger Helper. The results are too horrid to post, but I'll let it your imagination.

Posted by Scrimshaw Nick on 02-14-2003 at12:11:


originally posted by Woggy
[oh, speaking of nature, how is the platypus doing?)]

On behalf the group of police psychics, I want to thank you for your concern and inquiry. There has been a compilation. "Bird Boy" broke into the Punxetawney compound on the night of February 12. He found our beloved platypus, Earl. His intentions, as you might expect, were not benevolent in nature. He tried to strangle Earl all the while yelling that he "would take care of you ... I'll show you what you can witness to the court about me!" Earl did pierce him with his poisonous claw (yes, platypuses ARE poisonous) and "Bird Boy" yelped like a little girl and dropped Earl at which time, he scurried into his little den. Soon, the compound staff arrived to Earl's rescue and tried to wrest "Bird Boy" to the ground. He began frothing at the mouth and convulsing on the ground. Police now think that it was just a ruse to get the compound officials to let go of him. Unfortunately, the Punxetawney Compound Officials let the assailant go. They saw him fleeing in a south-easterly direction (toward Pittsburgh). Earl is fine, but obviously a little shaken up. He is being transferred to a safe house at an undisclosed location to await the time when he can testify about this madman. Authorities are scoring Pittsbugh and its surrounding areas looking for "Bird Boy."

The platypus poison will not kill "Bird Boy." But, until it is either runs its course or is flushed from his system, he will not be in any kind of state to harm or even track Earl. Police believe that his stupified state will aid them in their apprehension of this criminal madman.

There is a rumor that law enforcement authorities would like to quell until confirmation or denial can be made of the claims. A reporter, Mark Dettinger of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, asked is this "Bird Boy" is a descendant of (or in any way related to) the infamous "Birdman of Alcatraz"? At this time, we would like to say that it is an intriguing theory, but we must relate that it is at this time and unconfirmed rumor. Please do not porpogate this story as being true until we have either confirmed it or denied it.

Again, we urge you that if you have contact with this "Bird Boy," please, only interact with him as much as you need to and then get out of his presence as quickly as possible. He is dangerous, mad and now, because of Earl, in a state of delerium.

If you know anything of his whereabouts, we urge you to use the following phone number to contact the police psychics, directly. Remember, they are psychics, so they will know if you are calling to feed them false information.

The phone number is 1-800-HELP-ERL. Any information that you can provide will be very much appreciated.

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