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Posted by flanfan on 09-28-2002 at23:41:

  Flanster - BD Disc Two

Okay, you really don't have to keep reading my thoughts. Smile

(first off, I noticed Beautiful Martyr and Over Her Shoulder are backwards on the track listing.)

And So It Goes

This disc was different than the first one. It was more serious, sometimes melancholy and more of a modern rock sound.

Highlights were:

"Pretty Little Lies" - I laughed so hard at this one. I still laugh at it.

"Small Great Things" - Okay, this song meant something personal to me. It was a great, great encouragement, that a sinner's faith is a great thing, and that little victories are big things, too. Wow. Wow. Wow.

"She's A Hard Drink" - I laughed hard. TST is a true poet.

"Flash In Your Eyes" - What's the story on Gene? It is the most touching eulogy I've heard. Deeply personal, yet an outsider can understand it. The dream of last good byes line kills me every time.

The Bonus Track - As you all said, DA is always suprising. Weird. Comments?

Overall, musically, like the first disc, it kept doing the opposite of what I thought it would do. I don't know how to explain it, but when the melody should go left it went right more than not. Also, more weird sounds and voices.

Lyrically, exceptional. The best I've ever heard ever, saying old things in a different way.

I'd have to pick the first disc as my favorite so far just because the first like ten tracks are all very good, all in a row. But that may change.

I've been sharing DA with my friends continually. They think I'm crazy.


Posted by dorfsmith on 09-29-2002 at11:52:


Great Comments. Keep sharing it with your friends. Our friends think we're crazy too. You asked who Gene was, well, Gene was a member of the lost dogs who passed away a couple years ago. He also had his own great band Adam Again.

Posted by BigDork on 09-29-2002 at12:57:


More about Gene-

Try these links, he was all over the place in Christian music. I bet you even have some albums that he worked on!

Adam Again

Lost Dogs


Posted by MartyB on 09-29-2002 at15:52:


Originally posted by flanfan

Lyrically, exceptional. The best I've ever heard ever, saying old things in a different way.

I'd have to pick the first disc as my favorite so far just because the first like ten tracks are all very good, all in a row. But that may change.

I've been sharing DA with my friends continually. They think I'm crazy.


Unless you become the exception Flanfan, I expect many of your friends will always think you are crazy for being a DA fan. I've tried sharing the music with friends and they just all look at me like some kinda wierdo for liking this music.

Glad you like though. Terry is a fantastic lyricist and I'm happy to welcome you to this crazt littel club we have here.


Posted by arcticsunburn on 09-29-2002 at17:41:


Originally posted by flanfan
Overall, musically, like the first disc, it kept doing the opposite of what I thought it would do. I don't know how to explain it, but when the melody should go left it went right more than not. Also, more weird sounds and voices.

Yes, that's what I love about DA. The weird melodies and harmonies. Like "The Doulbe" off of Doppelganger, for instance.

Posted by brdhsnyrsoul on 09-30-2002 at16:20:


beautiful craziness....

there's a method to their madness....

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