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Posted by Captain Pedantic on 02-03-2003 at15:20:

  For those not on the DADL

This guy oofdust@aol.com is organising people who want to go part on the ebay auction and then cd-rs will be made and distributed.

About $20 is the figure being mentioned as your share in history.

This is what Audiori had to say on the plan...

(I agree with what they said and it's what tipped me over the balance to putting my $ in)

> From: kevin j hopp
> One other little thought niggling at the back of my head is
> whether
> Terry would mind us doing this. I don't see why not but...
> Townsends - any comment?
> kevin

We were kind of staying out of it, since it's ultimately up to the
bid winner. However... Terry feels that these tapes are *very*
personal... when he was making them, he didn't bother to
"redo" anything, or to do alternate takes until he got it right. He
just hit record and frantically put his ideas down as they came
to him. Because of this, he seemed very much against the idea
of them getting spread around "too much"... that's my main concern.
I wouldn't want him to feel uncomfortable about doing an auction like
this again. If copies are made, they need to be kept under control.
I would hope that everyone would agree to only give copies to
people that can be trusted to not spread them beyond the little
DADL/DAMB family. Anyone that is given a copy should be told
the same thing.

The main thing I *really* do not want to see is for these tapes
to show up for sale on some "CD remastering" bootleg page.
I think Terry would be absolutely horrified if that were to happen.
I know that none of you guys would do that - but there are people
within the DADL/DAMB/77sListserv "tape traiding cicles" that
would. Trust me on that, we've had it happen to us. We have given
a copy of something to someone, with the promise that it wouldn't
be traded, only to see it for sale months later on a "CD mastering"
site. This is *extremely* irritating and frustrating to us.

The second concern is that at least a song or two are likely
to end up as part of the soundtrack to the "making of" DVD
we're editing. We were also kicking the idea around of making
a fan club only EP available.. .it would only be a few (three or
four) songs, but I wouldn't want to see the material completely
"devalued" before fan club members received it.

(If theres a radio guy involved in making copies, he should
be told all of this as well.. I doubt very much that Terry would
want them played on the radio).

So... we're not going to tell anyone not to do this, but if it
does happen - PLEASE show restraint and keep the tapes
from going very far.

jason & eric

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