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--- The Lost Dogs in Chicago (er, near Chicago) (http://www.danielamos.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=1362)

Posted by Author of the Post on 10-01-2002 at09:48:

  The Lost Dogs in Chicago (er, near Chicago)

So I made the long drive up from St. Louis to the Chicago-land area to see Terry and the boys in concert. I drove up Friday so Saturday I wasn't rushed to find the concert site or anything. When I found the church, I pulled up about 40 minutes before the doors were scheduled to open and there were a few people already there.

One guy came up to be and asked: "Are you Eric or Jason?" I thought it an odd question at first until it hit me, "Ah, the Townsend brothers." He saw my Missouri liscence plate and thought I might be one of the mysterious Townsends.

I hovered around the front door of the church till the doors opened and I was the first to head into the seating area. So I planted myself right in the front row! There were four video cameras set up and I ended up sitting next to jeffrey k.'s (of lo-fidelity) wife who was taking photographs with 4 different cameras. We were allowed to take pics so I left my digital cam in the car (sorry, I have no pics like Big Dork.)

In the end about 130 people showed up and the small church was fairly full. At about 6:45 Not the Joneses took to the stage. It's hard to get into an opening band when you can't wait to see the Lost Dogs. They played about 5 songs and then they took a break. Then they announced a special guest. It was a member from Poor Old Lu (not followed that band, so I really didn't know who he was.) He just happened to be in town and they gave him a guitar (literally handed him one of the Not the Joneses guitars) and he played two songs. It was a little weird because he finished both songs about 2 feet behind the mic but still singing. I was in the front row and could barely hear him...hmmmm, it was interesting.

Short break and then the solo sets. Derri Daugherty started off with his solo set. He played track 3 of his new EP "Some Unifinished Songs." Great song! Order the EP!! Then he did one of my all time favorites: "Wide-Eyed Wonder." Then Mike Roe joined him and they did a Lost Dogs tune. Mike Roe did three songs and then Terry did three. Terry did "Startin' Monday," "Momma's in the Dessert, Daddy's in the Sky," and then they closed the solo sets with DA's "If You Want To" (can I say totally awesome!!)

Another break and at 9pm the Dogs came back on. Now last year when I saw the Dogs in St. Louis on the "Real Men Cry" tour, it seemed the concentrated on songs from their first two albums (which was great for me.) This concert they concentrated on "Real Men Cry" and "Gift Horse." I think I found a new love for many of these songs because on the long drive home I listened to those CDs like I never have before. The music and lyrics all hit me more, I think hearing so many of the songs live helped them connect to me more personally. Also, certain songs I never cared for much I began to like because they hammed them up and made them fun, almost making fun of the songs. You know the songs I'm talking about "Three-Legged Dog," "Bad Indigestion," and "Dust on the Bible."

They did "Real Men Cry" which they didn't do when I saw them on the "Real Men Cry" tour (weird, huh?) but they still didn't do my favorite Dogs tune, "Mark of Cain." But I really can't complain. They played for an hour and forty-five minutes!!! They did do two new songs of the upcoming album and there were plenty of antic among the boys (if you've ever seen them in concert, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.) It's just so great to see a group have fun playing a concert and not worry so much about perfection and just let the music be the music (and in their not trying to make it perfect, it is perfect--it's just organic, hard to explain.)

The set was intimate. Three stools, candles all lit in the background. It was like our own little MTV unplugged with the Lost Dogs, and the concert was unplugged. Just the Mike, Terry, and Derri and three guitars. It doesn't get any better!! I think the highlight of the concert was when they ended with "Joel" off Daniel Amos' "Mr. Buechner's Dream." That is one of my favorite track off the album and just hearing it live...it was an incredible evening. I cannot wait for the DVD!!! You'll have to look for me, because I'm sure I'll be in tons of the audience shots. There was a camera off to my left (stage right) that turned on us every time we went to applause. When it comes out, I'll tell you all where to look to see me!!

Okay, I gotta run and teach my 5 classes today. Love you all and hope you get to see the Dogs this tour...if not, buy the DVD!!! Hell, buy the DVD even if you did see them.

Gotta run!!!

-- Author of the Post

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 10-01-2002 at10:49:


Thanks, man.....that sounds like a lot of fun....I can't wait for the DVD....

Posted by bdavis on 10-01-2002 at16:56:


Obviously another great Lost Dog concert. But it really perplexes me why there aren’t 2000+ people at each concert. Does the mainstream CCM industry ignore the Dogs virtually nation wide?

Posted by Mark on 10-01-2002 at18:37:


Thanks for the info.

Posted by Author of the Post on 10-02-2002 at09:06:


I also picked up the new Lost Dogs CD (I think it was the first night it went on sale): Green Room Serenade, Part Tour. It's great. It's songs off the first three albums.

There are two bonus tracks. The first is "With Me Tonight" which they did for "Making God Smile" (so I already had it.) Then there is a new version of "Protect My Child" off of "Scenic Routes." This track alone makes getting the CD worth it, but it's all fun stuff. Make sure you go to www.lo-fidelity.com and order this CD!! Also pick up Derri's new EP while you're at it.

The people at lo-fidelity are great. I met Jeffrey K. at the concert and he's a great guy (and he's from the St. Louis area!) I think we're gonna see lo-fidelity doing a lot in the future to help get Terry, Derri, and Mike's stuff out there so support them!!

-- aotp

Posted by servantsteve on 10-02-2002 at09:17:


I clicked on the low-fidelity link and I saw he's also selling an EP from Derri Daugherty soon. Most bodacious!

Posted by Author of the Post on 10-02-2002 at13:10:


Originally posted by servantsteve
I clicked on the low-fidelity link and I saw he's also selling an EP from Derri Daugherty soon. Most bodacious!

Yes, "Some Unfinished Songs." I got that one at the concert too. Very good. Especially the third track (I never remember the names of songs.) If you're at all a Choir fan, pick this one up (I have EVERYTHING by the Choir.)

Let's hope Derri records a full-length solo album!!

-- aotp

Posted by MartyB on 10-02-2002 at13:31:


Originally posted by servantsteve
I clicked on the low-fidelity link and I saw he's also selling an EP from Derri Daugherty soon. Most bodacious!

Unfortuneately they don't seem to be on sale online yet. Hoping they will be soon, before they sell out.


Posted by BigDork on 10-02-2002 at14:03:


Originally posted by Author of the Post
Originally posted by servantsteve
I clicked on the low-fidelity link and I saw he's also selling an EP from Derri Daugherty soon. Most bodacious!

Yes, "Some Unfinished Songs." I got that one at the concert too. Very good. Especially the third track (I never remember the names of songs.) If you're at all a Choir fan, pick this one up (I have EVERYTHING by the Choir.)

Let's hope Derri records a full-length solo album!!

-- aotp

ha ha ha

like that will ever happen!! Big Grin

It would be nice, but doubtful. It took him forever to release this one.

I do like it a bunch!


Posted by Dr Rich on 10-03-2002 at15:59:


I will have to get that one Pleased

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